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I use Evernote to store a lot of stuff so I tend to rely heavily on the search function. One thing bothers me though. Is there a way to let Evernote jump to the page where it found the searched item? I now open the pdf and search again if it is a larger document but I suppose there has to be  a better way?



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  • Level 5

You are correct - two searches are required if the notes are lengthy.


1st - use the Evernote Search field to find all notes that contain the search term

2nd - search within the individual note to find all mentions of the search term


My solution is to avoid creating large documents. The vast majority of my notes are one page (web captures) or two pages (scanned documents). 


I have a few lengthy PDFs (instruction manuals, for example). But I seldom need that information, so the 2-step search is not a problem for me.


If I had to create a lengthy document in Evernote, I would split it into small sections (chapters) and use multiple notes.

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