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"Read-only Access: You cannot edit this note ...


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Whenever I boot my computer (Windows 7 32-bit), a box appears on my desktop saying:

Read-only Access

You cannot edit this note

because it is in a read-only

shared notebook. 

[Request Editing Right]


As far as I know, I have no shared notebooks.  (I have in the past, but not anymore.)  How do I track down the offending note?  How can I identify a shared notebook?


I'm using (276127) Public -- the latest -- with "Enable beta features and updates" turned on.  Thank you!



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I do not use shared notebooks and after being asked to upgrade my Evernote clients to " (276127) Public" I now get the same pop-up appearing upon boot (Win7 x64) when the first sync takes place.


Opening and closing Evernote from the tray icon clears it. This did not happen before and now happens on every machine that has " (276127) Public" on it.


I would suggest that this is actually more of a "bug-not-a-feature thing" because for the life of me I cannot see what use this feature would be. Why would anyone want a "feature" that tells them that they cannot edit a note they have not selected, in a client they have not opened, for a shared notebook they do not have?


Is this a bug with a hidden Evernote window?


Can anyone point me in the direction of a trusted repository of older Evernote clients so I can downgrade?


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  • Level 5*

The phrase 'feature not a bug' was reserved (IME) for those annoying glitches that are,  basically,  bugs.  While they're really annoying,  they don't actually stop the app being usable.  In this case (if you read the discussion I referenced) there seem to be a couple of work-arounds that might stop the pop-ups.

  1. Right-click the Evernote icon in your system tray,  choose Options and UNtick "sync in background".  Remember to sync manually.
  2. Notebook permissions not syncing properly  - find a shared notebook and change the permissions back and forth.  Kill the share and reshare with different settings.

It can be difficult to identify shared notebooks - click the Notebooks heading in the left hand window of EN Desktop and look for icons in the note titles.


If you really want to downdate to a previous version,  there are several good archive services...



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Apologies, I missed the nuances of your comment about the "feature". I was feeling a tad exasperated as this is not the only application "update" that has caused me problems in the past few days. It just gets to me where an update appears to cause more problems than it solves when "undocumented features" (the term I often use to describe what you described :) ) come to light.


With regards to suggestions others have made: Turning off the sync seems to pretty much undermine the main feature of actually having the Evernote client running and I don't need to go hunting for shared notebooks because I have never had any. Thanks for the pointers anyway.


A hidden window revealer showed me that Evernote is still open on the desktop but invisible when it is "minimised" to the system tray icon and the "Read Only" dialog appears about where the main search dropdown above the Note List is located. I am wondering if delaying the running of Evernote until my system has settled down a bit as Windows loads may help.


Thanks for the list of older client versions.

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  • Level 5*

Hi - seems to be one of those feature-not-a-bug things that we get from time to time. 

Evernote are aware,  so a permanent fix should emerge at some point...


What nonsense.  If it's not a bug, why does it need a fix???

Using language like this serves only to further frustrate people who are actually experiencing the BUG.

Your response sounds like a reaction that all too often comes from a developer who doesn't want to admit his/her mistakes.

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Okay this is what I did :


I went to the Announcements and read all of them. Then I rebooted, and voila, there are no more "Read-Only" notifications.


Kinda suspect that the Announcements might be that "Read-Only" notebook that you cannot edit. Still, whatever the cause, it's still a bug. PLEASE FIX !!

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Okay this is what I did :


I went to the Announcements and read all of them. Then I rebooted, and voila, there are no more "Read-Only" notifications.


Kinda suspect that the Announcements might be that "Read-Only" notebook that you cannot edit. Still, whatever the cause, it's still a bug. PLEASE FIX !!


Out of desperation I tried this.


I had to show "Announcements" in the Left Panel first because I do not have it shown by default. Anyway, it didn't work for me. Still getting the message.......

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One of my machines had recently been imaged prior to this notification bug / undocumented feature. I restored the image (with the 5.8.8 client in it) and there was no "Read-Only Access" notification. I have used the machine over several days and despite numerous reboots the warning never appeared. I then let Evernote upgrade to 5.8.13 and "voila" it was back upon the very first reboot. So this IS definitely a bug that has crept in since 5.8.8. (or crept back in if you look at some of the older posts)


Bug reported - "Your issue has been assigned support ticket #1147039"

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Okay this is what I did :


I went to the Announcements and read all of them. Then I rebooted, and voila, there are no more "Read-Only" notifications.


Kinda suspect that the Announcements might be that "Read-Only" notebook that you cannot edit. Still, whatever the cause, it's still a bug. PLEASE FIX !!


Out of desperation I tried this.


I had to show "Announcements" in the Left Panel first because I do not have it shown by default. Anyway, it didn't work for me. Still getting the message.......



Seems to have worked for me across all machines (desktops, laptops etc.) once I've read the announcements.

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  • Level 5*

For those looking to identify shared notebooks, this app helps: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/41705-everreghack-colors-for-notebooks-names-in-evernote-5-for-windows/. Read the whole thread to see the small issues that have been raised with it. You may need to re-run the app after each install - you will know that you do when the colors of the names of your notebooks are all the same.

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The bug has been identified and will be fixed in the next release. It has nothing to do with whether or not you have a shared notebook. The popup didn't check if the window was visible - and when the program starts, the window is not, hence some initialization code hasn't run yet. This only happens when you have Evernote start at login and have sync enabled in the background.

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In my computer this window with the message about read-only appears on the screen when I first started the computer.

I have Evernote and some other programs I always use in autostart.

But when everything is started it's gone. I have to restart three times to get a screenshot.

And it's lying, no readonly. I can do everything I will do with my notes and notebooks.

It's irritating but since it doesn't effects the usage Evernote I'm hoping it will be gone with next update.

I have 5.8.13

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Does anyone know if there's a fix in sight for this bug? It's super annoying!! :(


As I posted above, the fix will be in the next release. (It is in the current beta, 5.8.14)

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Does anyone know if there's a fix in sight for this bug? It's super annoying!! :(


As I posted above, the fix will be in the next release. (It is in the current beta, 5.8.14)



My apologies, I didn't see your response...

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