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(Archived) Sequence for Installing Web and Windows EN3b

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I think there is a specific sequence one has to follow to get the installation working.

  1. [*:132b8]Make an account on the EN3 web site. As far as I can tell, you can’t create a stand-alone database on the web site.
    [*:132b8]Download the Windows code, install it, start it, and create a new database. During the installation process you will be queried for your web site account and password. Thus, you had to start with the web site in step #1.
    [*:132b8]Synchronize. This synchronization pushes the local Windows database notebook up to the web server. Now you have a notebook on the web service.
    [*:132b8]Go to the EN3 preview web site. Now you can look at your notebook that you synchronized (pushed up) from your PC.

Fellow EN3 Beta-tester allanstarr confirms this is the sequence he used.

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