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search randomly fails


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example I am searching for this note. NAPA 15  2010 Chevy HHR 3GNBAADB4AS546731. Using EN version and earlier versions. If I search for 546731, nothing appears. I am using the search box at the top of the page. The <CTRL> F rarely works for me. The search is successful when using ios devices.

When I search for "NAPA 15" on WIN 7 it is found!

I am searching serial numbers for recall information when I discovered this flaw. I have come across similar issues in the past too. 



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  If you search the forum you should find several previous explanations - Search doesn't find parts of strings, only the start;  so 3GNB should get a hit,  any other part of that specific string won't.  It's not a bug,  more of a feature...

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Yes I found this works. The search for "546731" works with iphone & ipad. My goal wasn't to find all the vehicles that begin with 3GN but the specific vehicle that ends 546731. I could have entered the whole serial number and found it too.

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  • Level 5

If the last 5 digits are important, you can make them searchable.

First find all the notes that contain NAPA and then 


1.) Force a space before the 5 digits. 


3GNBAADB4AS 546731



or if the complete # (VIN number) is important


2.) Copy & Paste a copy of the # under the original and add the space to the duplicate #

3GNBAADB4AS 546731
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