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Evernote for Mac 6.0.6 Released



Our official release notes are:
Various bug and stability fixes including search improvements.
New features include:
  • Presentation Mode Auto-Layout - Divide your presentation into multiple slides with a single click.

The search improvements in this version require reindexing notes.  Indexing allows for faster searches. Depending on how many notes you have, this may take some time and could impact performance temporarily.
The unofficial release notes:
The following are more detailed notes on what we fixed and updated.
1) We spent a bunch of time on search.  We put some fixes in for Spotlight Search and advanced search.  Also a number of Asian character search issues have been fixed.  We also spent a lot of time trying to reduce the CPU impact of indexing.  I received one report from a customer who was having performance issues and he told me 6.0.6 has fixed his issue.  I don't know if all performance issues have been fixed by 6.0.6 but my hope is that performance issues that were caused by heavy indexing will be greatly improved.
2) We improved our attachment infrastructure and made it more reliable.  This might not be entirely obvious from everyday use but sometimes there would be sync issues and other problems because of the old attachment infrastructure which have now been fixed.
3) We also fixed a number of crashing bugs and continue to work on the highest impact issues.  If you crash and see a dialog when you start Evernote please send us this information.  Sending us your crash reports via that dialog allows us to count the issues that people run into and I prioritize the issues to be fixed based on the number of people being impacted.
We'll be monitoring the forum but if there is something new that has cropped up in the 6.0.6 release specifically please reply to this thread so it's easier for us to spot and reply.
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I have got the message on my Mac that there was a new version so i installed it right away.

Now Evernote is not working anymore. I don't get any notes or other stuff that is related to my account. It is completely empty


I've installed it again, but no results.


The notes are still in my account. I see them on my ipad

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Our official release notes are:
Various bug and stability fixes including search improvements.
New features include:
  • Presentation Mode Auto-Layout - Divide your presentation into multiple slides with a single click.

The search improvements in this version require reindexing notes.  Indexing allows for faster searches. Depending on how many notes you have, this may take some time and could impact performance temporarily.
We'll be monitoring the forum but if there is something new that has cropped up in the 6.0.6 release please reply to this thread so it's easier for us to spot and reply.  I'll post more details about this release in a bit but wanted to get this up right away to anchor 6.0.6 issues.



Unhappy face :( In another thread you said the search visibility on half screen would be fixed... I was so excited for this little change and restructuring of space.. 


If I search in notes... I guess its kind of ok...


But if I search inside a notebook it is not okay...


How am i supposed to search or click in that box...


Sure clicking the little two arrows right and then the tiny white block that pops up, enables me to type what I want... (Not intuitive - Figured it out somehow, by just trying to type... (Does not create an expanded search bar, etc.)


But its a real mish-mash cramped up solution...


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  • Level 5*

That whole toolbar design is a great lesson in how not to design. It's a shambles, a mixture of icons, text, drop downs, buttons. The inconsistency makes it hard for users and the lack of configurability makes it even harder for the user to fix it themselves.

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I just want to report on my update experience from Ver 6.0.5 to Ver 6.0.6 on my Test MacBook Air (2011, 13-in, 4GB) running Yosemite 10.10.1.


So far, it has gone very smooth.  It was fast.  Even though it gave me the popup warning about reindexing, I have NOT noticed any high CPU or memory usage (per Activity Monitor).  All of my previous 12K+ Notes were immediately available.  The progress bar for reindexing took less than 1 minute.


I did a test edit of a good size (471KB, 7,500 char) Note, and it responded well without any lag of any kind.  This lag (reported by others) was one of my biggest concerns.  But I'm not seeing it even on this relatively low-powered MBA.


My other big concern, in fact my biggest concern, is sync.  Fortunately I can report I am not seeing any sync issues on this Test MBA, with both Ver 6.0.5 and 6.0.6.  Before my ver update, I sync'd Ver 6.0.5 that added about 100 Notes and it took only a few minutes (unfortunately I forgot to time it).  Is there an easy way to get the time for a sync from the Activity Log?


So now I will begin more extensive testing, but so far, so good!




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  • Level 5*

That whole toolbar design is a great lesson in how not to design. It's a shambles, a mixture of icons, text, drop downs, buttons. The inconsistency makes it hard for users and the lack of configurability makes it even harder for the user to fix it themselves.


I agree.


Please see this comparison of toolbars between EN Mac and Outlook Mac.

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Can't Read Shared Note Without Evernote Account -- Unacceptable


Just updated to EN Mac 6.0.6, and AFAIK you can't share a Note except via Work Chat, and the recipient can't view it without an Evernote account.  

  • This is totally unacceptable
  • I don't want to chat, I just want to share a Note
  • The recipient doesn't want (and will NOT create) an Evernote account -- they just want to read/view the Note as simply and quickly as possible.

Here's a screenshot of the recipient's email notification:



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@JMichael: Note Menu - More Sharing -> Email a Copy...


Thanks Jack.  I knew about that option, but it is NOT the same as sharing.

With sharing, the recipient always has the latest update/version -- not so  with email.


Please respect the wishes of many, many of your users, and decouple sharing and Work Chat, and make shared Notes and Notebooks like they used to be -- visible in a web browser without Evernote, with an option to add to your (the recipient's) Evernote account.

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  • Level 5*

Bug or Design Flaw:  Insert of Horizontal Line Adds Extra Blank Line


Ver:  EN Mac 6+  (maybe 5.7+)


In Ver 5.5.2 and prior, when you add a Horizontal Line (CMD+SHIFT+H), the Evernote editor worked very well, inserting the line just above the current line.


Now it adds a BLANK line and the HL above the current line.

It like it is inserting HTML "<BR><HR>"


This is NOT a rendering issue.  Notes created/updated with Ver 5.5.2 view properly in Ver 6+ with respect to HL.


The current (Ver 6+) behavior is NEVER what I desire.  For those rare cases where I want a blank line prior to the HL, I can add it manually.  As it is, I am having to do an edit EVERY time I add a HL.


Please fix this.

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I have got the message on my Mac that there was a new version so i installed it right away.

Now Evernote is not working anymore. I don't get any notes or other stuff that is related to my account. It is completely empty


I've installed it again, but no results.


The notes are still in my account. I see them on my ipad


I have the same issue - HELP!!

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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Sync Fails for Notes with Only Added Images -- RESOLVED (see below)

Ver:  6.0.6

Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.1


I just added images (no other changes) to three Notes using EN Mac 5.5.2.

When I sync another Mac running 6.0.6, the changed/sync'd Notes do not appear.

But when I quit Ver 6.0.6, and reopen it, the Notes appear without doing a sync.


Other notes where I make text changes do sync properly, as well as web clippings (Chrome).


======= EDIT =======


OK, I've done some more tests, and the issue may not be sync as much as display/update of the Evernote 6.0.6 screen.


My Test:

  1. On Mac #1, Ver 5.5.2, added an image to a Note, and sync'd
  2. On EN Web, verified updated Note had sync'd with EN Cloud
  3. On Mac #2, Ver 6.0.6, did a manual sync
    1. Note did NOT show up on my Side View Note list, sorted by Updated Date, Descending
    2. Clicked on column header for Updated Date to change to Ascending, then clicked again to go back to Descending
    3. Note from #1 now appears at top of list
    4. Switch to Snippet View, and the thumbnail of the new image does NOT show
    5. QUIT Evernote
    6. START Evernote
    7. Now Note from #1, at the top of the list,  shows the thumbnail

So, it appears to me that there is some type of screen update lag with Ver 6.0.6, not while typing, but in response to a sync.


======== EDIT:  Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 6:00 PM ==========




The sync/screen update is now working as expected.  As soon as I sync a Note with an added image, the list view (all types) are updated and the thumbnail is shown.


I believe the issue is that for a short period of 1-2 hours after the update to Ver 6.0.6, Evernote continues to reindex or do other work in the background which delays the immediate update of the List view.


At the very least, the popup warning should advise the user of this, as well as being included in the Release Notes.

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I've installed it again, but no results.


The notes are still in my account. I see them on my ipad


Edwin, not sure what happened here.  Can you try signing out and signing back in to see if that fixes the issue.



Cute & Paste with mouse or keyboard shortcuts does not work within notes


AJ_Asia, I've never seen copy and paste fail in the note editor using 6.0.6.  Does anyone else see this issue?  I believe there may be a Yosemite issue with Copy and Paste getting lost but not sure.  I don't think this is an Evernote issue.  Try rebooting your computer and see if this fixes the issue.



@JMichael: Note Menu - More Sharing -> Email a Copy...


Thanks Jack.  I knew about that option, but it is NOT the same as sharing.

With sharing, the recipient always has the latest update/version -- not so  with email.


Please respect the wishes of many, many of your users, and decouple sharing and Work Chat, and make shared Notes and Notebooks like they used to be -- visible in a web browser without Evernote, with an option to add to your (the recipient's) Evernote account.



JMichael, I don't think you could share notes in 5.5.  You could only share notebooks.  You might be thinking of the Share Public Note feature which is still there. Just click on the drop down next to the Share button and select Copy Public Link.

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Our official release notes are:
Various bug and stability fixes including search improvements.
New features include:
  • Presentation Mode Auto-Layout - Divide your presentation into multiple slides with a single click.

The search improvements in this version require reindexing notes.  Indexing allows for faster searches. Depending on how many notes you have, this may take some time and could impact performance temporarily.
We'll be monitoring the forum but if there is something new that has cropped up in the 6.0.6 release please reply to this thread so it's easier for us to spot and reply.  I'll post more details about this release in a bit but wanted to get this up right away to anchor 6.0.6 issues.



Unhappy face :( In another thread you said the search visibility on half screen would be fixed... I was so excited for this little change and restructuring of space.. 


If I search in notes... I guess its kind of ok...


But if I search inside a notebook it is not okay...


How am i supposed to search or click in that box...


Sure clicking the little two arrows right and then the tiny white block that pops up, enables me to type what I want... (Not intuitive - Figured it out somehow, by just trying to type... (Does not create an expanded search bar, etc.)


But its a real mish-mash cramped up solution...




Thanks for screenshot.  That definitely illustrates the problem nicely.  Got it. 

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BUG REPORT:  Sync Fails for Notes with Only Added Images

Ver:  6.0.6

Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.1


I just added images (no other changes) to three Notes using EN Mac 5.5.2.

When I sync another Mac running 6.0.6, the changed/sync'd Notes do not appear.

But when I quit Ver 6.0.6, and reopen it, the Notes appear without doing a sync.


Other notes where I make text changes do sync properly, as well as web clippings (Chrome).



JMichael, Thanks for helping us test.  I can't reproduce the issue you're seeing.  Here's what I tried.


1) I've created a couple of blank notes using 5.5.  

2) I click the sync button on 5.5 to make sure it's synced.

3) I open Evernote 6.0.6 pointed to the same account and I click the sync button.

4) I see the 2 notes I created appear.


I then tried this with some images and it also worked for me. 


Does this always happen for you?  If this happens again can you check the Evernote website to make sure that it uploaded and synced with the service.  If it doesn't appear on the website then the issue is with the 5.5. sync and not 6.0.6.

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  • Level 5*

@Marcus:  Thanks for your testing  and response.


I have updated my bug report in my post #16 above.


As you will see from my new test, I verified the update/sync of Ver 5.5.2 with EN Web.


Yes, this is happening consistently.



JMichael, Thanks for helping us test.  I can't reproduce the issue you're seeing.  Here's what I tried.


1) I've created a couple of blank notes using 5.5.  

2) I click the sync button on 5.5 to make sure it's synced.

3) I open Evernote 6.0.6 pointed to the same account and I click the sync button.

4) I see the 2 notes I created appear.


I then tried this with some images and it also worked for me. 


Does this always happen for you?  If this happens again can you check the Evernote website to make sure that it uploaded and synced with the service.  If it doesn't appear on the website then the issue is with the 5.5. sync and not 6.0.6.



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Thanks for screenshot.  That definitely illustrates the problem nicely.  Got it. 





Also the Tags are also compromised... It is harder to see in the half screen screenshot... So I drew a blue line to indicate the cut off point... You cant enter more tags or edit them.




So Its the tag cut-off issue on half screen.. And the previously mentioned Search, bar cut-off. (previous attached image)

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  • Level 5*

BUG or Design Flaw:  Side List View Sort Order and Direction NOT Shown

Ver:  6.0.6

Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 & Yosemite 10.10.1


There are two very significant issues with the Side View UI Design:

  1. The field being sorted by and the sort direction is not shown
    1. Please see example screen shot at bottom of how to make it better
    2. The Sort Direction is shown, but barely visible, after you click on a Col Title
  2. The List Column Titles are way too small -- too hard to read
    1. There is plenty of room -- no need to use such a small text size


EN Mac 6.0.6 Side List View Screenshot





Here is a mockup as an example of how you might improve the usability and readability of the List views.

  • Note that even for the Snippet view you could include the clickable Sort fields.
  • By changing the color and making bold it makes it easy to see which field is used to sort on.
  • The up/down arrow is much more visible/readable than the caret currently used.


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  • Level 5*

This bug, reported in Ver 6.0.3 has NOT been fixed in Ver 6.0.6.

Pleeeeeease, fix this bug.  I use this feature many times a day.



Posted 17 December 2014 - 12:03 AM

BUG REPORT:  Using CMD+ to Increase Font Size Changes All Text to Same Font Size


Expected/Previous Behavior:  When you select text that contains different font sizes and press CMD+, all text is increased by one point size.  Thus, text with different font sizes prior to this action will still have different font sizes.


This was working properly in EN Mac 5.5.2.

For details see:  https://discussion.e...ion-even-worse/

I can confirm this bug running:

  • EN Mac 6.0.3 DirectDL
  • Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.5


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  • Level 5*

The following bugs were reported in Ver 6.0.5, and some of then go back a long ways.


@Marcus or @Jack, can you please comment on whether or not these bug have been fixed in Ver 6.0.6?


Posted 18 December 2014 - 12:30 PM

BUG REPORT:  Outstanding Bugs


Except for the last one, the following bugs were previously reported in prior versions of EN Mac, and have NOT been fixed in EN Mac 6.0.5 DirectDL running on Yosemite.  Click on the "Bug Report" link to see the original report.


Date Reported


04 Dec 2014

BUG REPORT:  Search Operator "any:" Ignores "notebook:" Operator

29 Nov 2014

BUG REPORT:  False Detection of Note Edit

14 Dec 2014

BUG REPORT:  Recent Search list item for "intitle:" Searches is Not Named Properly

17 Dec 2014

BUG REPORT:  Using CMD+ to Increase Font Size Changes All Text to Same Font Size

 18 Dec 2014  Ver 6.0.5

  BUG REPORT:  Right-Click on Attachment Header Does NOT Show Proper EN Menu Items


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Thanks for screenshot.  That definitely illustrates the problem nicely.  Got it. 





Also the Tags are also compromised... It is harder to see in the half screen screenshot... So I drew a blue line to indicate the cut off point... You cant enter more tags or edit them.




So Its the tag cut-off issue on half screen.. And the previously mentioned Search, bar cut-off. (previous attached image)



Yup the toolbar above the note that contains that tags could be improved.

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  • Level 5*

Yup the toolbar above the note that contains that tags could be improved.


We really need some way to easily display all Tags assigned to a Note.

My preference is to show ALL tags assigned to a Note on the main Note window, without any addition actions need by the user.

This could be easily accomplished by auto-expanding the Tags field to auto-wordwrap and auto expand the number of lines needed to show ALL Tags.


Clearly, if the User assigns a lot of tags to a Note, he/she wants to see them to confirm to the proper tags have been assign.

Auto-expanding the number of lines to do this provides the BEST solution for ALL users.

This is EASY to do with todays development tools.

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The following bugs were reported in Ver 6.0.5, and some of then go back a long ways.


@Marcus or @Jack, can you please comment on whether or not these bug have been fixed in Ver 6.0.6?


Posted 18 December 2014 - 12:30 PM

BUG REPORT:  Outstanding Bugs


Except for the last one, the following bugs were previously reported in prior versions of EN Mac, and have NOT been fixed in EN Mac 6.0.5 DirectDL running on Yosemite.  Click on the "Bug Report" link to see the original report.


Date Reported


04 Dec 2014

BUG REPORT:  Search Operator "any:" Ignores "notebook:" Operator

29 Nov 2014

BUG REPORT:  False Detection of Note Edit

14 Dec 2014

BUG REPORT:  Recent Search list item for "intitle:" Searches is Not Named Properly

17 Dec 2014

BUG REPORT:  Using CMD+ to Increase Font Size Changes All Text to Same Font Size

 18 Dec 2014  Ver 6.0.5

  BUG REPORT:  Right-Click on Attachment Header Does NOT Show Proper EN Menu Items



JMichael, please also test the above items but here's what I found.


1) Search Operator "any:" Ignores "notebook:" Operator = I tried this and it works for me.

2) False Detection of Note Edit = This also works for me

3) Recent Search list item for "intitle:" Searches is Not Named Properly = It seems to work better than before because it lists the search term but it's not exactly like it was in 5.5.

4) Using CMD+ to Increase Font Size Changes All Text to Same Font Size = Like you said above this is has not changed.

5) Right-Click on Attachment Header Does NOT Show Proper EN Menu Items = I think this works pretty well now.


Give it a try and let me know if you get different results.

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  • Level 5*

JMichael, please also test the above items but here's what I found.


3) Recent Search list item for "intitle:" Searches is Not Named Properly = It seems to work better than before because it lists the search term but it's not exactly like it was in 5.5.



The display of Recent Searches seems to have been fixed.


However, the UI is terrible.  I really don't understand the obsession of your UI designers to use low contrast text.

Why o why do they continue to insist in this terrible UI design, putting appearance over readability????

WHY do they make the most important text the least readable?

The Search terms for "intitle:mac" is the key term of the search, yet it is the hardest to read???

Do they really think that light grey on while intitle:mac is good UI, when they could have used something like green on while intitle:mac ???

Here is a screen shot of EN Mac 6.0.6, with my annotations of improved text contrast:



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  • Level 5*

@Macus, thanks for testing, and especially for fixing most of these bugs.


✔ I agree bugs 1, 2, 3, & 5 appear to be fixed.


======= EDIT:  Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 5:19 PM ========


Bug #2 is NOT fixed.  I will post details below.


JMichael, please also test the above items but here's what I found.


✔ 1) Search Operator "any:" Ignores "notebook:" Operator = I tried this and it works for me.

✔ 2) False Detection of Note Edit = This also works for me

✔ 3) Recent Search list item for "intitle:" Searches is Not Named Properly = It seems to work better than before because it lists the search term but it's not exactly like it was in 5.5.

4) Using CMD+ to Increase Font Size Changes All Text to Same Font Size = Like you said above this is has not changed.

✔ 5) Right-Click on Attachment Header Does NOT Show Proper EN Menu Items = I think this works pretty well now.


Give it a try and let me know if you get different results.



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@JMichael: Note Menu - More Sharing -> Email a Copy...


Thanks Jack.  I knew about that option, but it is NOT the same as sharing.

With sharing, the recipient always has the latest update/version -- not so  with email.


Please respect the wishes of many, many of your users, and decouple sharing and Work Chat, and make shared Notes and Notebooks like they used to be -- visible in a web browser without Evernote, with an option to add to your (the recipient's) Evernote account.



What about Copy Public Link? 

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What about Copy Public Link? 



Yep that works perfectly for me too... Unless something has changed in last update I am not aware of..


If you are going to share something with someone without an Evernote account... Its ussually a 1 time or 2 time correspondence... 

It is not a 'notebook' with constant exchange and transferall of ideas..


I think Evernote has sharing to non-acount users pretty covered...

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  • Level 5


@JMichael: Note Menu - More Sharing -> Email a Copy...


Thanks Jack.  I knew about that option, but it is NOT the same as sharing.

With sharing, the recipient always has the latest update/version -- not so  with email.


Please respect the wishes of many, many of your users, and decouple sharing and Work Chat, and make shared Notes and Notebooks like they used to be -- visible in a web browser without Evernote, with an option to add to your (the recipient's) Evernote account.



Note sharing options:

You can share a read only public link. (as always) (stays up to date)

You can email a copy of the note. (as always) (does not stay up to date)

You can share a note to collaborate (new with work chat) (stays up to date)


We have not removed any sharing options. We have added the ability to collaborate on a note.

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  • Level 5*

@Jack, thanks for the clarification on Note Sharing.  Worthy of an EN KB article I think.


However, the main point of many of us  is that we would prefer to see Sharing decoupled from Work Chat.

For many of us, we and our recipients ONLY want to share information, and have no interest in Chat for most of our use cases.

I can see how sharing is useful  in Work Chat, but we need it as a separate feature that is clear and easy to use.



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@Jack, thanks for the clarification on Note Sharing.  Worthy of an EN KB article I think.


However, the main point of many of us  is that we would prefer to see Sharing decoupled from Work Chat.

For many of us, we and our recipients ONLY want to share information, and have no interest in Chat for most of our use cases.

I can see how sharing is useful  in Work Chat, but we need it as a separate feature that is clear and easy to use.




Your clutching at straws citing alterior motives to get to your disproven conclusion...


There are many ways to share notes with someone without evernote account without using workchat.


I dont see what point you are getting to.


You are attacking Work Chat, on a point that has nothing to do with it.


You have deviated so far from your original critique..


You are a VERY experienced Evernote user.  So you know better.

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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Can't Use Tag Filter -- Keeps on Flashing & Clearing My Entry

Ver:  6.0.6 (NEW Bug)

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks & 10.10.1 Yosemite


I have two MBAs that exhibit the same behavior, which prevents me from using the Tag Filter.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click on the Tag filter icon/button
  2. EN displays a dropdown list of tags, with an entry field that says "Find a tag"
  3. Start to enter the Tag name
  4. The dropdown list continues to flash, and clears my entry
  5. I cannot find/select any tag because EN is clearing what I type.

ATTN:  Evernote Developers and QA Teams

  • Do you guys actually test the basic features of the app before you release it?
  • I'm not trying to be mean, I'm very serious.
  • I can't understand how such a basic bug got past QA
  • This BUG is occurring on two different Macs, with different OS
  • This BUG did NOT exist in Ver 6.0.3 or 6.0.5
  • So you introduced a NEW bug in Ver 6.0.6 which disables one of the primary features of Evernote.

I trusted you after installing on one Mac for a few days.  But because I didn't test EVERY feature of Evernote, I got burned.

Sorry, but you have now lost my trust, and it will be very hard to regain.


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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  False Detection of Note Edit

14 Dec 2014


This BUG is still not fixed in Ver 6.0.6.

I have verified this BUG on two different Macs, using different Mac OS.

I have updated my post above.


Steps to Reproduce in Ver 6.0.6

  1. Restart your Mac
  2. Make sure Evernote app is NOT running
  3. Start Evernote 6.0.6 app
  4. Enter a Search in the Search Box
  5. Click on one or more Notes in the Snippet Note List whose Updated Date is NOT today.
  6. Set the Note List view to "Side view list", and Sort by Updated Date, Descending
  7. Notice that some of the Notes that you clicked on in Step #5 have an Updated Date of today.
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The testing department at Evernote is still named "paying customers".


Search still resizes columns in the side list view.  Set your column sizes, search, set them again.  Repeat, repeat, repeat....


Can you explain this in more detail?  Are you talking about the relevance column getting added for search?  You can turn that off if you don't want it to impact your columns widths.  If that's not it I do not see the issue you're describing.  Are others seeing this issue?


BUG REPORT:  Can't Use Tag Filter -- Keeps on Flashing & Clearing My Entry

Ver:  6.0.6 (NEW Bug)

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks & 10.10.1 Yosemite


I have two MBAs that exhibit the same behavior, which prevents me from using the Tag Filter.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click on the Tag filter icon/button
  2. EN displays a dropdown list of tags, with an entry field that says "Find a tag"
  3. Start to enter the Tag name
  4. The dropdown list continues to flash, and clears my entry
  5. I cannot find/select any tag because EN is clearing what I type.

ATTN:  Evernote Developers and QA Teams

  • Do you guys actually test the basic features of the app before you release it?
  • I'm not trying to be mean, I'm very serious.
  • I can't understand how such a basic bug got past QA
  • This BUG is occurring on two different Macs, with different OS
  • This BUG did NOT exist in Ver 6.0.3 or 6.0.5
  • So you introduced a NEW bug in Ver 6.0.6 which disables one of the primary features of Evernote.

I trusted you after installing on one Mac for a few days.  But because I didn't test EVERY feature of Evernote, I got burned.

Sorry, but you have now lost my trust, and it will be very hard to regain


Sorry I don't know how to reproduce this issue.  Are you talking about the Tag filter in Tag View or so some place else?  I don't see a drop down list in this view?



BUG REPORT:  False Detection of Note Edit

14 Dec 2014


This BUG is still not fixed in Ver 6.0.6.

I have verified this BUG on two different Macs, using different Mac OS.

I have updated my post above.


Steps to Reproduce in Ver 6.0.6

  1. Restart your Mac
  2. Make sure Evernote app is NOT running
  3. Start Evernote 6.0.6 app
  4. Enter a Search in the Search Box
  5. Click on one or more Notes in the Snippet Note List whose Updated Date is NOT today.
  6. Set the Note List view to "Side view list", and Sort by Updated Date, Descending
  7. Notice that some of the Notes that you clicked on in Step #5 have an Updated Date of today.



I can't reproduce this issue.  When you click on one or more Notes are you clicking in the notes themselves or on the Snippet Note List items?  I tried both ways but still couldn't reproduce this issue.  I clicked on lots of notes but none changed their Updated Date.  Is there anything special about the notes that accidentally got updated?  Are they shared?  Can anyone else reproduce this issue?

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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Note Remains Locked "Pending Sync Completion" after Sync has completed

Ver:  6.0.6  (new)

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks

I have NEVER seen this happen in any other EN ver on any of my Macs.


After clipping a web page using Chrome EN Clipper, the Evernote Note is frozen in lock mode, unable to edit Note.  I have to restart Evernote in order to edit Note.


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Using Chrome EN Clipper 6.3, clip this web page:  http://www.macworld.com/article/2880099/first-look-photos-for-os-x.html#tk.nl_mwdaily
  2. Wait for clipper to indicate sync is complete with popup "Clipped to Inbox"  ("Inbox" is my default Notebook)
  3. Switch to EN Mac
  4. Do a manual sync
  5. Sync button quits spinning, and the Note appears complete using visual inspection
  6. But a lock icon appears in the upper right corner of Note Content
  7. Mouse over the lock icon and a popup says "Note Syncing.  You can edit this note as soon as it's done syncing"
  8. Click Sync button again -- it instantly quits after 1/2 circle
  9. Note remains locked
  10. Click on Sync button several more times
  11. After 10 min Note is still locked.
  12. Quit Evernote
  13. Start Evernote
  14. Note is now unlocked.

I have repeated this with about 5 different web pages.

It doesn't happen every time, but it does happen very frequently.


Screenshot of EN Mac 6.0.6 Showing Locked Note



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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT & UI Design Issue:  Tag Find Does NOT Highlight Correct Tags & Tag Panel Is Nearly Unreadable

Ver:  6.0.6

Mac OS X 10.9.5


ATTN:  Evernote UI Designers:  Do you really believe the Tag Panel is good, useable, readable UI Design?

  1. Do any of you have personal Evernote accounts on the Mac with more than 100 Tags?
  2. Have you ever tested this design with an account having more than 100 Tags?

The Tag Panel as currently designed is essentially unusable by me.

Please see my constructive comments at the bottom of this post.


Steps to Reproduce Bug:

  1. Make sure you have, say at least 10, Tags that all have the same prefix, like "Mac."
  2. Display the Tag Panel (Menu > View > Tags)
  3. Enter the Tag prefix ("Mac.") into the "Find a Tag" box
  4. Observe that not all Tags with the prefix are highlighted
  5. Observe that one Tag that does NOT contain the prefix is also highlighted
    (unless you have a lot of Tags (>>100) you may not see this)


EN Mac 6.0.6 Tag Panel





My constructive comments on the Tag Panel UI Design

  1. I have over 2,000 Tags (maybe too many, but that's not the point)
    1. Any number of Tags > 100 presents the same design issues
    2. Most of them are in hierarchies
  2. When the Tag Panel is first displayed, I have to wait about 15 sec for the screen to render and the spinning beachball to stop
  3. The tag names are in very, very low contrast text, light grey text with lighter grey background
    1. WHY did you choose this color scheme?  
    2. It doesn't even look that good and is extremely hard to read.  
    3. It literally hurts my eyes after looking at it for only a minute or so
    4. Please, please, please display the Tag names in HIGH contrast text.  Black text on either light grey or tan would be great!
  4. The horizontal layout/scrolling is very unusual and is hard to use.
    1. It would be MUCH better, more intuitive, to use a conventional vertical scrolling page, with the Tag names going alphabetically across the page.
    2. You need to provide Alpha Letter links at the top that doesn't scroll
    3. Provide a horizontal line between the sections that begin with each Alpha letter
  5. Have any of you ever used a Browser Find function?
    1. That is how the EN Tag Find should work
    2. ALL words matching the Find text should be highlight at once in a standard highlight color like light yellow
    3. Each time the user presses RETURN in the Find box the match should advance to the next occurrence, using a different highlight color (like light green)
    4. You know this is such basic design concepts that I feel silly that I have to explain it to you.  Do you feel silly?
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  • Level 5*


BUG REPORT:  Can't Use Tag Filter -- Keeps on Flashing & Clearing My Entry

Ver:  6.0.6 (NEW Bug)

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks & 10.10.1 Yosemite


I have two MBAs that exhibit the same behavior, which prevents me from using the Tag Filter.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click on the Tag filter icon/button
  2. EN displays a dropdown list of tags, with an entry field that says "Find a tag"
  3. Start to enter the Tag name
  4. The dropdown list continues to flash, and clears my entry
  5. I cannot find/select any tag because EN is clearing what I type.

ATTN:  Evernote Developers and QA Teams

  • Do you guys actually test the basic features of the app before you release it?
  • I'm not trying to be mean, I'm very serious.
  • I can't understand how such a basic bug got past QA
  • This BUG is occurring on two different Macs, with different OS
  • This BUG did NOT exist in Ver 6.0.3 or 6.0.5
  • So you introduced a NEW bug in Ver 6.0.6 which disables one of the primary features of Evernote.

I trusted you after installing on one Mac for a few days.  But because I didn't test EVERY feature of Evernote, I got burned.

Sorry, but you have now lost my trust, and it will be very hard to regain


Sorry I don't know how to reproduce this issue.  Are you talking about the Tag filter in Tag View or so some place else?  I don't see a drop down list in this view?


Here's the "Tag Filter" in the main Note view.  What do you call it?

When you click on the icon/button, it displays a dropdown list of tags with a textbox for you to enter the name of the Tag.

This is very consistent behavior on two different Macs, one with Mavericks, the other with Yosemite.


Previous/expected behavior is that as the User type, EN does an incremental search for tags.

This dropdown used to work much like the dropdown you get when you click in the Tags field of a Note.


With version 6.0.6, the text I enter into the Tag Filter textbox is instantly cleared.

So no tag is found, and I can't do a tag filter.



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BUG REPORT:  Can't Use Tag Filter -- Keeps on Flashing & Clearing My Entry

Ver:  6.0.6 (NEW Bug)

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks & 10.10.1 Yosemite


I have two MBAs that exhibit the same behavior, which prevents me from using the Tag Filter.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click on the Tag filter icon/button
  2. EN displays a dropdown list of tags, with an entry field that says "Find a tag"
  3. Start to enter the Tag name
  4. The dropdown list continues to flash, and clears my entry
  5. I cannot find/select any tag because EN is clearing what I type.

ATTN:  Evernote Developers and QA Teams

  • Do you guys actually test the basic features of the app before you release it?
  • I'm not trying to be mean, I'm very serious.
  • I can't understand how such a basic bug got past QA
  • This BUG is occurring on two different Macs, with different OS
  • This BUG did NOT exist in Ver 6.0.3 or 6.0.5
  • So you introduced a NEW bug in Ver 6.0.6 which disables one of the primary features of Evernote.

I trusted you after installing on one Mac for a few days.  But because I didn't test EVERY feature of Evernote, I got burned.

Sorry, but you have now lost my trust, and it will be very hard to regain


Sorry I don't know how to reproduce this issue.  Are you talking about the Tag filter in Tag View or so some place else?  I don't see a drop down list in this view?


Here's the "Tag Filter" in the main Note view.  What do you call it?

When you click on the icon/button, it displays a dropdown list of tags with a textbox for you to enter the name of the Tag.

This is very consistent behavior on two different Macs, one with Mavericks, the other with Yosemite.


Previous/expected behavior is that as the User type, EN does an incremental search for tags.

This dropdown used to work much like the dropdown you get when you click in the Tags field of a Note.


With version 6.0.6, the text I enter into the Tag Filter textbox is instantly cleared.

So no tag is found, and I can't do a tag filter.





Yep he is right there... 

The tags of that notebook all appear when you click that 'tag filter'


If you start typing a tag correctly from start of word (You may have many many tags).. Its ok... that tag shows up and rest disapear..


If you start typing a tag incorectly or from middle of word.. The tags all dissapear... And even if you delete what you typed, they dont come back... You have to 're-click' the icon.


It is a bit non-intuitive.


You can type a tag from any word in a sentenced tag.. It does not sort of list the tags 'of best fit'..

You either typed it correctly or you did not...  So the search within the "tag filter" is more of a click and fit... And the search capability is just there for 'show'.

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I think there are two distinct issues there Lykoz.

1) You bring up a good point with the fact that if you delete what you have typed, the list of tags don't come back.  That is kind of annoying.

2) It sounds like JMichael's text is being cleared as soon as he starts typing anything.  That is weird behavior.  I'm not seeing that.  I wonder if the sheer number of tags is causing Evernote to choke in the dropdown.


Without a doubt, Evernote needs JMichael on their QA team.  If Evernote is truly going to be around for a hundred years, it's totally feasible for an individual to have hundreds of thousands of notes and thousands of tags.  I'm glad there are folks like JMichael hammering away at the edges of the app.


BUG Report

Version 6.0.6

OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 (14C109)


I'm seeing my own issues with the Side List view.  When I start resizing multiple columns to find the optimal view on my machine, it can cause the app to crash.  It's happened three times this morning.  I did send reports with every crash.

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I think there are two distinct issues there Lykoz.

1) You bring up a good point with the fact that if you delete what you have typed, the list of tags don't come back.  That is kind of annoying.

2) It sounds like JMichael's text is being cleared as soon as he starts typing anything.  That is weird behavior.  I'm not seeing that.  I wonder if the sheer number of tags is causing Evernote to choke in the dropdown.


Without a doubt, Evernote needs JMichael on their QA team.  If Evernote is truly going to be around for a hundred years, it's totally feasible for an individual to have hundreds of thousands of notes and thousands of tags.  I'm glad there are folks like JMichael hammering away at the edges of the app.


BUG Report

Version 6.0.6

OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 (14C109)


I'm seeing my own issues with the Side List view.  When I start resizing multiple columns to find the optimal view on my machine, it can cause the app to crash.  It's happened three times this morning.  I did send reports with every crash.



If you type a word incorrectly, or from middle of word (Maybe without mac in front for example) you can reproduce point 2. I stated that in my post.


This is also bad... It should try find best fit. I am not going to try assume, what user specific problems JMicheal has... 


The problem is clear to both you and me... If somebody else with many tags can re-produce what you are saying.. Ok...

But for the time being... The re-producable behaviour I found based on JMichaels post is what I reported.


The more people that try it.. The better the development team can pinpoint problems. No point assuming reasoning for a problem.. 

We dont know exactly why JMichael's tags are disapearing.. I think its the reason I stated, It may be more complicated than that.. 


I suggest you ask him. I am on his ignore list. 


Either way... I agree with his fix recommendation based on me being able to reproduce it. It is a weakness.

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  • Level 5*

What a mess Ver 6+ is turning out to be.


I posted several major bugs above, and have encountered more that I have not had time to post.

And now I'm getting sync issues that I've never seen before.


I'm the type of person that rarely has computer problems, and when I do I can usually fix/correct them myself.

I don't put a lot of junk on my Macs, and I'm very cautious about making updates.


But Evernote is turning out to be a big challenge.  I don't know what to think, but it sure looks/feels like, from my perspective, that Evernote is NOT doing a good job of QA, and in some cases design.


I have now spent many hours testing and reporting bugs for an app that should be simple and easy to use/update.

Now I live in fear of updates.  So I put them off as long as possible.


Evernote, you used to be such a great app, a low-maintenance app that was always a pleasure to use, and really helped make my life better.  What happened to you?

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  • Level 5*

@righteousdork:  I think you may be on to something.


Maybe my 2000+ Tags are contributing to the problem of the flashing/clearing Tag Filter box.

Maybe EN Mac has to build an index or list to display in the Tag Filter dropdown, that filters the Tag list as you type.

Maybe the flashing I am seeing is Evernote updating this list of all tags.


@Marcus:  Does Evernote has a test account with 2000+ Tags that you could use to test this?  You would need to setup a clean install of EN Mac 6.0.6 to make sure that the index/list was not already built.


2) It sounds like JMichael's text is being cleared as soon as he starts typing anything.  That is weird behavior.  I'm not seeing that.  I wonder if the sheer number of tags is causing Evernote to choke in the dropdown.

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  • Level 5*

Here is a YouTube video which demonstrates this Tag Filter issue:




BUG REPORT:  Can't Use Tag Filter -- Keeps on Flashing & Clearing My Entry

Ver:  6.0.6 (NEW Bug)

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks & 10.10.1 Yosemite


I have two MBAs that exhibit the same behavior, which prevents me from using the Tag Filter.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click on the Tag filter icon/button
  2. EN displays a dropdown list of tags, with an entry field that says "Find a tag"
  3. Start to enter the Tag name
  4. The dropdown list continues to flash, and clears my entry
  5. I cannot find/select any tag because EN is clearing what I type.

Here's the "Tag Filter" in the main Note view.  What do you call it?

When you click on the icon/button, it displays a dropdown list of tags with a textbox for you to enter the name of the Tag.

This is very consistent behavior on two different Macs, one with Mavericks, the other with Yosemite.


Previous/expected behavior is that as the User type, EN does an incremental search for tags.

This dropdown used to work much like the dropdown you get when you click in the Tags field of a Note.


With version 6.0.6, the text I enter into the Tag Filter textbox is instantly cleared.

So no tag is found, and I can't do a tag filter.





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@Jack, thanks for the clarification on Note Sharing.  Worthy of an EN KB article I think.


However, the main point of many of us  is that we would prefer to see Sharing decoupled from Work Chat.

For many of us, we and our recipients ONLY want to share information, and have no interest in Chat for most of our use cases.

I can see how sharing is useful  in Work Chat, but we need it as a separate feature that is clear and easy to use.




Your clutching at straws citing alterior motives to get to your disproven conclusion...


There are many ways to share notes with someone without evernote account without using workchat.


I dont see what point you are getting to.


You are attacking Work Chat, on a point that has nothing to do with it.


You have deviated so far from your original critique..


You are a VERY experienced Evernote user.  So you know better.



It would still be nice to be able to remove all the chat-related UI elements. It's not as bad on OS X as it is on iOS, but I still have zero need for a "New chat" icon right next to the search box. I would like to be able to remove it. (I've tried using work chat three separate times and it never showed up on my colleagues' Evernote. They are all shared on a notebook or two in my Evernote so I know their accounts "work.")

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I am having a different tag issue with 6.0.6 on Mac that has not been discussed yet.


When I do any of the following:

  • Go to a notebook and filter for a tag.
  • Go to All Notes and filter for a tag.
  • Click on the tag in the shortcut sidebar.
  • Use "tag:mytag" in the Search pane
  • Go to a Saved Search that uses that tag.

I am getting several notes that do not have that tag on them. And several that should have that tag do not appear. I have tried tagging the notes in both single editing and bulk editing. Same effect. My edits from several hours ago have still not refreshed.


I was thinking the issue was the tags were not getting saved to the notes. But when I sync, I can see my changes update on my Android phone. The issue seems to be caching of tag data in the Mac client.


I have signed out and back in to no avail. I'm tempted to force a re-download of my entire Evernote archive, but it will take several hours. Not fun.


Please help!

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  • Level 5*

I am getting several notes that do not have that tag on them. And several that should have that tag do not appear. I have tried tagging the notes in both single editing and bulk editing. Same effect. My edits from several hours ago have still not refreshed.


I was thinking the issue was the tags were not getting saved to the notes. But when I sync, I can see my changes update on my Android phone. The issue seems to be caching of tag data in the Mac client.


I saw similar delays for a few hours after I updated to Ver 6.0.6.

You might try letting Evernote run for several hours, maybe even overnight, and restarting your Mac a few times.


It is really unbelievable that we users have to nursemaid Evernote like this.

Evernote has really turned into a HIGH maintenance (like you would normally apply to a person) app.

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BUG REPORT:  False Detection of Note Edit

14 Dec 2014


This BUG is still not fixed in Ver 6.0.6.

I have verified this BUG on two different Macs, using different Mac OS.

I have updated my post above.


Steps to Reproduce in Ver 6.0.6

  1. Restart your Mac
  2. Make sure Evernote app is NOT running
  3. Start Evernote 6.0.6 app
  4. Enter a Search in the Search Box
  5. Click on one or more Notes in the Snippet Note List whose Updated Date is NOT today.
  6. Set the Note List view to "Side view list", and Sort by Updated Date, Descending
  7. Notice that some of the Notes that you clicked on in Step #5 have an Updated Date of today.



I can't reproduce this issue.  When you click on one or more Notes are you clicking in the notes themselves or on the Snippet Note List items?  I tried both ways but still couldn't reproduce this issue.  I clicked on lots of notes but none changed their Updated Date.  Is there anything special about the notes that accidentally got updated?  Are they shared?  Can anyone else reproduce this issue?



I can't reproduce this issue either.


Followed the steps exactly as described.

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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Can't Use Tag Filter -- Keeps on Flashing & Clearing My Entry -- RESOLVED

Ver:  6.0.6 (NEW Bug)

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks & 10.10.1 Yosemite


I have two MBAs that exhibit the same behavior, which prevents me from using the Tag Filter.


. . .


Three days after I updated from Ver 6.0.5 to Ver 6.0.6, this issue has finally fixed itself.


After a number of users reported high CPU usage with Ver 6.0.6, I checked my Mac earlier this morning, and sure enough, it also was running at 100%+ when I was doing NOTHING in Evernote.

I suspected that it was busy building the Tag List for the Tag Filter, so I left it running all day.


Sure enough, just a few minutes ago, the CPU usage went to near zero.  

When I tested the Tag Filter, is was then working properly.


Take-aways for Evernote:

  1. Publish this process of Tag List building in the Release Notes, and advise the user that the Tag Filter may not work until it is finished.  In fact, I think you should disable the Tag Filter until it is finished.
  2. Review your design to see if you can fix it (did NOT exist in prior versions)
  3. Show on the main window somewhere progress bars when Evernote is still busy converting/indexing or whatever after an update.  You used to show this progress bar.  What happened to it.

BTW Evernote, you should know, this issue caused me to waste at least 3-4 hours.

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I also have a problem with copy/paste. 

Evernote won't paste if there is an ampersand in the clipboard…

If I copy something then without an ampersand, Evernote will manage to paste but only after the second attempt.

Are you coding with feet ?

Each new version of Evernote = new problems  :angry:


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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Clicking in Sub-Table Highlights Entire Cell & Sub-Table

Ver:  6.0.6

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks

This bug did NOT exist in Ver 5.5.2


This bug occurs whenever you click in a table that is inside of another table.

The cell of the parent table and the entire sub-table are highlighted in the color you have chosen for your Mac selection color.

This makes it almost impossible to actually select parts of text in the sub-table.


This is a very serious bug for me since I use a lot of EN "templates" created using sub-tables from MS Word on a daily basis.


I have found two cases that are very repeatable and occur often for me:

  1. Creating the sub-table by pasting a MS Word table inside the cell of a EN Table.
  2. Sub-Tables used by email notifications, particularly from Amazon order/shipment notifications
  3. The issue also occurs with some web pages clipped

Steps to Reproduce Bug:

  1. Create a normal EN table with multiple columns 
  2. Create a table in MS Word, select the entire table, and copy to clipboard
  3. Click in one of the EN table cells, enter some text, and on a new line paste the table from Word
  4. Click in one of the cells in the Word sub-table
  5. EN now highlights the entire Word sub-table and the EN cell it is in.

EDIT:  I have shared a Note as public that you can use to test for yourself.  Get the Note here.


Screenshot of Table BEFORE I Clicked inside the Table




Screenshot of Table AFTER I Click inside the Word Sub-Table




Screenshot BEFORE I Clicked Inside of Sub-Table from EMail





Screenshot AFTER I Click Inside of the Sub-Table



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I'm getting sync conflicts nearly every other sync on public 6.0.6 - it's just ridiculous. The error dialog is simply "sync failed" most often - not helpful at all, and copying, re-copying the sync-offending note doesn't clear it, but creating a new shell and copying the content and pasting the content finally does. But I'm also getting sync failures ("sync failed" in the dialog box) and I cannot find ANY offending note.  And I've gotten a couple of Conflicting Changes messages - on notes that I haven't edited in days and the surely isn't a version out there with which to conflict. 


Want log files? Or are you top of this trouble-shooting? (Or..am I alone here?) 

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  • Level 5*

I'm getting sync conflicts nearly every other sync on public 6.0.6 - it's just ridiculous. 

. . .

Want log files? Or are you top of this trouble-shooting? (Or..am I alone here?) 


I suggest that you file a bug report.  When you get the auto-email response, you can reply with your Activity Log.


See Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug, crash, or data lost", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG:  " to make it clear.  Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners.

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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Changing/Adding Tags Updates "Updated Date"

Ver:  6.0.6

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks

This bug did NOT exist in Ver 5.5.2


If you change or add a Tag to a Note Evernote will update the "Updated Date" to the current date/time.


In EN Win and EN Mac Ver 5.5.2 and prior changing Tags or Created Date did NOT change the Updated Date.


Expected Behavior:  The "Updated Date" is NOT changed unless Note Title or Content is changed.

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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Right-Click on Image Does NOT Show Full Context Menu

Ver:  6.0.6

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks

This bug did NOT exist in Ver 5.5.2


When you right-click on an image, Evernote shows an abbreviated Context menu.

In order to get the FULL menu, you much right-click again.


Most of the time I want to OPEN the image in the default image editor to make some changes.

OPEN is the most basic function that should be provided by the right-click Context menu.

Please get rid of the first menu.  ALL we need is the 2nd menu, which includes ALL of the choices of the first menu.


See screenshots below to illustrate this BUG.



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  • Level 5*


BUG REPORT:  False Detection of Note Edit

14 Dec 2014


This BUG is still not fixed in Ver 6.0.6.

I have verified this BUG on two different Macs, using different Mac OS.

I have updated my post above.


I continue to see this BUG across 3 Macs that I have now updated to Ver 6.0.6

Almost ever time I do a Search, and then just click on the Notes in the Note list, Evernote changes the "Updated Date" to the current date/time.

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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Selected Note is Changed When Changing Views When a Search is Active

Ver:  6.0.6

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks

This bug did NOT exist in Ver 5.5.2


Whenever you have executed a Search, if you change the Note list view, the selected Note is changed to the first Note in the current sort order.  IF you did NOT have a Search active (i.e. you are viewing ALL Notes), then the Note you had selected PRIOR to the change in the Note list view is retained.


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Execute a Search
  2. Select a Note other than the first Note in the list
  3. Change the Note list view (like from "Snippet view" to "Side list view")
  4. Observe how the selected Note has been changed to the first Note in the list.
  5. Also observe how in some cases the order order is change when the Note list view is changed.

Expected Behavior:  Changing the Note list view does NOT change the selected Note, nor the sort order.

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There is a really annoying bug in this release - some "Evernote Premium" text is hovering on my desktop ALL THE TIME. It's there on the screen when I watch a movie, it's there when I open a terminal. What is it doing there? How to get rid of it?


Kindly advise.


Example of this text in iterm:




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Any ETA on the timing for APPLE iTunes to release the update?  I'm debating about downloading direct.   :)    


I always download direct :)


Why wait?


Evernote is a large company.. And has the required credibility not to destroy your system from 3rd party malware etc.

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I think there are two distinct issues there Lykoz.

1) You bring up a good point with the fact that if you delete what you have typed, the list of tags don't come back.  That is kind of annoying.

2) It sounds like JMichael's text is being cleared as soon as he starts typing anything.  That is weird behavior.  I'm not seeing that.  I wonder if the sheer number of tags is causing Evernote to choke in the dropdown.


Without a doubt, Evernote needs JMichael on their QA team.  If Evernote is truly going to be around for a hundred years, it's totally feasible for an individual to have hundreds of thousands of notes and thousands of tags.  I'm glad there are folks like JMichael hammering away at the edges of the app.


BUG Report

Version 6.0.6

OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 (14C109)


I'm seeing my own issues with the Side List view.  When I start resizing multiple columns to find the optimal view on my machine, it can cause the app to crash.  It's happened three times this morning.  I did send reports with every crash.


New Behavior when resizing columns.  Getting distortion now in the columns.



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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Evernote Export to HTML is Flawed -- Will NOT Open in MS Word

Ver:  6.0.6, 6.0.5, 5.5.2

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks


It is rapidly approaching one year since this bug was reported, and confirmed by Evernote.

Evernote repeated says that our Evernote data is our data, and provides export to HTML as a primary means to use in other apps.

Yet the HTML export is flawed and will NOT open in MS Word, one of the most commonly used apps in the world.


Please fix this bug.  Surely it can't be that hard -- just some missed HTML code.



There is a BUG in either the Evernote Export to HTML, or in the HTML Import to MS Word.


To test out the process of moving a Note from Evernote to Word, I did the following:

  1. Create a simple EN Note by typing.
  2. Export this Note to HTML
  3. Attempt to Open this HTML file from Word
  4. Get Word Error Msg -- cannot open XML file

Has anyone else seen this? 


The BUG seems to be in the Evernote HTML export, because I was able to successfully import into Word a HTML file saved using FireFox of a web page.


I got this error msg:






Support Ticket submitted today:

Ticket# 479963 - BUG: HTML Export Will NOT Open in MS Word Mac


Thanks for contacting Evernote support. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it appears that there is currently a bug causing this issue. An internal bug report has been filed with our QA Team Lead and our engineers are working on this issue and hope to have it fixed soon.



I have also found this bug in 6.0.6.  Tried editing the html to bring the exported note into "compliance" with Word, but to no avail. 

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BUG: Removing tag from note does not update list of documents using that tag


I have a tag called "#DONE".  I add this tag to notes after on a regular basis during the day.  I have this tag as a shortcut on my sidebar.  After upgrading to 6.0.6 yesterday and leaving it to reindex overnight I find that adding this tag to a note will increment the counter next to the tag on the sidebar.  However clicking on the tag on the sidebar does not show that note in the list of notes with that tag.  Also, removing that tag from a note will decrease the note count for the tag but does not remove that note from the list of notes with that tag.  The note appears in the list of notes for that tag but the note obviously does not have that tag now.


I general there seems to be a major slowness (i.e. it hasn't happened yet!) to when the lists assigned to tags are being updated.  I have other examples of saved searches that are out of date too.


Am I just being impatient in only waiting a day before the reindexing is complete? 

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After installing 6.0.6 and forcing spotlight to reindex I still can NOT search for evernote notes in spotlight.


This is incredibly frustrating, annoying and frankly difficult to comprehend.


As a paying customer I'm telling you that my productivity is suffering because you can't get this right.



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After installing 6.0.6 and forcing spotlight to reindex I still can NOT search for evernote notes in spotlight.


This is incredibly frustrating, annoying and frankly difficult to comprehend.


As a paying customer I'm telling you that my productivity is suffering because you can't get this right.




Sorry :)


My spotlight was not working either...  For evernote indexing.


When I installed the latest yosemite update from apple released a few days ago, it fixed my problem.


For me it seemed to have been an apple specific problem.

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After installing 6.0.6 and forcing spotlight to reindex I still can NOT search for evernote notes in spotlight.


This is incredibly frustrating, annoying and frankly difficult to comprehend.


As a paying customer I'm telling you that my productivity is suffering because you can't get this right.




Sorry :)


My spotlight was not working either...  For evernote indexing.


When I installed the latest yosemite update from apple released a few days ago, it fixed my problem.


For me it seemed to have been an apple specific problem.

Unfortunately I already have the latest version of Yosemite and this didn't help. I'm glad it worked for you!

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After installing 6.0.6 and forcing spotlight to reindex I still can NOT search for evernote notes in spotlight.


This is incredibly frustrating, annoying and frankly difficult to comprehend.


As a paying customer I'm telling you that my productivity is suffering because you can't get this right.




Sorry :)


My spotlight was not working either...  For evernote indexing.


When I installed the latest yosemite update from apple released a few days ago, it fixed my problem.


For me it seemed to have been an apple specific problem.

Unfortunately I already have the latest version of Yosemite and this didn't help. I'm glad it worked for you!



This guy had also helped me prior to that...

Although I didnt get it resolved that way, some stuff may have helped.


If you go through some of those steps you could maybe take over that thread, and he will help:


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Just updated to 6.0.6 and deleting or moving a note to another folder doesn't work (instantly) anymore. Selecting multiple notes and processing via the designated view/window or drag & drop doesn't work either. After closing and reopen the app or switching to another folder I see Evernote did the job actually, but delayed.

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  • Level 5*

@mapla1982:  Ver 6.0.6 does a lot of reindexing which affects performance and some features until the indexing is complete.

In some cases, particularly in accounts with a large number of Notes and/or Tags, it can take several days.

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Can't Read Shared Note Without Evernote Account -- Unacceptable


Just updated to EN Mac 6.0.6, and AFAIK you can't share a Note except via Work Chat, and the recipient can't view it without an Evernote account.  

  • This is totally unacceptable
  • I don't want to chat, I just want to share a Note
  • The recipient doesn't want (and will NOT create) an Evernote account -- they just want to read/view the Note as simply and quickly as possible.

Here's a screenshot of the recipient's email notification:




Totally agree. You're now forcing a less efficient workflow because of having to Copy Public Link and manually paste it into an email.

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I am a premium customer and have upgraded to 6.0.6.  Shortly after upgrading to Yosemite on my IMac, evernote has been such a pain I am ready to toss it.  One keystroke can take 10 minutes.... so sick of the beachball as Evernote is way too slow and then hangs up.  I have rebooted, verified and repaired permissions, and verified the disk.  I have shut down ALL programs except Evernote and still it hangs up.  Some of the editing issues that have never appeared before are:


  • cut/paste --- very wonky.  sometimes hard to isolate just the words you want to cut, and expands to several lines.  Deleting one line at a time takes forever.  Sometimes it is so slow I am not sure I hit command x, and naturally hit it again.
  • Highlighting?  Seems to have gone back to a weird dark mustard vs. lite yellow highlight
  • In a bulleted list with bold red fonts, hitting return produces black unbolded text.... pain to have to change back to red every time I add to the bullets.
  • The "hard vertical line" mentioned previously is also annoying and produces an unwanted format.


I have never had this much trouble with Evernote and was a very big fan.  Is this Evernote?  Yosemite?  or Evernote+Yosemite????


Thanks for any help.




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I am a premium customer and have upgraded to 6.0.6.  Shortly after upgrading to Yosemite on my IMac, evernote has been such a pain I am ready to toss it.  One keystroke can take 10 minutes.... so sick of the beachball as Evernote is way too slow and then hangs up.  I have rebooted, verified and repaired permissions, and verified the disk.  I have shut down ALL programs except Evernote and still it hangs up.  Some of the editing issues that have never appeared before are:


  • cut/paste --- very wonky.  sometimes hard to isolate just the words you want to cut, and expands to several lines.  Deleting one line at a time takes forever.  Sometimes it is so slow I am not sure I hit command x, and naturally hit it again.
  • Highlighting?  Seems to have gone back to a weird dark mustard vs. lite yellow highlight
  • In a bulleted list with bold red fonts, hitting return produces black unbolded text.... pain to have to change back to red every time I add to the bullets.
  • The "hard vertical line" mentioned previously is also annoying and produces an unwanted format.


I have never had this much trouble with Evernote and was a very big fan.  Is this Evernote?  Yosemite?  or Evernote+Yosemite????


Thanks for any help.




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  • Level 5*

@mactease:  Perhaps you didn't see my post just several posts above yours:


@mapla1982:  Ver 6.0.6 does a lot of reindexing which affects performance and some features until the indexing is complete.

In some cases, particularly in accounts with a large number of Notes and/or Tags, it can take several days.


So, you might need to restart your Mac and let EN Mac run for at least several hours, maybe up to a few days.


Did you update from the Mac App Store, or from the Evernote.com DirectDL?

Previous versions from the App Store often had issues/bugs for some users.

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  • Level 5*

JMichael, I updated from app store.  They are the same app with the same version.  Anyway, the indexing is done.  No change.  Still no evernote results in my spotlight search.


While they have the same ver#, and the same features, they are technically different executables, since the App Store version  has to meet certain requirements that the DirectDL does not.  Starting with Ver 6.0.x the App Store version has had bugs and issues that were NOT in the DirectDL version.

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I am pretty sure Evernote has finished indexing as it is not using up any CPU time in Activity Monitor.

As mentioned by others, when I move a note from one Notebook to another, the label shows that the note has been moved, but it remains in the list of notes for the old Notebook. I have to switch to a different Notebook and then back again in order for it to disappear from the list of notes in the original Notebook.


Prior to this version, notes would disappear from the list as I moved them to different Notebooks. This was very helpful when I was sorting through a large number of scans or other new notes.


Is this something new that is on purpose, or is this a bug that can be fixed?


I am running v 6.0.6 from the App Store.


Thank you in advance for any help with my concern.



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JMichael, I updated from app store. They are the same app with the same version. Anyway, the indexing is done. No change. Still no evernote results in my spotlight search.

While they have the same ver#, and the same features, they are technically different executables, since the App Store version has to meet certain requirements that the DirectDL does not. Starting with Ver 6.0.x the App Store version has had bugs and issues that were NOT in the DirectDL version.

Wow. I deleted the app store version of 6.0.6 and downloaded directly from Evernote. This solved the problem. Now all notes are searchable in spotlight.

When I started the app it immediately recognized that my notes were from the app store version and somehow converted the notes to be from this version.

Thanks for the suggestion JMichael!!

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I have got the message on my Mac that there was a new version so i installed it right away.

Now Evernote is not working anymore. I don't get any notes or other stuff that is related to my account. It is completely empty


I've installed it again, but no results.


The notes are still in my account. I see them on my ipad

Hi Edwin, I have the same problem - whenever I start Evernote on my Mac I get the info that I cannot use it. Do you have any new information?

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JMichael, I updated from app store.  They are the same app with the same version.  Anyway, the indexing is done.  No change.  Still no evernote results in my spotlight search.


While they have the same ver#, and the same features, they are technically different executables, since the App Store version  has to meet certain requirements that the DirectDL does not.  Starting with Ver 6.0.x the App Store version has had bugs and issues that were NOT in the DirectDL version.



The direct download version and the app store version with the same version number are actually the same app but they behave differently because app store apps are required to run in something called a sandbox.  The sandbox isolates the app for security and stability reasons.  However the sandbox can also mean issues crop up when the app tries to communicate with other aspects of the Mac system or other apps.  This is why you may see issues in one version over the other.  Is anyone else seeing spotlight issues in the Mac App Store version?

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There is a really annoying bug in this release - some "Evernote Premium" text is hovering on my desktop ALL THE TIME. It's there on the screen when I watch a movie, it's there when I open a terminal. What is it doing there? How to get rid of it?


Kindly advise.


I have never seen that before.  Please try rebooting your computer.  Is your Evernote icon just below that text?  It could be the tooltip from the icon that for some doesn't disappear.

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BUG REPORT:  Right-Click on Image Does NOT Show Full Context Menu

Ver:  6.0.6

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks

This bug did NOT exist in Ver 5.5.2


When you right-click on an image, Evernote shows an abbreviated Context menu.

In order to get the FULL menu, you much right-click again.


Most of the time I want to OPEN the image in the default image editor to make some changes.

OPEN is the most basic function that should be provided by the right-click Context menu.

Please get rid of the first menu.  ALL we need is the 2nd menu, which includes ALL of the choices of the first menu.


See screenshots below to illustrate this BUG.





Thanks for the great bugs and descriptions.  We have this issue logged.

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BUG REPORT:  Evernote Export to HTML is Flawed -- Will NOT Open in MS Word

Ver:  6.0.6, 6.0.5, 5.5.2

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks


It is rapidly approaching one year since this bug was reported, and confirmed by Evernote.

Evernote repeated says that our Evernote data is our data, and provides export to HTML as a primary means to use in other apps.

Yet the HTML export is flawed and will NOT open in MS Word, one of the most commonly used apps in the world.


Please fix this bug.  Surely it can't be that hard -- just some missed HTML code.



There is a BUG in either the Evernote Export to HTML, or in the HTML Import to MS Word.


To test out the process of moving a Note from Evernote to Word, I did the following:

  1. Create a simple EN Note by typing.
  2. Export this Note to HTML
  3. Attempt to Open this HTML file from Word
  4. Get Word Error Msg -- cannot open XML file

Has anyone else seen this? 


The BUG seems to be in the Evernote HTML export, because I was able to successfully import into Word a HTML file saved using FireFox of a web page.


I got this error msg:






Support Ticket submitted today:

Ticket# 479963 - BUG: HTML Export Will NOT Open in MS Word Mac


Thanks for contacting Evernote support. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it appears that there is currently a bug causing this issue. An internal bug report has been filed with our QA Team Lead and our engineers are working on this issue and hope to have it fixed soon.



I have also found this bug in 6.0.6.  Tried editing the html to bring the exported note into "compliance" with Word, but to no avail. 




The issue is that MS Word doesn't read standard HTML.  The HTML that Word is reading is a special version just for Microsoft Office apps and is really an alternative to Microsoft Office's own formats.  This format was a precursor to the new Open Standard formats used today (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX).  If you save a Word document in HTM format you'll see that there are a lot of unique meta tags that only Word can read.  The HTML exported by Evernote is readable by any browser and should be consumable by any app that reads standard HTML.  Word is not currently one of those apps and until Word changes to support standard HTML I don't think this use case will work very well.

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As somebody else posted, copy and paste does not work!

What type of QA is there when something so fundamental can slip through the cracks.


This is a note taking app... copy and pasting... um 'notes' from other sources is a very typical workflow.


Please fix ASAP and please test before releasing new versions.


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  • Level 5*

The direct download version and the app store version with the same version number are actually the same app but they behave differently because app store apps are required to run in something called a sandbox.  The sandbox isolates the app for security and stability reasons.  However the sandbox can also mean issues crop up when the app tries to communicate with other aspects of the Mac system or other apps.  This is why you may see issues in one version over the other.  



Marcus, thanks for the clarification.


But now I am confused.  If they are the same app (same executable?), then why were there so many bugs/issues with the App Store version that had nothing to do with communications outside of Evernote?  For example, many users reported being unable to see/access their Local Notebooks after the Ver 6.0+ update from the App Store.  This is just one example.  There were a number of others.

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  • Level 5*

The issue is that MS Word doesn't read standard HTML.  The HTML that Word is reading is a special version just for Microsoft Office apps and is really an alternative to Microsoft Office's own formats.  This format was a precursor to the new Open Standard formats used today (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX).  If you save a Word document in HTM format you'll see that there are a lot of unique meta tags that only Word can read.   


The HTML exported by Evernote is readable by any browser and should be consumable by any app that reads standard HTML.  Word is not currently one of those apps  and until Word changes to support standard HTML I don't think this use case will work very well.

<highlight is mine>


Marcus, thanks for the response and detailed explanation.


However, my tests don't seem to support your assertion that Word does NOT support standard HTML.

As I stated in my bug report:



The BUG seems to be in the Evernote HTML export, because I was able to successfully import into Word a HTML file saved using FireFox of a web page.


While it is true that Word adds a lot of unneeded, perhaps non-standard, HTML tags when you export from Word, but that does NOT mean it requires those tags for import.


I know that Evernote does not like Microsoft, but I hope you would acknowledge that MS Word is one of the most popular apps in the world, and probably the most popular word processing app.  I would expect there are lots of Evernote users who might need to import some of their Notes into MS Word.


Please take a look at what is causing this issue of importing into Word.  Maybe it is something simple that you could easily fix.

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  • Level 5*

Easy test for this issue: will the exported HTML open in a browser? If so, it's probably a Microsoft problem. If not, then it's probably an Evernote problem.


Also, did anyone check location 2 in the output HTML file? That's what the error indication is pointing at... 

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  • Level 5*

RE:  BUG REPORT:  Evernote Export to HTML is Flawed -- Will NOT Open in MS Word

Ver:  6.0.6, 6.0.5, 5.5.2


Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks


@Marcus:  Perhaps a big clue is that the same Note (shared from EN Mac) exported by EN Win 5.8.3 imports without any problem into MS Word 11 Mac


Here's the shared Note URL that you can try for yourself:




The issue is that MS Word doesn't read standard HTML.  The HTML that Word is reading is a special version just for Microsoft Office apps and is really an alternative to Microsoft Office's own formats.  This format was a precursor to the new Open Standard formats used today (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX).  If you save a Word document in HTM format you'll see that there are a lot of unique meta tags that only Word can read.   


The HTML exported by Evernote is readable by any browser and should be consumable by any app that reads standard HTML.  Word is not currently one of those apps  and until Word changes to support standard HTML I don't think this use case will work very well.

<highlight is mine>


Marcus, thanks for the response and detailed explanation.


However, my tests don't seem to support your assertion that Word does NOT support standard HTML.

As I stated in my bug report:



The BUG seems to be in the Evernote HTML export, because I was able to successfully import into Word a HTML file saved using FireFox of a web page.


While it is true that Word adds a lot of unneeded, perhaps non-standard, HTML tags when you export from Word, but that does NOT mean it requires those tags for import.


I know that Evernote does not like Microsoft, but I hope you would acknowledge that MS Word is one of the most popular apps in the world, and probably the most popular word processing app.  I would expect there are lots of Evernote users who might need to import some of their Notes into MS Word.


Please take a look at what is causing this issue of importing into Word.  Maybe it is something simple that you could easily fix.



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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Search for "notebook:trash" Returns ALL Notes

Ver:  6.0.6 (& maybe prior)

Mac OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks


Enter "notebook:trash" (without quotes) in the Search box and Evernote returns ALL Notes.


Expected Behavior:  Return ONLY those Notes in the Trash


But in any case it should NEVER return all Notes.


Please fix to provide support for search within the EN Trash, as requested by many users.

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BUG REPORT: Attachments set as "View as attachments" open randomly expanded after evernote restart


Evernote 6.0.6, OSX 10.10.2


After upgrading to 6.0.6 Evernote has started expanding attachments on notes. This takes place after restarting Evernote and opening a note. After manually changing the note back to "View as Attachment" the attachment stays as an icon until next evernote restart. This does not happen to all attachments in a note but randomly to some attachments in a note. At least powerpoint, word, excel and pdf files have been expanding, so it is not only about a certain file type. 


This keeps happening to attachments that have been present in my notes for quite a while and flipping the default view under clipping between "inline" and "as attachment" makes no difference. 



Also, spotlight search into notes does no longer work. Trying out the EV reinstalls, reindexing etc make no difference.



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I am pretty sure Evernote has finished indexing as it is not using up any CPU time in Activity Monitor.

As mentioned by others, when I move a note from one Notebook to another, the label shows that the note has been moved, but it remains in the list of notes for the old Notebook. I have to switch to a different Notebook and then back again in order for it to disappear from the list of notes in the original Notebook.


Prior to this version, notes would disappear from the list as I moved them to different Notebooks. This was very helpful when I was sorting through a large number of scans or other new notes.


Is this something new that is on purpose, or is this a bug that can be fixed?


I am running v 6.0.6 from the App Store.


Thank you in advance for any help with my concern.


Try to empty your Evernote trash folder - it worked like a charm for me. Deleting and moving notes works again.

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The direct download version and the app store version with the same version number are actually the same app but they behave differently because app store apps are required to run in something called a sandbox.  The sandbox isolates the app for security and stability reasons.  However the sandbox can also mean issues crop up when the app tries to communicate with other aspects of the Mac system or other apps.  This is why you may see issues in one version over the other.  



Marcus, thanks for the clarification.


But now I am confused.  If they are the same app (same executable?), then why were there so many bugs/issues with the App Store version that had nothing to do with communications outside of Evernote?  For example, many users reported being unable to see/access their Local Notebooks after the Ver 6.0+ update from the App Store.  This is just one example.  There were a number of others.



Sorry a little clarification on my part.  You are technically correct that they are subtly different executables but people really shouldn't think of them as being different because we create them at the same time from the same code base and the only differences are those required in the build process to create an App Store version.  They are fundamentally the same app.  The 2 should act more similar than different. 


In answer to your question, most of the issues reported by customers during that period had really nothing to do with being App Store vs Download.  They were caused by other issues.


1) The migration from 5.5 to 6.0 was a big change and notes had to be migrated, moved to a new location and reindexed which could cause some performance and search issues.  Most download customers went through this months earlier when they upgraded from 5.5 to 5.6 or 5.7.  They had similar issues but it happened earlier.  This is why App Store customers were talking about these types issues and download customers weren't.  2) Also, every Mac App Store release has to get reviewed and approved by Apple so if we want to ship on a specific date we have to submit the App Store version weeks in advance.  This is why when we shipped the new Mac App Store version for the first time it was version 6.0 but the download version was 6.0.3.  Unfortunately 6.0 had an untitled note bug so App Store customers ran into this issue but download customers didn't because it was actually fixed in 6.0.3.  We didn't realize the bug existed in 6.0 or we wouldn't have released it.  3) Finally local notebooks are dependent on file location and the Mac App Store and download versions store their files in different places because of the sandbox requirement.  Since local notebooks are only stored locally the file location is very important.  During migration local notebooks were migrated to the correct location if you upgraded from App Store to App Store or Download to App Store but I think we missed App Store to Download versions. This has been fixed.

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Evernote crashes whenever I try to launch it. I used it fine until earlier today. Now it is completely unusable:


Process:         Evernote [744]
Path:            /Applications/Evernote.app/Contents/MacOS/Evernote
Identifier:      com.evernote.Evernote
Version:         6.0.6 (451290)
Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [569]
Responsible:     Evernote [744]
User ID:         501
Date/Time:       2015-02-19 12:56:41.441 -0700
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.5 (13F34)
Report Version:  11
Anonymous UUID:  6A46A747-8053-473A-A20C-540488594138
Crashed Thread:  0  main  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Application Specific Information:
abort() called
Thread 0 Crashed:: main  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff89b90a52 __semwait_signal_nocancel + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib             0x00007fff8a4bc99c nanosleep$NOCANCEL + 189
2   libsystem_c.dylib             0x00007fff8a4e655e usleep$NOCANCEL + 54
3   libsystem_c.dylib             0x00007fff8a512b24 abort + 135
4   net.hockeyapp.sdk.mac         0x000000010fb17762 uncaught_exception_handler + 27
5   com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff91d04702 __handleUncaughtException + 706
6   libobjc.A.dylib               0x00007fff881da304 _objc_terminate() + 94
7   libc++abi.dylib               0x00007fff92f0f1d1 std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 8
8   libc++abi.dylib               0x00007fff92f0f246 std::terminate() + 54
9   libobjc.A.dylib               0x00007fff881da0b0 objc_terminate + 9
10  libdispatch.dylib             0x00007fff8f1162a1 _dispatch_client_callout + 28
11  libdispatch.dylib             0x00007fff8f11def0 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 333
12  com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff91c6b4f9 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9
13  com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff91c26714 __CFRunLoopRun + 1636
14  com.apple.CoreFoundation       0x00007fff91c25e75 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
15  com.apple.HIToolbox           0x00007fff90d18a0d RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 226
16  com.apple.HIToolbox           0x00007fff90d187b7 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 479
17  com.apple.HIToolbox           0x00007fff90d185bc _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 65
18  com.apple.AppKit               0x00007fff8dbc424e _DPSNextEvent + 1434
19  com.apple.AppKit               0x00007fff8dbc389b -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 122
20  com.apple.AppKit               0x00007fff8dbb799c -[NSApplication run] + 553
21  com.apple.AppKit               0x00007fff8dba2783 NSApplicationMain + 940
22  com.evernote.Evernote         0x000000010f181704 0x10f17f000 + 9988
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