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(Archived) Evernote Style Guide?

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Has anyone created or seen a "style guide" for evernote. By this I mean something has created that has a workflow for taking a note from Inbox to the proper notebook.

I realize this will vary per the person - I'm more interested in what sort of things people have found important to keep track of and how they've made these consistent.

For instance, as a consultant I do a lot of pre-sales and post-sales work so I tag any customer note in my "Customers" notebook with 'presales' or 'postsales' so I can easily get a list of opportunities to follow up on, etc.

I keep a tag for each account manager so I can see if someone is being greedier than the others, etc.

What other sort of things do you find useful to add to a note when it becomes "permanent"

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I'm more interested in what sort of things people have found important to keep track of and how they've made these consistent.


What other sort of things do you find useful to add to a note when it becomes "permanent"

Here's a thread that never took off: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=12672&p=50510&hilit=uses#p50506

As far as consistency, I'm pretty good at using keywords. I'll often use misspelled/alternate spellings of keywords. IE, if a contact's name is Shafer, I'll add Shaffer as a keyword.

I'd say at least 90% of all the notes I add will be "permanent." The only temporary ones are things like where I parked my car or my husband's latest itinerary.

When researching a new project or product, I'll often create a new notebook to store all the info, so that it's all right there. IE, when researching a new doctor, I created a new notebook, _newdoc. (The underscore puts the notebook at the top of the list for quick access.) All the screen caps, website URLS, personal notes were added to that notebook. Once I was done, I made sure each note had "doctor selection 2009" in the note, then tagged them all "medical" & dumped them all into my general catch all notebook. Then deleted the _newdoc notebook. Next time I need to research a new doctor, I can search on 'doctor selection.' (The 2009 is to be able to differentiate between doc selections over time, should that happen.) If I forget those words, I would like to think I'd remember to look for 'Arizona Medical Board' b/c that note would jog my memory about the keywords I used. And if I didn't, I'd just have to skim through all the notes with the word doctor in them as well as the doctor's name I ended up selecting & tagged medical (tag is really probably optional, at this point), until I found one that reminded me the keywords I used. :)

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