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Can you share a notebook for a fee?

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I've been thinking about offering my blog readers access to some of my notebooks. Does anyone know whether or not Evernote would allow you share your notebooks in exchange for a small fee? Compiling and organizing the information in my notebooks has been a huge amount of work on my end, so I'd hate to give my time and effort away for free. I searched through the Terms of Use and Guideline docs but couldn't find anything related. I know of a social media blogger who charges something like $19 for access to her Workflowy notes.... Same idea... Just wondering if it's against Evernote rules... Thanks!

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I'm still a little fry online, so it wouldn't be that labor intensive.

I see your point though that it could quickly become a pain to have to manually enter in email addresses to share the notebook. Even more of a reason to want to charge a bit for the access I suppose.

Hmmmm. Now you got me thinking!

Thanks for the link... I read through the guidelines already but couldn't find anything related to my question.

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Why not create a PDF Ebook from those notebooks via a 3rd-Party Evernote app and sell that? Just a little extra effort and you can make it a tad more presentable and feel good about selling it.

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  • Level 5*

Ah - now you're into e-book territory and maybe selling through outlets like Amazon,  and Evernote won't care how you publish your final work because collating data for publication (IMHO) is one of the things Evernote is meant for.  Improving the final presentation means maybe using MS Publisher or Word or (Frank originally found this one) FastPencil https://fp.fastpencil.com/ to impose some style and layout.


Good Luck!  Please come back with a link to your eventual portal when you get this going...  :)

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I understand that Evernote notebooks can better be updated with no need for a re-publication than an e-book... but consider this:


Some people who sell e-books offer a free "lifetime" thing with their e-books. If someone has bought a specific book at any point, the author sends them subsequent editions for free. In order to do this, you're going to need to have a game plan to collect emails at the time of the purchase. You'll need to look into that... but the obvious benefits are massive: collecting a list of customer emails (automatically) to send them updated editions is a whole area of marketing in itself. You may want to draw on the same email list for promoting any similar/ related future books. That effort would be invaluable. 

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