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(Archived) Web Version To Dos

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So, what makes a to do note? I see that with the desktop version, I can use the trusty old Ctrl+Shift+C to insert a checkbox (how I already miss having a checkbox place to click on the notebar). But when I synchronize a note with the web version, I see:


With the web version, I can see that this note is in the "not completed" category. However, I don't see any checkboxes, or even an ASCII equivalent, e.g., [ ]. How can I check something off? How can I create a new checkbox item?

Secondly, if I check off both boxes in the desktop version of the note. And then make sure it's synchronized. And then go look at the web version....Then, the note is *still* in the Not Completed category. Huh?

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(and for the record, I miss the printed notes headers and footers -- I wish they'd be made toggle-able!)

In 3.0, there is the ability to override print/email/export template, by placing custom template files into the directory where Evernote was installed into. This option will not be officially supported or promoted, so this is to power users, as with tweaking registry.

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