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Can Access to Internet Affect Display of EN Desktop Apps?

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Can Access to Internet Affect Display of EN Desktop Apps?


While I have not experienced this myself, I have seen number reports of EN Mac and EN Win usings having problems with viewing all of their notes properly.  The below user reports an issue related to the Evernote app trying to connect to the site evernote-a.akamaihd.net.


The user reports that when disconnected from the Internet, Evernote works fine.  But when connected, some Notes are not displayed properly.


ATTN Evernote:  Do the EN Mac and/or EN Win apps try to connect to evernote-a.akamaihd.net?  If so, what is the purpose?



Hello I have this issue for a very long time (since last year).

The circumstance is like this : when I completely quit evernote, then start it, it will show your last viewed note, and when I switch to another notebook , every notes from every notebook it blank, I'll have to wait several minutes then the context of those notes will show.


I try to solve this problem by reinstall downloaded version or reinstall it from app store , both English version and Chinese version. Didn't help.

Then I found something , everytime when my wifi is off, evernote works properly, no problems at all. Once I connect to the internet, the problem might shows (I ofen travels, so the network I'm using is not always the same).

Then I realize this might a network problem (Evernote might need to connect the some websites to do something, and the network I'm using is causing Evernote not work properly ). Then I open wireshark and see what evernote would do if it starts, the I found this URL "evernote-a.akamaihd.net " .  Then I changed my hosts (/etc/hosts) file . added the following line " evernote-a.akamaihd.net" , and the problem solved ! !


PS: I can connect to this URL evernote-a.akamaihd.net ( ping test ).

OS: MAC OS X 10.9.5, rMBP 2014 mid

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