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add Text Sorting Feature



I really want a vertical text sorting feature inside Evernote notes. If I have a vertical list of names, I'd like to be able to sort them in alphabetical order for example. I'd like to be able to highlight the list and the with a Control/click pop up menu select a Text Sorting feature. Thanks!


An example might be this:


Warren Worry

Alex Ready

Bob Bender


I want to be able to highlight that list and via the text sorting feature sort the list vertically in alpabetical order so that it becomes







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  • Level 5*

Hi.  This is a much-requested feature,  but Evernote haven't shown any signs of implementing it yet.  My guess (emphasis on g.u.e.s.s.) is that if you introduce this one simple feature,  how about numerical sorting?  And character styles?  And paragraph styles?  And page layout?  All of which leads towards MSWord style nested menus for all the complicated document layout functions that clutter up the screen - which ain't good for mobile devices (some of whose users would undoubtedly want the extra functions in iOS and Android...)


I think sort is the thin end of a very large wedge - and it's easy enough to do already if you copy and paste your text into something like Word,  then sort and paste it back...

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