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My habit of entering dates in Office with Alt-N-D deletes my EN Notes


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I know that entering the date in EN is done with Ctrl-semicolon. (Actually, it enters date and time. Is there a way to enter just the date without the time? If so, please let me know.)


However, in all my MS Office apps, I enter the date by hitting Alt-N-D in sequence. It's a habit ingrained in me from years of usage. And I can't seem to break the habit of sometimes doing that in EN in an effort to enter the date.


But doing that in EN deletes the Note.


Is there a way to avoid that problem by somehow changing the way those keystrokes behave in EN at the user level?


(Yes, I know it goes to Trash when it's deleted, but it's still unnerving when some of these Notes have a lot of valuable information and countless hours of work in them, and all my machines auto-sync.)







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  • Level 5*


You might try a keyboard macro util like AutoHotKey or PhraseExpress to see if you can set it up to properly honor your preferred shortcut of ALT-N-D.  If not, maybe you could find a new shortcut that will work across all apps.  I think most of these have trial versions.


I use Keyboard Maestro on the Mac to do this very thing:  Use the same shortcut across all apps for features I use a lot.

Of course, KM can do much more than that, and I make good use of it.

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However, in all my MS Office apps, I enter the date by hitting Alt-N-D in sequence. It's a habit ingrained in me from years of usage. And I can't seem to break the habit of sometimes doing that in EN in an effort to enter the date.


But doing that in EN deletes the Note.


Is there a way to avoid that problem by somehow changing the way those keystrokes behave in EN at the user level?

No. You are invoking the menu accelerator keys (these are not customizable, unlike the HotKeys).

In Word, Alt+N selects the "Insert" ribbon tab. N selects Date&Time (you can see the accelerators when pressing Alt).

In Evernote, Alt+N selects the Note menu and D select Delete.

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  • Level 5*


Thanks for the clarification.  I had  forgot about the "menu accelerator keys".


So the OP could still use a KB macro, but would have to choose a different shortcut key to trigger.

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