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[Bug] Note in evernote is cut off

Rainer Clodius

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several notes in my Evernote for Windows are cut off (see attached image for example: post-263678-0-32145000-1436944295_thumb.).


I am not able to scroll down to the end of the text. Even if I open that note in a different window I am not able to see the complete text. Also tried to copy the complete text with CTRL-A to a new note but that didn't help either. I'm using the latest version of Evernote for Windows ( with an Evernote Pro account.


This is a serious problem and needs to be fixed very soon. Otherwise I have to choose another product.


edited 1: I just noticed that this problem was already addressed in https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/48949-bottom-of-note-content-cut-off-in-windows-en-version-503/

edited 2: Just discovered: When I disable "Display context" in the Evernote options, the complete note is correctly displayed. But of course this is only a (bad) workaround.

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