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Copying image from Evernote into Gmail doesn't work, but if I paste into Word and then Gmail it works. Explanation?

Carlos Cadu

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I recorded my screen (http://goo.gl/u3CKWF) showing I couldn't copy an image from Evernote and paste it into a Gmail e-mail body.

However, I did paste the same image from Evernote into Word, then I copied it and pasted into Gmail. It worked.

Is it possible to copy and paste and image direct from Evernote into Gmail?







  • Level 5*

If this behavior is repeatable, then I'd suggest that you Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG:  " to make it clear.  Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners.  Other Ticket types available to Free users are "Data Loss", "Crash", & "Sync Issue".


Thanks for info on submitting bugs.

Before submitting the bug, to double check I tried again to copy an image from Evernote and paste into Gmail. Id didn't work.

Do you know at least if it is possible to copy/paste an image into Gmail? Or it is an Evernote shortcoming?

  • Level 5*

It's a Windows thing more than anything else - moving emails between Outlook and Evernote or -as in this case- pics from EN to Gmail often requires an extra step.  Copy/ paste a pic to your desktop and then drag into Gmail and it works fine.  Copy and paste direct just doesn't.  Other apps like Word also can provide the middle step.

  • Level 5*

Sounds like more of a Evernote thing than a Windows thing to me.

If you can copy/paste images from other apps into Gmail, but not from Evernote, then that means Evernote is NOT putting the image on the Clipboard properly.


I'd call this a bug.

  • Level 5*

I just tested copy/paste of an image from EN Mac 6.0.6 to Gmail in Chrome, and it worked fine.

Sorry, I didn't have time to test with EN Win.


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