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Has anyone from Evernote acknowledged the problems with new interface design?

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As I found out when I searched on-line, I wasn't the only one horrified by the Evernote "update" which replaced a perfectly usable interface with a new (much whiter and harder to see) skin. I emailed tech support asking if there was any way to change this or roll back to the previous version, and got no reply. I did however get an email a few days later asking if I was satisfied with how my query was handled...   Does anyone on here know the current status of this - does Evernote plan to offer any way to get back to the previous GUI scheme?

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  • Level 5

The decision makers in the Marketing team seem obsessed with no contrast text on a white background. There have been many complaints and no response. And to rub salt in the wound. the latest upgrade (web version) seems to make the situation even worse. 


My only hope is that these Evernote employee youngsters, with their eagle-eye vision, start to realize the error of their ways when they start to cross over into the land of 30-year-olds. In the meantime, I am using Google Keep and WorkFlowy.com.

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I, too, really dislike the new "minimalist" interface in the Mac app - and even more so in the web interface. Not because I hate change. I just hate change for the worse for no reason. Other things that are worse: notebooks don't change tone when dragging notes into them, making it even harder to see what's happening. It's also much harder to find support pages now from within the interfaces. And Evernote's crashing much more, and creating more conflicting modifications more often. That's a lot of steps in the wrong direction.

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  • Level 5*

There's actually been a fair amount of response and some dialog from Evernote in the forums with regards to the new Mac and Web UIs, relative to the usual. They seem willing to listen and make some changes, but also seem committed to the direction that they're taking. Yes, management and marketing -- as is often the case -- have the ability to influence product design.

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