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Keyboard shortcuts missing when installed Evernote on PC

San Diego Barb

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I'm not sure why I need to install Evernote on my PC when I can just use it online, in a browser, so that's my first question. 

I did install it, and almost immediately uninstalled it because, after installing it, I couldn't use keyboard shortcuts, which I need to use constantly.  (I'm referring to Ctrl+z = undo, Ctrl+s = save, Ctrl+v = paste, etc.)  This was happening in whichever program I was in.  Can anyone explain this?  Much appreciated!!

  • Level 5*

Hi.  Short answer - the installed version has more features than the web option,  and saves a copy of your database to your local hard drive so you can see and edit your notes without an internet connection.  (Evernote does need an internet connection if you log out and then want to log back in).  The main attraction of a local copy of your database however is that otherwise your database is saved on someone else's computer,  possibly in a different country,  and if you don't have an internet connection it's pretty much unreachable.  If you want to be extra cautious it's also a good idea to keep backups of your database somewhere.


Keyboard shortcuts are supported in the installed version - https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#!/article/23168552 


If you had just installed EN Windows it was possibly downloading a copy of your notes from the server and therefore less responsive that it should be.  Once installed,  give it some time and then open the window and check the note count in the left pane.  Once that matches the total in your Web account you;re good to go.

  • Level 5*

I did install it, and almost immediately uninstalled it because, after installing it, I couldn't use keyboard shortcuts, which I need to use constantly.  (I'm referring to Ctrl+z = undo, Ctrl+s = save, Ctrl+v = paste, etc.)  This was happening in whichever program I was in.  Can anyone explain this?  Much appreciated!!


I'm not sure why the shortcuts you mentioned quit working after the EN Win install.  These are all Win OS built-in shortcuts that should work across all apps.

AFAIK, EN Win does NOT install any shortcuts that would override these system defaults.


Is it possible that you also installed other apps/updates in the same time period?

Have you tried a restart of your PC?


Most people (but not all) people prefer the EN desktop apps (EN Win and EN Mac) because they offer offline access to your Notes, and have many more features than the EN Web client.  EN Win stores all your Notes on your local hard drive, which allows you to make a personal backup, which I highly recommend.  Don't depend on the Evernote Cloud as your backup.


Good luck and let us know how it goes.


We have a WD MyCloud, with two drives (for redundancy) on our home network, and pretty much all of our files are kept on those, not on the hard drives in the PCs. 


Is there a way to have EN Windows (when installed, say, on my PC) backed up there, rather than in my PC, for security? 


(I really WAS assuming my files were forever safe being in EN's cloud!!)  Thanks so much for this help!

  • Level 5*

There's no automatic backup for EN Windows - the easy way to backup your database is to copy this folder - C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases - to another location,  like your local server.  Depending on how the server 'presents' itself on your system - like just another HDD at W:/ - it may be possible to move your database storage to the server.  See Tools > Options > General  where you can change the location of your database.  Network drives aren't supported though,  so backup your database before you try that,  and be prepared for it to crash Evernote if you move it and then log out / back in.  


With the database on a different drive Evernote will not start/ will have trouble starting if that drive is not available.  Best advice is;  backup your existing folder,  don't move it.


More on backups - https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#/article/23186097

  • Level 5*

We have a WD MyCloud, with two drives (for redundancy) on our home network, and pretty much all of our files are kept on those, not on the hard drives in the PCs. 


Barb, if you want to store the EN Win database on your WD MyCloud, you can probably do so using symbolic links (symlinks).

Note, while I have used symlinks on my Mac, I have not done so in Windows.  It should work, but you should probably do more research to familiarize yourself with symlinks.  You can do a Google on "windows symbolic links".  Here is one article I found:


Complete Guide to Symbolic Links (symlinks) on Windows


Basically a symlink allows you create a pointer file or directory on your main hard drive that points to the real file/folder on your MyCloud device.

Evernote should think the DB is on your local drive.


Since I have NOT tested EN Win using symlinks, I can't guarantee it will work.  If you decide to try this, be sure to backup your EN Win database first, and then make regular (at least daily) backups after you have setup the symlink.


For any EN Mac users who are reading this, here's a great thread on using symlinks with EN Mac:

How to Store EN Data Folder on External Hard Drive


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