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Notify all the shared note partners of Update by Email but no need to key in any email addresses

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Is it possible to notify all the shared note partners that I have updated the note by the way that system delivers emails to all of them without key in the email addresses?

It will be nice to have a "Notify" icon, after I press it, it will let me write a little comment, after pressing "Send" in the comment frame, then the update notification will go to all the note's partners' emails.  

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  That's a good suggestion,  and probably will be popular with anyone who shares content with others,  but I can see a couple of drawbacks too - 


Emails sent via Evernote tend to have a 'no reply' generic address as the source and will likely be killed by a lot of spam filters.  Offering this feature would require a sea-change in the way Evernote processes emails,  otherwise it would be a little hit and miss...  and


Misuse by users would likely get Evernote in even more trouble with people who don't like too many notifications,  and might devalue the content provided.  People might stop using the shared notebook because of perceived 'spam' new content notifications.


You might want to consider maintaining a list of people with whom you share notebooks in a note,  or in your email client as a group,  and offer an opt-in service to email when new content is available...  more work,  I know,  but it adds value to your content and is just generally good PR...

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