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Color Coding different stack and Sub Folder for notes in note book ( Mac)

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Hi i have some suggestion to make organizing stacks and notes better. 


1. There is lack of feature to color code the different stack that i have created.


This will make it easier for end user to identified different stack if we could associate it with color

and i believe it could improve user experience as we are able to associate different stack with the color we like. For Example i want to color code more serious stuff with mellow color, while happier things and life with bright color. 


2. Secondly i have huge amount of notes in my note book and it is hard for me to keep tack of all of it.

So i think by allowing user to group different notes within the note book

would help us to organize massive amounts of notes that we have in our note books. 


Best Regards


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  • Level 5*

Suggestion raised before,  but not yet actioned.  Meantime EverRegHack was a way to highlight different types of notebook - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/41705-everreghack-colors-for-notebooks-names-in-evernote-5-for-windows/  Unfortunately the download link now seems broken.

It's possible to do some things with note templates and an EML editor to set up background colours - see Chris Mayo's shared notebook on this for more...  https://www.evernote.com/pub/mayo-christopher/public#st=p&x=color&n=249f04ad-d143-4979-96a8-55d084d3c5ef

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