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Evernote 6.0.8 Continuing to Appear in App Store after download

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I download each new version of Evernote immediately.  In November 2014, the App Store had the same Evernote version appear 11 different times, on new days, AFTER I downloaded it.


The last 30 days I have been asked 5 additional times to download the current version.  Who is pushing this out?  Apple or Evernote?  File attached of most recent App Store screenshot.


Also, is there a way to delete a download version I've already downloaded from the App Store display?


Thanks and kind regards,


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I'm not aware of any other reports of problem similar to this - unless someone can chime in with alternative suggestions,  it may be better to download your updates from Evernote.com to avoid recurrences.  

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Thanks.  I actually do download the same version, time and time again.  I always check my current version before beginning the download process.  As a best practice, I update all my applications at least once each week, usually more often.  These additional download opportunities all came AFTER I already downloaded and installed v6.0.8.  You can read my installation date below each Evernote icon.

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  • Level 5*

I do not consider downloading all applications once a week as a best practice.


I see no benefit in this, and in fact often a new update/release will bring with it new bugs that might impact your workflow.

So I do NOT ever update an app immediately after it is released.  I wait at least a week, and often much longer, to see if there are any user reports of bugs/issues that might impact my workflow.


Both the DirectDL and the Mac App Store provide for notifications when a new version is available.  So, in most cases, there is really no need to continually check for updates.



Thanks.  I actually do download the same version, time and time again.  I always check my current version before beginning the download process.  As a best practice, I update all my applications at least once each week, usually more often.

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Thanks for the responses and the interest.  I truly appreciate it.  Please let me mention/clarify that I do not haphazardly download everything that comes my way, but a new OmniFocus update, or 1Password update seems generally a safe bet; or an OS X security update.


But I feel the point is being missed.  I bought my first mac in February 1984.  I've never had an update that has already been applied keep insisting that I need to update it.  


Every other app I have ever owned since the App Store became available doesn't insist I need to download it after I have previously downloaded and installed it.  And there is no option to delete updates that appear automatically in the App Store.  It is either an Apple issue or an Evernote issue... but there is a problem.  Since it only occurs with Evernote, that is why I reached out in this forum.  Thanks for your patience.


PS:  Preference in Evernote are selected to NEVER check for updates.  These are all initiated by the App Store.  But something in my new iMac is communicating to the App Store that I don't have the update or there are issues as stated in the previous paragraph.

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