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Evernote premium accounts should be able access multiple premium accounts without login/out



Evernote premium accounts should be able access multiple premium accounts without login/out


Right now I share notes from one account to another account if I want to have access to notes from both accounts simultaneously. Evernote client requires me to log in and out.


It would be nice if Evernote allows at least premium subscribers to accounts to have both accounts open in Evernote without logging in and out. We are paying for multiple accounts.


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Evernote may take that on board as a feature request - meantime:  have you looked at Evernote Business?  It not only provides everyone with a premium account,  but there's also a 'shared library' system that means you can share your work with others using the same system with minimum effort...

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Hi.  Evernote may take that on board as a feature request - meantime:  have you looked at Evernote Business?  It not only provides everyone with a premium account,  but there's also a 'shared library' system that means you can share your work with others using the same system with minimum effort...


Yes, thanks for the tip, I didn't have a chance to see exactly what the Business edition offers, but I've seen the demo now. It's interesting and useful. I am trying to get our company to use Evernote, however, without success so far. I have a few colleagues using it though, but armed with the additional info after seeing the demo maybe I get a chance to pitch for this solution for our company. Since I am avid an user of Evernote, it would be win-win for myself because I would also save the $60/year I am paying for one of the accounts I use for work  ;)

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