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Bug Report: A Note Kept Shaking Itself


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  • Level 5*

What versions of EN Win and Windows are you running?


You may want to submit a formal bug report here:

Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG:  " to make it clear.  Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners.  Other Ticket types available to Free users are "Data Loss", "Crash", & "Sync Issue".

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Thanks for replying.


I cannot fire a bug through the link you gave me. The link redirected to a Chinese version of it which didn't included the option "What can we help with?".

And the link still redirected to a Chinese version even after I changed to English.





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  • Level 5

This happens occassionally on my Windows Evernote account. It has occurred over many of the previous versions.

Evernote is aware of this, but the shaking problem continues.


There is a work-around solution. Manually adjust the width of the image by just a few pixels. The vertical bar is difficult to grab, but keep trying and once you successfully grab the vertical bar move it just a tiny bit and the shaking on that image will go away. 


The problem will occur again on a new note eventually. When it happens, adjust the width and it stop shaking.

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