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Support pages come up in wrong language


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Whenever I do a Google search for help on Evernote, the Evernote support pages come up in Italian. I don't have this problem with any other search results, it's just the official Evernote support pages. The Google stub is in English, but the target page is being redirected to a Italian page. For instance the link to https://evernote.com/webclipper/guide/  ends up at https://evernote.com/intl/it/webclipper/guide/

Evernote itself is in English OK.

I can change the language on each support page easily enough, but it's a bit boring having to do it for every page.



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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  Do you have Italian set as a language on your system?  Evernote pages will (or should) recognise where you're from by your settings.  I guess location might also apply - are you in Italy?

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Evernote itself is OK, it's just the Evernote support pages which are always Italian - whether called from Evernote Help Menu or from an external link.


I changed Evernote from the default US English to UK English, in the hope that it might nudge the support pages, but no luck.


I did live in Italy a few years ago, but English has always been my default language for all software. I have an Italian dictionary installed for MS Office, but that's all I've done regarding Italian language.

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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  You could try to reset your Windows language preferences to something other than English,  restart and then change back again,  but otherwise I can't think of much else to suggest other than if you're a premium user you could reach out to Evernote with a support request after logging in here > https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action

Premium / Business users also have access to a Chat option (7am-7pm PST weekdays) - click 'continue' on the support page after logging in.


-or reach out on Twitter @Evernotehelps (include the forum thread URL for extra background)

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I have found out that this problem only occurs with Chrome. With Firefox or Internet Explorer  if I type in ""https://evernote.com/intl/it/contact/support/".


I have cleared all cookies from Chrome, but no difference.


In my Windows 7 Locale everything is set to English UK.


It suggests a problem with Evernote Support webpage which is specific to Chrome. I've looked at the source code for the Support home page, but there's nothing obvious.

I guess I'll just have to live with it.


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Thanks btobin - you were right.


The reliply page showed "Accept Language en-GB,en;q=0.8,it;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.4".


I moved "en-US" in front of "it", and I now get English Evernote pages. It seems they only recognise "en-US" and not other English variants.

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