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Default formatting and Alert for specific items within a note

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Dear Colleagues,


I have two different questions.


1. Is it possible to select the default formatting (default font and size ) while the new note is being created?

2. Is there a way to create a notification/alert for specific line items with a check box? For instance I need an alert for 2 line items at 9 AM and for other 3 line items I need an alert at 12 noon.


Thanks in advance.





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#1. To change the default font/ size: Tools > Options > Note (Windows Desktop)

  • This changes the default font type and size... even across all pre-existing notes (which were originally created in the default settings without having subsequently been tampered with. 

#2. Nope... but you can check out a 3rd-party Evernote app called Swipes. They extract the checkbox items of your choosing across certain notebooks or tags (or manual) and consolidate them on one interface.

  • At the time of importing, you can choose to create an "action list" of all items grouped together in one Evernote note. You can't set individual reminders for these
  • You can also choose to extract the checkbox items from an Evernote note to the main interface, in which case you can set individual reminders for each of these

If you'd like to keep everything within the Evernote app itself, you'll need to make use of the Reminders list and create your individual tasks in separate notes (note titles), thereby allowing you to manage multiple reminders, one for each item in the Reminders list.


If for some reason you don't like the aesthetics/ dynamic of the Reminders list, you can still create separate notes for each item and integrate with the Gneo app. Notes show as tasks. They have a notebook/ note/ tag dynamic, built especially around Evernote. Notes can take on attachments, etc. A nice find if you're an Eisenhower Matrix fan (Important/ Urgent). Oh... and they have reminders.


Personally, what I like to do, apart from whatever to-do app I'm using, is to dictate my reminders via Siri into the iOS Reminders app. Lightning fast. There is an Android solution through the Google app and Google now, where you can speak out your reminders. 

  • Incidentally, a beautiful Calendar app called Sunrise Calendar, can integrate with Evernote and plot your time-specific reminders on your calendar. It also integrates with your Google and iOS Calendars among many others, integrates with iCloud (for iOS reminders too), Trello, Basecamp, etc. Basically it consolidates all your time-sensitive stuff from almost anywhere of significance and juxtaposes everything on one interface. Brilliant!
    • A great reason to create individual notes/ reminders for your tasks in Evernote. You get to automate it all and see your reminders plotted on a calendar. Better spatial arrangement.
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  • Level 5*

For point 2, if you don't want individual notes per @Frank or you want a more aggressive reminder than EN provides,  you could try a free service called FollowUpThen.  FUT will send you email reminders at prescribed times.  FUT also facilitates (read workaround) for recurring reminders in EN.


After you have signed up for the service, each time you want a notification you send an email with a subject of the notification and an email address of the time.  You can also paste a note link in the body of this email and click on it when the notification arrives to go to the specific note.


It is a bit of extra work, so I only use it for notes where I want to get a real interrupt, and an email is a real interrupt for me.  Being a one reminder per note kind of use case limits the usage as well  Here;s a visual example of how it works.  FWIW.:





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