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Spell Check (F7) Not Working

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Suddenly my F7 shortcut key has stopped opening up the Spell Check tool. I have verified that it is not an error within my computer by confirming that it still works in all other programs. It is only occurring in Evernote. This is a very important issue for me. I use this key constantly as I am a very poor speller. 


If this is not the appropriate place for this question please re-direct me. I have searched the web and it seems I'm alone in having this issue.



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You might want to try a re-install or an upgrade to the latest pre-release. Might just do the trick. If you'd prefer to wait for the next public release, I recommend installing the free PhraseExpress in the interim, which will auto correct for you too wherever you're typing.  

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Ah my mistake. I forgot to mention that my F7 shortcut is working on my installed version but not on the web version. I recently started using the web version as it makes it easier to switch between online lectures and my notes.


Also, thank you for the PhraseExpress suggestion. I am looking into that right now!

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Ah my mistake. I forgot to mention that my F7 shortcut is working on my installed version but not on the web version. I recently started using the web version as it makes it easier to switch between online lectures and my notes.


Also, thank you for the PhraseExpress suggestion. I am looking into that right now!


I don't think that the F7 spell check is supposed to work on the web client for anyone. What will happen is you'll have misspelled words underlined in red, though. 

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5*

Check and see if you have a Dict folder in your EN data base folder.  I had the same issue and added the folder and a put a backup I had of the user.dic file in it.  Problem solved. 

It would appear for whatever reason this build doesn't add the folder, not sure if it is a universal issue or not.


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  • 1 month later...

Evernote's help page says to go to edit and spell check is available there. However I do not find anything about spell check. Is spell check no longer available? This was a very good feature.

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If I understand correctly the F7 key no longer works for spell check. It was nice because if it appeared as the word was spelled incorrectly that you could save the word. I do see the red lines under the word but then you have to look up the word to see if it's been typed correctly and change the word accordingly. Some things I save clip have very unusual spellings. It would take me forever to check all of the spellings to make sure that the word is correct. If the F7 spell check has been removed from Evernote's last update it's a big mistake!

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Ronikay said:

I do see the red lines under the word but then you have to look up the word to see if it's been typed correctly and change the word accordingly.

You can right-click on the word and options will be presented.  Misspelled country in the below.


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  • 1 month later...


Spell check stopped working for me (the 'as you type' feature) months ago. I've been researching, uninstalling and installing... nothing seems to work. It's a total mystery for me.

It's a very important feature for me, and having to use other software is very inconvenient and a waste of time. Specially since when this EN feature was working on my Windows PC, it did very well indeed, even more taking into account that I use more than one language.

I'm hopeful somebody could help me out with this.

I really miss it.


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  • 6 months later...


Same for me. Spell check is not working for months and even after one hour debug session with one of Evernote's engineer, they couldn't tell what the problem is.

I'm very disappointed that such a useful feature, a basic feature for an editor is missing.


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  • 7 months later...
  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Mortii said:

+1! Spell checking not working anymore, and I used to be able to copy custom spell files into the Dict folder, and now nothing works.

Short form: F7 hasn't been used for spellchecking for awhile. How to trigger spellchecking is unclear; seems to be done in the background, but the red squiggles don't appear until you cursor to a line containing a spelling error. Also, the Dict folder thing was also removed at the same time, a consequence of the editor framework that Evernote uses. There's no longer any user editable file to add new words; everything must be added via the right-click menu on words that are marked as misspelled. For more information, see the following post (and following posts):


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