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Date Created Problem

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How do you correct "date created" when Evernote shows it incorrectly?  All my notes have a date showing "4 weeks ago".  I just created a new note this evening and it shows date created as 11/15/2014, which is not correct, but I can't seem to be able to edit it at all.

  • Level 5*

Which Evernote client are you using? Windows? Mac? Android? iOS? Web?

  • Level 5*

Still not clear whether you're using an installed Evernote Desktop version,  or viewing your notes on Evernote.com in a browser.  Either way Evernote should reflect your system date and time when creating notes,  so check the date in the bottom-right corner of your screen and correct it if necessary.  If you wish to change the created date on existing notes,  it's not possible in Evernote Web.  Click the 'i' in an Evernote Desktop note and then click the created date numbers to change them.


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