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"Create a table of contents note" broken?


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I have not been able to create  a table of contents note on either my home, Windows 7 PC, or at work on a Windows 8 machine.


I have installed the latest updates of Evernote on both PCs, but still get no response once I click on the button "create a table of contents note."


Any suggestions?


Thank you 

  • Level 5*

Latest release ( works fine for me...

  • Level 5*

Weird, works fine for me as well, Windows 7 though.  Have you tried cycling your machine?

  • Level 5*

When you create a TOC note,  nothing dramatic happens - you see your selected notes still selected,  and the 'create...' menu still visible,  but if you check in your All Notes notes list,  you should see a new note,  created in the last minute,  containing your TOC.


At work on the Windows 8 PC yesterday, I finally saw the Table of Contents note in my All Notes list, as you predicted. I am hoping to repeat this at home on my Windows 7 machine. I guess I'd missed it. Thanks for the pointer!

  • 3 months later...

Once the table of contents note is created, does any body knows how to uptdate it. I mean, I add more notes and I want to recreate the TOC buy automatically. Thanks for your time. Saludos!

  • Level 5*

Your options are to redo the entire TOC by selecting ALL the notes again, or pasting the note links of any new notes into the existing TOC.  No recreate option.


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