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Search a Stack on iOS

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I would like to only search a specific stack vs. everything in my Evernote. I see how to search a notebook, but I do not see a way to search an entire stack. Specifically trying to search my "work" stack and exclude all other stacks and individual notebooks.

Also, I don't want a generic "saved" search as I don't see a way to customize the criteria each time (tried it with a notebook and did not see a way to edit the criteria so. It too helpful).

I have a shared personal notebook and it keeps clogging up my search results....need guidance on how to narrow search to a stack and customize each time.

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On desktop you would click on the stack itself in the Left panel. Not on any of the individual notebooks itself, but the actual stack in the left panel. When you're looking at the notebook list/ menu (Mac and Windows) the problem is that when you double click on the stack, it only expands and collapses your stack... it doesn't actually take you there. 


I imagine you're on Mac, by the sounds of your obfuscation. Windows allows one to easily expand the notebook list in the left panel. On Mac you have to expand the list by "Command/ Ctrl + click". Can't remember - but that's what you need to do. Then you should be able to click on a stack and see all the notes therein in your Note List. 


On iOS, you would expand a stack and tap on "View all notes in stack" at the bottom of the notebook list in that stack.

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I am actually on an iPad, this is my primary tool for using Evernote. i do. It see a way to select the stack and search. I can type "Stack:work keyword" each time....feels like there should be an easier way.



On desktop you would click on the stack itself in the Left panel. Not on any of the individual notebooks itself, but the actual stack in the left panel. When you're looking at the notebook list/ menu (Mac and Windows) the problem is that when you double click on the stack, it only expands and collapses your stack... it doesn't actually take you there. 


I imagine you're on Mac, by the sounds of your obfuscation. Windows allows one to easily expand the notebook list in the left panel. On Mac you have to expand the list by "Command/ Ctrl + click". Can't remember - but that's what you need to do. Then you should be able to click on a stack and see all the notes therein in your Note List. 


On iOS, you would expand a stack and tap on "View all notes in stack" at the bottom of the notebook list in that stack.


iOS includes iPad  ;)


I bet that made your day.

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On the top right of the UI (just after you hit "View all notes in stack"), you'll see a search box that says "Search notes". That will search within the stack you just chose to view. You really need to tinker and become familiar with your app. You can't miss that search bar. Once you tap in it, a search interface will open to show you Recent Searches and Saved Searches. You can choose to use one of those... or ignore them and just type in your keywords or search operators into the now expanded and centered search bar, where is says, "Search notes". It's exactly the same interface when you're searching an individual notebook or once you've selected a tag.

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