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startup screen asking evernote-level


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I recently upgraded to version on Windows 7 pro. Here, the terrible popup comes every time you startup evernote client.



Trying to force me into a paid version off course. Ok, select it, Basic. then:


"YOU HAVE CHOSEN BASIC." popup screen with all non-information of what I can do (and do for a few years already, as if I didn't know that).


How to get rid of this? Without a paid version?  Is Evernote finally showing it's ugly face :wacko:  and forcing users into a paid version?

If so: I will have to cancel my account, looking for an alternative.






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I too see this every morning after I turn my PC now. If this isn't fixed I'm going to look for something else, and this kind of intrusive and aggressive advertising strategy is most certainly not swaying me towards paying.

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I found an older version of the windows client,5.7.2. from http://evernote.software.informer.com/download/

So de-installed evernote from laptop, installed this older version, and the problem is gone.

Don't update your evernote anymore (disable check for updates/automatic update).


Stupid that Evernote is doing this, they make the same mistake as many companies: give something for free and then make you pay if you really like it. AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGH.


I HATE that!!!

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  • Level 5*

That note popped up once when I updated,  and I hit the red X in the top right corner to kill it.  No more recurrences...


All users should be used to there being the odd (sometimes very odd) glitch after updates.  There's no conspiracy here to strongarm anyone into paying for membership - Evernote themselves say you shouldn't buy more features than you need,  and a big chunk of their 100M + users are free users.  I don't see any major issue in them trying to get new paid-for accounts if it helps to keep the lights on - anyone remember Springpad?


If you get a problem after an update,  just submit a bug report by choosing "report a bug..." in the first dropdown after logging in here> https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action

Premium / Business users also have access to a Chat option (7am-7pm PST weekdays) - click 'continue' on the support page after logging in.
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I also find this new "feature" inconvenient. I would like Evernote to remember the level I select instead of suggesting paid options at every startup of the software.

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