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pasted text dont appear 100%


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After I paste text from web into a note sometimes the last part of the text is not displayed on the screen. I also saved the text from web, copied into a Word docx document then copied from there and pasted into an Evernote note: the same result. The missing text is there but not displayed. It is cut. If i simplify formatting the it appears but I don't want to simplify formatting in all cases. The stranger part is when the missing part does not appear after simplifying formatting. I tried to copy the missing text in the note but won't display the missing part or will paste some empty characters. Each time I paste text from web I need to check the whole pasted text if the last part is missing or not.


An other similar problem appears when I paste text from web and I try to add a tag to that note and after I added the tag the end of the note will be cut. I need to click on other note and come back to last created note to see the whole content of it.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Next time you notice this,  please make sure you have a URL for the clip so you can come back later if necessary,  write note down the name of the note somewhere to have another look at the content in an hour or so.  I've had this happen a few times,  but although it's not available immediately,  the 'hidden' content always shows itself next time I go back to that note.

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