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(Archived) Make Plain Text/Remove Formatting button?

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Have you guys considered such a feature? Too often a note is completely messed up by formatting introduced when pasting. It'd be nice if there was a) an easy way to remove formatting, such as a toolbar button and :) an ability to mark a particular note as Plain Text, so any new data appended to it is converted to plain text automatically.

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When you enter text directly into our clients, the spacing should just be single-spaced. We don't have an intentional way to get into multi-space mode, other than pasting from HTML sources that happen to trigger a bug in our app.

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  • 1 month later...

Despite having "paste without formatting", it's still just for the specific text that is pasted, and if you continue editing the note, that text can sometimes inadvertently acquire formatting. A great capability for me would be to paste in programming code from my IDE as a snippet for later retrieval, and know that if I paste it back into my IDE at a later stage, the formatting, line breaks and spacing aren't messed up. Currently I don't have any confidence in this capability.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like the editor to act more consistently with unformatted things, which seem to acquire formatting or otherwise behave inconsistently while editing.

In Evernote Web version, I copied text out of a plain text file (a snippet of code) and pasted it into EN. It looked fine. I saved and re-opened for edit, and it seemed to have acquired double spacing. When I copy/paste it back into a plain text file from the edit screen, the copy from double-spaced rich text in EN causes actual spaces to replace the rich-text double-spacing. Thus, it "looked wrong" in EN /and/ a bunch of line breaks got added during the copy from EN.

Not sure what to do. Its hard to make unformatted notes inside EN, and even pasting unformatted things into EN seems to make them look strange and become, basically, unretrievable.

Also, EN Web doesn't seem to have a "cancel edit" button. The only option after "Edit" is "Save and Close." Not sure if this is a known problem, or by design, or something only I'm experiencing.

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Also, when I do successfully paste something without formatting and it gets saved, the thumbnail view of the text data removes all line breaks, showing the text as a single continuous line of text data. It makes it really hard to recognize the difference visually between code snippets, since all plain-text data looks like a single glob of characters on one line, wrapped into the size of the thumbnail box.

This is true my of to-do lists, my log reports, my code snippets, my work notes. Anything that is unformatted looks like a blob of text in the thumbnail.

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