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vim to edit notes on ipad / geeknote on ipad


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Hi there,

my target is to edit Evernote notes with a VIM editor on the ipad.

My main question is, if anybody has managed to get this working and how.

For further information:

I heard about geeknote which enables this, but it is a command line client in Python.

This works fine on my mac.

As my Ipad is Jailbroken/Cydia runs on it, I'm able to install a terminal and Python. But the install script of geeknote gives several errors. I'm not mentioning them here because I think they will be endless, one solved next comes up.

So if somebody has managed to get this working I would appreciate some recommendations. I think this maybe only working if somebody has made a geeknote Ipad package for Cydia or similar.

Installing everything from hand - as I tried now - is as said a never ending story...

As said my main issue is, that I want to edit Evernote notes with Vim on Ipad .... the way there, I don't care.

Thanks for help!

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