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surface 3 pen on Evernote

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  • Level 5*

Have you tried creating an ink note,  or using Skitch?  Another stylus user in Windows was told that Evernote wouldn't accept stylus input in that OS;  don't know whether that applies to Surface too...

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Here's how I use my pen with my Surface Pro 3.


First I use the "desktop" version of Evernote. My understanding is that the touch or "Metro" version isn't particularly wonderful. There is a beta touch version being worked on to prepare for Windows 10.


For an inknote, hold down on the small arrow next to the "new note" button and you can chose an ink note, which you can record hand written notes in. 


I much, much prefer to use the stylus to convert my handwriting to text. To me this is final format I want almost all notes in. To do that:

  • Open a new note
  • Tap where you want to begin typing: title, tag area, or note body all work
  • Then look at your windows bar, do you see a keyboard icon? It looks like this: post-87997-0-09565100-1431894173_thumb.j
  • Tap that and in the lower right hand corner you should tap the same icon again and then select the stylus input option which looks like this: post-87997-0-50669500-1431894173_thumb.j
  • Once this is done, you can begin to write in the black box and everytime you hit insert that text will be inserted into your note as text. 

Will the stylus do everything in the desktop version it can in other software? No! It won't scroll through the text of a note, you'll have to use the stupid skinny slider bar. But it can be used to take notes in a very efficient manner. 


Skitch is not easy to get to from the desktop version. If you know you will be taking a lot of notes that will include drawings, begin in Skitch and then send your notes to Evernote from Skitch. 


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