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Evernote for theory classes

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There's a specific area in the discussion forms for schools and the educational uses of Evernote here https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/90-evernote-for-schools/


It's certainly possible to make great use of Evernote with a class of students,  and cost need not be a factor - one free account will share individual notebooks to more than 20 students,  and they can either be 'given' their own free account or left to register their own.  If the Instructor has a Premium account the 4GB upload limit allows for much more flexibility in storing course material,  and if the school had a Business account it would provide the instructors with individual accounts of their own and allow the school to manage its internal affairs.  Scalability is not an issue.


I'd suggest you start with a free account to get used to the interface,  and investigate the educational discounts that (I believe) Evernote offer.


But always - test out what you want to do with a tech-friendly colleague or two before you involve innocent students!

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