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Shared Notebooks - Issue on Recipient Side

Christine S.

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My manager has shared a notebook with me using the Work Chat function. I can access the note when I click on her message in the Work Chat section of Evernote. However, I was under the impression that once I opened it, it would then appear as one of my Notebooks, and this doesn't seem to be happening. I'm relatively new to Evernote, so not sure if there is an extra step I'm missing or if I just don't understand how it works. I've tried searching for the answer, but mostly just see the steps needed to actually share the workbook vs. what needs to be done by the recipient. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

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  • Level 5*


Shared notes (not notebooks) can only be accessed from Work Chat. You can copy it to a notebook, but that's now a copy - not the original (changes won't sync).


At the top right corner of the Work Chat thread, there's a paperclip with a number next to it - that is all the attachments in the thread. That can provide a quicker way to access the note (no need to scroll up the thread). 


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