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Exporting all notes from a notebook appears very buggy


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I would like to regularly export all my notes from my various notebooks and keep them on Gdrive or a backup drive.  Nice plan but no cigar.  About 50% of the time this seems to fail somewhere in the process.  I have about 10 notebooks and a total of 5000 notes.  I select a notebook and select Export file in Enex format.  It begins to do the export but will often stop somewhere in the process and simply hang there.  If I close it out and try it again it does the same thing and stops at exactly the same note eg: note 933/1055.  In the past I was told that it was due to a corrupted file or note somewhere in the notebook and Evernote support gave me some instructions to fix the problem.  However, this happens on such a regular basis that exporting my notes has become an unreliable method of backup.  I realize that there are other backup methods but I like the concept of being able to export all my notes as an enex file.  Has anyone else had this problem?  I'm wondering if this may be due to the fact that I am using the previous windows version of Evernote (  

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I had the issue a while back, before the 4.6 version that you are currently using, but not for a long time.  Long enough I don't remember what I did to fix it (or if I just reran the export and it worked).  At that time I had more issues with imports not completing.


Anyway, if it were me I would either

  1. Try and find note 933 and do Ctrl-Help - Fix Current Note, or
  2. Rebuild my local data base.  

The second option is a bit more complicated if you have local notebooks, but should give you a clean database.

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  • Level 5*

Is your export purely for backup?  Windows conveniently keeps all your information in the Databases folder at C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases and it's a lot faster just to copy / zip that folder somewhere safe in one operation.  Whatever works,  though...

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I think that the database file (user.exb) would be helpful if you wanted to reconstitute evernote entirely on a new device or in case of some disaster.  I've always liked the secondary backup of the enex files in case you lost specific notes or a notebook and wanted to restore those very easily (has actually happened to me twice).  I even use a third method ie: I backup all my attachments within Evernote and store those elsewhere.  This may sound compulsive but over the years I've been "saved" once or twice by all of these methods.

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