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Create "Add Link" from help files.

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I have created many successful links with no problems, using Ctr K, or manually editing. Now I'm trying to create links using the links to "Help Files". I acquire the link using the properties icon in various programs.. What ever "Help File" program I might be using, I do not always get a successful link using Ctr K, or for that matter manually doing and edit. Listed below a couple of things I tried.

I probably used a bad example, selected with the Default selection mode option in Preferences, since the phrase reflects a statement that seems to be part of the issue. But it's just a statement to be copied into Evernote

The actual link is:

Default selection mode .


The actual text copied to Evernote.

selected with the Default selection mode option in Preferences


1. Capture text: selected with the Default selection mode option in Preferences

2. Right-click using properties on the above link capturing the following link:


3. Use CRT K to create a link within Evernote using mk:@MSITStore:C:\!SW\UTY\Opus\Help.


Has anyone else tried to do this with success?


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