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How to create a new Notebook while saving a Note?


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I’ve just started using Evernote for personal use and we may be interested in a business subscription if this works out. I see two areas already on my wish list if the ability is not already there.


Browser plug-in:

I want to add an article from the Internet to Evernote. I use the plug-in to added it but at the same time I want to create a new notebook category for this page. From the plug-in I don't see where I can create a new notebook on the fly in which to add it. I click save and then Evernote opens a box with the web page inside it.


From there...

I try to create a new Notebook to save the article but it only lets me pick from existing Notebooks in the drop-down list so I let it use the ‘default’ location. Maybe it should prompt me. Also, there is no Save/Close button so you just have to know to click the ‘X’ on the box to complete the process.



I have to go to the Evernote Windows Application then create the new Notebook I wanted to do above. Then move the saved article from the 'default' location to the new Notebook.


This seems like a lot of steps. Couldn't this process be streamlined? Maybe I’m just missing the step on how to create Notebooks on the fly?

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  • Level 5*


I can understand that you first start using Evernote, you might like to create Notebooks on the fly via the Web Clipper.
However, I suspect that this need will soon pass as you get your Notebook organization established.
Consider this:
  1. There is a limit of 250 Notebooks, so one needs to be judicial in the creation of new ones
  2. It would be easy to enter a new NB that is really a different spelling of an existing one, or just a different name for the same thing (like "Car" vs "Auto")
  3. As you get your NB structure established, and have clipped a number of Notes, you will be amazed at how often the EN Smart Filer will choose the right Notebook
  4. Many people prefer to clip everything into a "Inbox" notebook, and then sort it out later when time permits
  5. A number of articles, blogs, and posts have been written on Evernote organization, and most suggest using fewer Notebooks, and establishing the Stack/Notebook structure early on.

I'm at 13K+ notes now, and almost never need a new Notebook.

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Thanks for the reply. I agree as time to goes on I won't need to create new Notebooks since I'll have categories for various things. In this case I was gathing information for plants so wanted to create a Notbook for Gardening for these sort of notes. Now that I manually created one, any future related articles will have a Gardening Notbook. Still would have been nice to create it on the fly though.


I'll continue to read up in articles, blogs and posts on uses of Evernote as I go on.


Thank again!

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