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Search does not find newly created notes

CC Wells


I created a new note by scanning a receipt.


On the receipt, I have handwritten the number 500725.


I named the note RECEIPT__500725.


I renamed the scanned receipt attachment RECEIPT__500725.


If I enter 500725 into the search box, I expect to find this receipt - either by the Note Name, the Attachment Name, or the handwritten content (which I realized has to make a round-trip to Evernote's OCR Magic before it will work) - however the search returns 0 results.


Surely the Mac Evernote client isn't so broken as to not be able to find a new note by its name?

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I created a new note by scanning a receipt.


On the receipt, I have handwritten the number 500725.


I named the note RECEIPT__500725.


I renamed the scanned receipt attachment RECEIPT__500725.


If I enter 500725 into the search box, I expect to find this receipt - either by the Note Name, the Attachment Name, or the handwritten content (which I realized has to make a round-trip to Evernote's OCR Magic before it will work) - however the search returns 0 results.


Surely the Mac Evernote client isn't so broken as to not be able to find a new note by its name?

In Evernote, words are consecutive letters, numbers & underscore. Everything else is a delimiter. Evernote does not search for random occurrences, only words or the initial part of a word. So you will not find this note by searching on 500725. If you change the note title to

receipt 500725

then you will be able to find it when searching on 500725.

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  • Level 5*

I created a new note by scanning a receipt.


On the receipt, I have handwritten the number 500725.


I named the note RECEIPT__500725.


I renamed the scanned receipt attachment RECEIPT__500725.


If I enter 500725 into the search box, I expect to find this receipt - either by the Note Name, the Attachment Name, or the handwritten content (which I realized has to make a round-trip to Evernote's OCR Magic before it will work) - however the search returns 0 results.


Surely the Mac Evernote client isn't so broken as to not be able to find a new note by its name?


Remove the underline characters from your names, use a space instead, and your search should work fine.

Evernote searches for WORDS, not characters.  So characters within a word will not be matched by your Search text.

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Hmm. The "Evernote searches for WORDS" doesn't pan out in my tests. See below, but first:


The Evernote iOS app does exactly what I expect, which is find the note when I search for 500725. 



Some searches I tested:



Expected to match part of an email address in a business card, but didn't. If I expand to the full domain, it matches (think blueparrotcorp.com), but the string in the business card is the full email address, like somebody@blueparrotcorp.com)


Matched the word "Come" in an article clipped from the web, did not expect this.


"New York"

Expected to match "New Yorker" and did


I guess overall, what I expect is to match the string of characters as entered, perhaps "preferring" results that are whole word, but not ignoring something with 3 (three!) possible targets to match.


I see plenty of examples of partial word (i.e. character) matches.

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  • Level 5*

Yeah, EN Search is confusing.


If you just type unqualified text in the Search box, EN appends an implied * to each word, meaning that it will find Notes with words that START with what you entered.


So, if you entered "New York", without the quotes, it should find Notes that have words that START with "new" AND START with "york".  This includes Note Content, Titles, and Tags.


This is why I use and rely on Tags and Title keywords rather than just plain text search.

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