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Setting reminders

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It would be a nice touch if the date selection dialogue when setting reminders had a "today" or "tomorrow" button. And/Or had today's date highlighted.

Also, it would be a nice touch if there were a "feedback" section inside the Android app, so I wouldn't have to manually log in to a support Forum website with two-factor authentication just to give app feedback like this.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Thanks for the first suggestion - it's been raised already,  but Evernote don't (normally) comment on such things unless/ until they release an update.  The second already exists (kind've) - EN > Settings > Technical Support will open a lot of resources which may help resolve queries;  and you could submit a bug report for anything that remains outstanding.  I suspect they avoid a formal feedback process (other than this forum) because with 100M+ customers,  you'd need a whole departments to manage the comments...

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