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Annotation tools only available in screenshot, not full page capture?

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Just started using Evernote and really liking the product, might be able to now get some order in my day. 


One thing I would like to do is go back and annotate captured screens and emails with circles/boxes/arrows etc. 


I'm mainly using the Windows application but also the web clipper in Chrome.  For some reason I'm only able to add

arrows etc when I do a screenshot (draw a rectangle), not when I capture the entire screen.   Also once the note is in Evernote I can't annotate with the 

exception of changing the highlighting, adding lists etc... no arrows. 


Must be missing the obvious. 


The attached picture shows the annotation tools I have from the Windows client when a note has already been captured. 


Any ideas? 



PS - Just noticed the annotate button appears (in the Windows app) for some of the notes and not others.  There seems to be no consistency to this either. 


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