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Evernote for Mac 6.0.3 Released



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Well I went back to 5.6.2 and looking at the latest bad updates I think I'll stick there for now. I think they should stop adding features and make the product work properly and get the interface right. Who dreams up adding chat to this app! The marketers are in charge. There's a zillion way better chat clients. Do one thing well, not a zillion things poorly. Just make this sh*t work for the love of god.




I'm very displeased with the latest "upgrade" (used loosely) to Evernote, and I'm wondering how I would go about downgrading to 5.6.2?


As somebody in this thread wrote earlier: "If it isn't broken, don't fix it." Evernote was a wonderful application. Now, besides the very uncomfortable interface, my notes lag terribly on my one-week-old iMac.


I did send a note into Support, and I did get a canned response stating that they've received the message. Something tells me I won't get much more than that.


So, please...if there's a way I can go back to the earlier version of Evernote, I would appreciate instructions on how to do so. 


Thanks much.

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i don't agree with your particular criticism of microsoft--i actually fault them more for turning over encryption keys to the nsa. even if microsoft offers zero-knowledge encryption in the future, they've already shown in the past that they are quite willing to undermine it, so i can't think of many cases at this point in which i could recommend onenote as a secure solution. perhaps, if an outside entity verified their code, but even then, they could change it later and no one would be the wiser.



It's hard to fault Microsoft or any other cloud service provider for working with the local authorities. They are a business - not a crusader for privacy - and you can't run a sustainable business outside the legal system. If you don't like the fact that three-letter agencies can prompt them to turn over your private information, it isn't Microsoft you need to talk to - it is the US government and congress... and ultimately the voters that put them in office. I would never blame Evernote for letting the police into my account, as long as it happened in response to a proper warrant or a National Security letter. If I had something serious to hide, it would be client-side encrypted with a proper open-source product (I don't trust closed source crypto) and packed in a zip-file before uploading.


But what Microsoft does is, censoring data by their own volition. The NSA doesn't care if you snap a nude photo of your girlfriend with your WindowsPhone device, which is subsequently automatically backed up to OneDrive.  But Microsoft will snoop in your account and close you down when they find it. This has nothing to do with complying with the law or working with the NSA - they do it.... well, because they feel like it. I find this frivolous attitude to something as serious as censorship hard to stomach.





the new color scheme (or lack thereof) on 6.0 doesn't make me too grumpy. i've posted my suggestions for improvement elsewhere. 


It makes me grumpy, because it was done for no practical reason (sucking up to Apple doesn't count as such). Any developer with a minimum of experience should have recognised this UI disaster before it made it's way out in the wild and I don't see Evernote hurrying to implement any corrective measures. They fixed something that wasn't broken and broke it in the process, so yeah - I reserve the right to be a bit miffed.

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FAO Evernote Support:


Please update your support forum, with the link right bang on the support home page which says:


Have questions about Evernote for Mac?


(then links you to this out of date article)


Problems with note titles disappearing, note display, or app performance


Some Evernote users running earlier versions of Evernote for Mac 6.0 are having problems with their notes displaying or are seeing some notes automatically retitle to “Untitled.” Downloading the latest version Evernote for Mac from https://evernote.com/download/ or from the Mac App Store should correct these problems.


Note not displaying and note title issues

We believe these issues do not occur in versions above 6.0.1. We believe these issues occur most frequently during migration from earlier versions of Evernote.


Now that just ain't the case is it  :angry: 6.0.1 does not fix the problems, they are still there in the current 6.0.3 - why don't you say there are issues no the current release (6.0.3) and you're working on them...?



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  • Level 5*

evernote has a great policy towards our data. for those who don't know it, i'd recommend they look here. evernote 6.0 has all kinds of collaboration and sharing, but at its heart, it is still devoted to security / privacy.



but, bad things happen, even with the best intentions, and smart folks at the helm.






i don't agree with your particular criticism of microsoft--i actually fault them more for turning over encryption keys to the nsa. even if microsoft offers zero-knowledge encryption in the future, they've already shown in the past that they are quite willing to undermine it, so i can't think of many cases at this point in which i could recommend onenote as a secure solution. perhaps, if an outside entity verified their code, but even then, they could change it later and no one would be the wiser.



more broadly speaking, as brent mentioned, it's not about good / bad or trustworthy / untrustworthy, but companies who have access / don't have it. i'm increasingly of the opinion that if you have sensitive data, you should just keep it off the cloud entirely out of anyone else's hands. this can be done quite easily with a few other apps that sync from mobile to desktop, though you lose the seamless feel of evernote when you move from one device to another. if you are  concerned about security (as i am), you either put everything in those apps, or you just put the sensitive stuff in them and leave the regular stuff in evernote. it is annoying to use multiple personal information managers, but much less annoying than the unpleasant scenarios linked above.


evernote 6.0 would have been really exciting if they had offered zero-knowledge encryption of notebooks to users. or, even better yet, the ability to sync from one device to another without the cloud (this will probably never happen), thereby almost eliminating security concerns. such apps do exist already, so it wouldn't really be revolutionary, but no one does it yet on everything (windows/mac/android/ios). unfortunately, to get really strong security right, it will require a lot of backend work by evernote, and customers will have to accept a bit of inconvenience (an option for local wifi sync of local notebooks as opposed to constant cloud sync of synchronized notebooks).


the new color scheme (or lack thereof) on 6.0 doesn't make me too grumpy. i've posted my suggestions for improvement elsewhere. 

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Evernote (so far) has a good reputation for privacy, but that's only because so far they have decided that it's best to be perceived that way.  If, tomorrow, they decide it's best to cooperate with (unlikely) North Korea, or (more possible) Facebook, and sell your personal data, there is nothing that stops them from doing so.  And wherever there is a front (or back) door to your data, you have to assume that the NSA, FBI, probably China, and random disaffected network admins [snowden] have access to it.  


So, where anyone beyond you personally hold they key, assume it's on the same footing.  Evernote "talks pretty", and so far has acted, as far as we know, well, but that only because they want to, today.


The Evernote folks have the right and ability to look in the documents according to the terms of service, but only to ensure compliance with the user guide lines. They explicitly state in the privacy policy that they respect our rights to our private information. Compared to the really bad ones - Google and Facebook, whose business model is selling their users informations -  Evernote is very conservative in their demands and I see no reason not to trust them. I don't think it's just "talk"...


Microsoft on the other hand has a proven history of censoring users private cloud storage and they are not apologising for it...






It is worth mentioning that Evernote doesn't prohibit nudity in their terms of service, as long as you don't use a public folder to distribute it. Even if you don't plan to save that kind of data in your account, it is still a clear indicator that they are much less invasive when it comes to their users privacy than Microsoft. So to me Evernote is as trustworthy as you can reasonably expect from any cloud service.


I hate the new UI color scheme, but I trust them to keep my documents safe...

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Whether or not Evernote reads my documents I don't know, but so far they haven't done anything to anybody that prompts me to believe that they do (apart from ocr in order to make PDF's searchable).

yes. they do.


Yup.  It's important to remember that there are no "Good" or "Bad" corporations, just those than can or cannot read your data.  Evernote, as well as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and many others, can.


Evernote (so far) has a good reputation for privacy, but that's only because so far they have decided that it's best to be perceived that way.  If, tomorrow, they decide it's best to cooperate with (unlikely) North Korea, or (more possible) Facebook, and sell your personal data, there is nothing that stops them from doing so.  And wherever there is a front (or back) door to your data, you have to assume that the NSA, FBI, probably China, and random disaffected network admins [snowden] have access to it.  


So, where anyone beyond you personally hold they key, assume it's on the same footing.  Evernote "talks pretty", and so far has acted, as far as we know, well, but that only because they want to, today.


[Edit: And now I read this: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/66103-power-user-discontent-best-alternatives-to-en/?p=300520

This is extremely scary to me because if it's true, and if there's a chance the corporate data that I thought was not being sync;d the the cloud actually left my corporate network, very "bad" things could happen to me.  My trust in Evernote drops again. :(  ]  


That said, we're talking about the interface in this topic.  


Normally, interface changes grate on me for the first few days, and then I adapt, move on, and stop complaining.  This is not happening so far.

1) Use translucency properly.  The background should not be showing though the snippet view.  See Mail.  This occurs other places as well

2) Give me color back, in a customizable way.  Let me color/theme/shade/customize notebooks, so I can quickly an easily tell which one I'm operating in.  This is a HUGE benefit that the competition has

3) Give me a 'dark' option, just like the Yosemite EN claims to copy.  Make it work well with Aperture in a 'Dark' setting, for instance.

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Well I went back to 5.6.2 and looking at the latest bad updates I think I'll stick there for now. I think they should stop adding features and make the product work properly and get the interface right. Who dreams up adding chat to this app! The marketers are in charge. There's a zillion way better chat clients. Do one thing well, not a zillion things poorly. Just make this sh*t work for the love of god.

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Well, hello, hello, hello....  What do we have here, then?


After all the pleas from people, including me, for more configurability, and in the face of Evernote's baffling refusal to give us that, and with their excuse or justification being that they are following Apple (!?!), now the leaks about iOS 9 are starting to appear, and look what they're supposedly doing...  They seem to be moving towards much more configurability.  Here is a quote and a URL reference - bolding  by me:




iOS 9 Inside Information revealed – check out the release date and features here

Dec 6, 2014

Apple has been a company which has always believed in the power of innovations.
Their latest product reflects exactly on those brand values. For a company created by Steve Jobs, apple has nowadays lost a touch of innovation and are not as innovative as they once used to be.
What we see in the iOS 8.x and the iPhones since the iPhone 4S, haven’t been particularly impressive.
It is however comforting to know that the company is indeed working hard towards the common purpose of making the iOS an even more ‘personal’ OS.
The iOS has been something which has always been a dictator of an OS, where it wants the users to use their own system.
They do not give you much of a scope for customization, however things are going to change big time in the new update of the iOS – which will be coming out as an update of the iOS 9.
The new update brings many new features, most of which deal with the aspect of customization – here is a list of probable updates which will be featured in the iOS 9.
Siri – Siri will be receiving many new updates, most of which deal with the voice companion of apple becoming smarter than ever, and they will also make it more personalized for your use, making sure that your device recognizes your commands well.
Siri also gets a new update, where siri becomes much smarter than it ever was – during the night time, we often have a tendency to listen to music.
This smart siri will ask you every five songs if you’re awake or not. If you don’t reply the phone will automatically stop playing the music and your battery will be saved.
Siri will also ask you what certain words mean if it hears you saying them often and does not recognize them.
Personalization Features – the new iOS will be offering many new features which will make the iOS truly yours.
The new features include the ability to change the color scheme of the phone at large, as the users will be able to change the background and many other features of the phone according to their wish.
The buttons will be of different color and on every action the button’s colors will change. Many new features will also be introduced – which will include the ability to use a ‘night mode’ – where the users will be getting a black background and white text written on it. this will make sure their eyes don’t get strained at night.
The new iOS will be releasing in the fall of 2015, and that is a news that the internal sources have actually confirmed. We will update you with more news as it rolls in. Keep following us at TheREM for more updates.
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I'm confining my comments about the new Mac 6.0.x interface to concerns about color, or lack thereof. I posted a more detailed discussion here:




To sum up the points made at the other page, color plays a huge role in our lives. Among other things, it  1) creates Brand Recognition, 2)  helps us visually process, organize, and filter information and 3) interacts with our emotions in a very fundamental way. Ignoring color in the design of a software interface flies in the face of thousands of years of human evolution. The Evernote design team can create an updated, modern looking interface without sacrificing the marketing, organizational, and emotional power of color. 

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  • Level 5*

I wouldn't call Microsoft "evil" per se.

Which one is the evil twin? That is the question :)


And they have a proven record for snooping in peoples personal files (several have gotten their MS accounts closed for uploading nude pictures of themselves to their personal OneDrive for instance), which alone is enough for me to keep my distance. They might be ahead as far as data security is concerned, but that doesn't help if the threat against your privacy comes from within the company itself.

They used their access to hotmail accounts in order to track down one person leaking Windows 8. They have since changed their policy. They'll throw judges into the mix if they go on a hunt (whether compelled to do so by the government or motivated by their own interests). This is actually on par with most other services. Google mines 100 percent of it, and just about everyone has gmail accounts these days, so whether you use it or your recipient does, the traces are all out there. Just ask petraeus :)


Whether or not Evernote reads my documents I don't know, but so far they haven't done anything to anybody that prompts me to believe that they do (apart from ocr in order to make PDF's searchable).

yes. they do.

"Will Evernote Look At My Content?

Your privacy in your Content is a paramount concern for us, and we hope that we never need to examine anyone’s Content. However, there are limited circumstances in which we may have the need to review part or all of your Content, as discussed in our Privacy Policy."


it's not a matter of trust. it is a matter of access. no one should even have this access to my data. it isn't evernote's business, or anyone else's, what i put in my account. this is why i have advocated for zero-knowledge encryption of notebooks. but, as of today, i can count on one hand the number of notetaking services that provide such guarantees, and evernote isn't among them.


Should that happen, I would drop the service immediately. I can live with the new crappy UI - still whining and complaining until they fix it, of course - but not censorship of my private data. That would be a deal-breaker.

interestingly, evernote is actually a major anti-censorship tool in some cases. go figure.


i don't know of any case in which evernote has blocked access, removed data, or deleted an account, but they would certainly be well within their rights for doing so if they interpreted our behavior as a violation of their terms of service. i don't think this is going to be a major concern for most folks, because they figure that this comes with the territory when you hand your data over to a third party, but there are also folks who really ought to be a little less careless with data that is not theirs to share such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, and others who have ethical and legal obligations to exercise a higher than usual level of caution.

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Hahaha. Indeed. Stability, reliability, and trust ought to be core features of any app. Unfortunately, that is not often the case. I've always found OneNote to be quite stable, reliable, and trustworthy, though. After shifting to Mac, my use dramatically decreased, but it seems pretty good to me with my limited investment in it. The move to the cloud and Microsoft's alleged shenanigans with encryption keys makes me quite leery of the app, but they have made great improvements to security in recent months in tandem with a huge investment in making the app available on every platform. Big stuff. In fact, with perfect forward secrecy and encrypted databases, I'd argue that (at least, on paper) they are ahead of Evernote. I am not aware of any data mining by MS.

As for how the companies started out, Evernote back in the day was actually a Windows app with no syncing. It re-invented itself as a cloud app. They were quicker (by far) than MS in figuring out the potential benefits of a cloud model. It's like a Marvel comics origins story -- one character is good and the other is evil, both of them battling to gain mastery over our data.


I wouldn't call Microsoft "evil" per se. It's more a case of them being so big that they might "step on you by accident". And they have a proven record for snooping in peoples personal files (several have gotten their MS accounts closed for uploading nude pictures of themselves to their personal OneDrive for instance), which alone is enough for me to keep my distance. They might be ahead as far as data security is concerned, but that doesn't help if the threat against your privacy comes from within the company itself.


Whether or not Evernote reads my documents I don't know, but so far they haven't done anything to anybody that prompts me to believe that they do (apart from ocr in order to make PDF's searchable). Should that happen, I would drop the service immediately. I can live with the new crappy UI - still whining and complaining until they fix it, of course - but not censorship of my private data. That would be a deal-breaker.

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  • Level 5*

Stability, reliability and trust are unique features.


OneNote may be established, but it started out with focus on the application as a local note-taking and organising tool. The cloud part was more like an afterthought. Evernote on the other hand was a web-service from the beginning with the declared policy of being a reliable online repository for notes and documents. This makes a difference in the way I perceive the two. Sure - Microsoft is currently working hard on "becoming Evernote" and they will probably succeed eventually. But they are still Microsoft, so the trust will be a long time coming.

Hahaha. Indeed. Stability, reliability, and trust ought to be core features of any app. Unfortunately, that is not often the case. I've always found OneNote to be quite stable, reliable, and trustworthy, though. After shifting to Mac, my use dramatically decreased, but it seems pretty good to me with my limited investment in it. The move to the cloud and Microsoft's alleged shenanigans with encryption keys makes me quite leery of the app, but they have made great improvements to security in recent months in tandem with a huge investment in making the app available on every platform. Big stuff. In fact, with perfect forward secrecy and encrypted databases, I'd argue that (at least, on paper) they are ahead of Evernote. I am not aware of any data mining by MS.

As for how the companies started out, Evernote back in the day was actually a Windows app with no syncing. It re-invented itself as a cloud app. They were quicker (by far) than MS in figuring out the potential benefits of a cloud model. It's like a Marvel comics origins story -- one character is good and the other is evil, both of them battling to gain mastery over our data.


The "but we followed the Yosemite guidelines" excuse is not only tiring to listen to, but also really poor in sevaral ways.

Yeah. I've criticized them for some decisions as well, but I think that, overall, they have hit all of the main points and it is distinctively a Yosemite app now. Apple's imprimatur is recognition of this.


Apple never intended to put style over functionality, and regardless of whether or not you like the Yosemite look and feel there is not doubt that MacOS has retained it's user-friendliness.

Oh goodness. I don't know what Apple intended with its apps, but in so many ways, especially on Pages, things have been nerfed over the years to make work more difficult. Word, in all of its ugly fuzziness, outdated, and mangled Mac form is better. That says a lot about how little Apple is investing in the app, or perhaps, in how ineffectively they have been applying resources. I love working with Apple stuff, but they still manage to miss the mark a lot. I haven't got anything kind to say about Windows today :)
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OneNote is ancient in this space. I think I've been using it over a decade now. It is better than ever now and seems to have a huge following. I don't expect Microsoft will get rid of it anytime soon. For my use case, it isn't too great, and I have no interest in moving everything into it anytime soon, but for a lot of users, it does overlap with Evernote, and I think Evernote is smart to try and distinguish itself with unique features.


Stability, reliability and trust are unique features.


OneNote may be established, but it started out with focus on the application as a local note-taking and organising tool. The cloud part was more like an afterthought. Evernote on the other hand was a web-service from the beginning with the declared policy of being a reliable online repository for notes and documents. This makes a difference in the way I perceive the two. Sure - Microsoft is currently working hard on "becoming Evernote" and they will probably succeed eventually. But they are still Microsoft, so the trust will be a long time coming.





What exactly was so degraded in version 6? It looks like almost exactly the same app to me. Some visual improvements here, some not so great changes there, but overall not a huge difference.



 in Evernote's defense, they are basically following the Apple design guidelines / expectations for Yosemite. If you look around, you'll see a lot more of the same. Yes, they could do some minor tweaking here and there (as I have suggested at length), but I don't see any madness... Apple has even given its imprimatur by promoting Evernote as Editor's Choice in the appstore. Apple, as well, is averse to customization.


 The "but we followed the Yosemite guidelines" excuse is not only tiring to listen to, but also really poor in sevaral ways.


Evernote is not an Apple program - it is multi-platform and as such needs to focus on a consistent UI across all platforms rather than differentiate depending on what system you use it on. I realize that I am shooting myself in the foot with this remark, since the Windows client isn't exactly a paragon of user-friendliness either...


More importantly though, Evernote does not follow the Yosemite UI philosophy. They have merely cherry picked a few points and applied them badly. If you compare the app to some of the Apple dittos - like Calendar or Address Book - they are both better or at least as useable as before the OS upgrade. Or look at programs like iMovie or Mail... very functional and user friendly. Apple never intended to put style over functionality, and regardless of whether or not you like the Yosemite look and feel there is not doubt that MacOS has retained it's user-friendliness.


And yes - the colors are the main issue.  If Evernote had done everything else but left the UI in peace, they would likely only have suffered a fraction of the negative backlash. 

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  • Level 5*

I need a cloud based document storage I can trust, and I don't trust Microsoft in this area.

True. Neither do I.


They could easily decide to kill the service at a drop of a hat, data-mine my personal documents, change their price-model out of my range or whatever other nasty things you can think of. OneNote is a focus product at the moment, but MS is so large and has so many different venues of profit that they could easily survive without any one of them.

OneNote is ancient in this space. I think I've been using it over a decade now. It is better than ever now and seems to have a huge following. I don't expect Microsoft will get rid of it anytime soon. For my use case, it isn't too great, and I have no interest in moving everything into it anytime soon, but for a lot of users, it does overlap with Evernote, and I think Evernote is smart to try and distinguish itself with unique features.


Even in light of the much degraded user experience of version 6, they have no competition in this field. Microsoft and Google are not trustworthy as far as privacy is concerned,  and it will take a long time for a new player in the field to build the kind of trust that Evernote has accumulated over the years.

Actually, I think Microsoft is a major competitor in the field. What exactly was so degraded in version 6? It looks like almost exactly the same app to me. Some visual improvements here, some not so great changes there, but overall not a huge difference.


Migrating to another product is not an option. So we have no choice but hoping that the current madness that has seized the developers will subside over time and make them realise what they are doing to their users. Like stated numerous times, if you suck at UI design you should at least make it user-configurable or skinable so the users can fix their own workstation.

I have long advocated for customizability of the interface, but that is diametrically opposed to evernote's design philosophy, so I don't see that ever happening. And, in Evernote's defense, they are basically following the Apple design guidelines / expectations for Yosemite. If you look around, you'll see a lot more of the same. Yes, they could do some minor tweaking here and there (as I have suggested at length), but I don't see any madness... Apple has even given its imprimatur by promoting Evernote as Editor's Choice in the appstore. Apple, as well, is averse to customization.
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It is NOT just a note-taking app, so it is not competing with other purely note-taking apps. And the fact that so many have posted on here that they are having difficulty in finding something to replace Evernote speaks volumes for the fact that it STILL has a unique market niche. OneNote is getting there, but it ain't there yet.



That's the problem - there really isn't any other product quite like Evernote. 


I need a cloud based document storage I can trust, and I don't trust Microsoft in this area. They could easily decide to kill the service at a drop of a hat, data-mine my personal documents, change their price-model out of my range or whatever other nasty things you can think of. OneNote is a focus product at the moment, but MS is so large and has so many different venues of profit that they could easily survive without any one of them. Evernote, on the other hand, is built around one specific product. If that goes down, the company goes with it. And the slogan - "remember everything" - combined with the green elephant sends out all the right signals. So I trust Evernote to do what they claim and take good care of my stuff on a permanent basis.


Even in light of the much degraded user experience of version 6, they have no competition in this field. Microsoft and Google are not trustworthy as far as privacy is concerned,  and it will take a long time for a new player in the field to build the kind of trust that Evernote has accumulated over the years. Migrating to another product is not an option. So we have no choice but hoping that the current madness that has seized the developers will subside over time and make them realise what they are doing to their users. Like stated numerous times, if you suck at UI design you should at least make it user-configurable or skinable so the users can fix their own workstation.


I like your example with the consistency of the Photoshop UI. It is a major reason for the products sustainability in the market.

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  • Level 5*

"Fame and fortune"


I think if they were making a fortune then there wouldn't be the need to pivot as they seem to be.


So this is all about business acumen, if they are to have an exit at some point  (yawn, 100 year company BS...) then they have to be more profitable and the app as we quite like it will probably never achieve that. Time for a pivot, look for features that they think will make the app more sticky in places where people are likely to pay for things, like businesses. Before you say it, they obviously have some way to go but my guess is that this is the direction they want to head in.


Oh, don't get me wrong.  I agree with your assessment of where they think they want to go. But my point is that they should continue the BASIC Evernote app as it is, given that it has got them to the 100 million user base already, but ADD a second level of app aimed at the business users. Like Evernote Business...! 


OK - I'm off to do some work. Using various apps that are specialised for their functions, like Pages, Curio, and Keynote ;)

i lnow what i want them to do, but i don't know what they should do. most of the core features are there: ocr, sync across platforms, etc. if you don't like the business-y stuff, don't use it. i don't know of any major features that have been lost.

version five had plenty of problems back in the day. it was terrible with large databases, reinstalling took days because you had to wait for the agonizingly slow sync, one version destroyed my data, and another had totally different search results compared to other platforms. do some searches on these forums and you'll see my bug reports and feature suggestions. there have been a lot of growing pains over the years, and without a beta, this one (as one would expect) had some too. users who rely on this for mission critical stuff should (just as with apple's wonky os upgrades) wait a few months until things have stabilized.

every new release is like this, and just like with version five, they aren't going to go backwards, and they aren't going to change directions based on our complaints. whatever it is that has them pivoting to business, they aim to stick with it, so i suggest finding a way to like it. as for the interface, they've modeled themselves on apple since version five, along with all the problems that brings, so i'd recommend accepting that (at least in the broad strokes) this is how it will be. the designers have (to their credit) made their thoughts on the design abundantly clear -- not just thoughts, but their philosophy / vision, which is a tough thing to change.

anyhow, if you give specific complaints + use cases you might get a response about the "basic" stuff you want them to continue. as far as i can tell, though, nothing major is missing in this upgrade...

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"Fame and fortune"


I think if they were making a fortune then there wouldn't be the need to pivot as they seem to be.


So this is all about business acumen, if they are to have an exit at some point  (yawn, 100 year company BS...) then they have to be more profitable and the app as we quite like it will probably never achieve that. Time for a pivot, look for features that they think will make the app more sticky in places where people are likely to pay for things, like businesses. Before you say it, they obviously have some way to go but my guess is that this is the direction they want to head in.


Oh, don't get me wrong.  I agree with your assessment of where they think they want to go. But my point is that they should continue the BASIC Evernote app as it is, given that it has got them to the 100 million user base already, but ADD a second level of app aimed at the business users. Like Evernote Business...! 


OK - I'm off to do some work. Using various apps that are specialised for their functions, like Pages, Curio, and Keynote ;)

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HI There:


Is anyone else experiencing this?  Notes in Evernote 6.0.3 Mac are not displaying right away when I click on them in list view.  Then, when the note comes up after about 2-3 minutes, the note is no longer editable.



MacBook Air 2012 Yosemtie 10.10.1


Yes, sort of.  I was working in Evernote 6.0.3 on Sunday and it just started to take forever to load the note that I selected.  I use this program EVERYDAY for EVERYTHING and when I click on notes down the list, they used to show immediately..now they take several minutes to load content and I don't have that kind of time!  I'm using it on my MAC with OS 10.10.1  It's so frustrating.  I can, however, edit the note once it shows.  Please FIX this.  I'm paying for Premium and this is really trying my patience!



I'm having same issues - but I can't even edit the notes when it does show up.


I use the web app now. It's pretty ridiculous how it passed QA. 


I am also a Premium member on rMBP 2014 10.10.1.

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  • Level 5

Marcus and all the Evernoters ... Where are you on the forums.


It would have been nice if: - Marcus note was pushed out to us: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/79277-evernote-for-mac-605-releases-app-store-and-download/


Marcus' post was directly above yours:


We just shipped 6.0.5 to both the Mac App Store and to direct download customers.  You can read about the release in my new forum post.  http://bit.ly/1xrtZ6N.


Locking this thread to avoid further confusion since 6.0.5 is out.

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Don't love the new look, as everyone jumps on the "make it white" bandwagon, but so far 6.0.5 seems to have solved it. 


Now.. why not a message to everyone to tell us that.

Or even just to all the people who have reported problems.


It would have been nice if:


- Marcus note was pushed out to us: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/79277-evernote-for-mac-605-releases-app-store-and-download/

- We got an update notification automatically

- Or anything!!

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Yes, that's what I described in my OP.  After reboot, all is well.  I suspect the Evernote Helper didn't exit gracefully after the install and then Evernote couldn't relaunch.  Thank you for the follow up!



Same issue, all notes had disappeared, and took minutes each to load every time I needed to see them. . 6.0.3 is a horrendous buggy mess, but I can at least see my data (just(). Actively seeking an alternative - preferably in green

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Personally, I've had enough of EN. I've dusted off a copy of Devonthink and wow. Instant clipping. No waiting forever for the web clipper. It's a mac app for real. It used by serious researchers and has a zillion features that EN doesn't have that make sense to my needs. It's not as cloud based out of the box, but I can live with a bit of configuring. I'm not enjoying EN. It's too flakey and the editor is just a hugely annoying piece of junk. I can't stand working in it. There are other options.

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Well I went back to 5.6.2 and looking at the latest bad updates I think I'll stick there for now. I think they should stop adding features and make the product work properly and get the interface right. Who dreams up adding chat to this app! The marketers are in charge. There's a zillion way better chat clients. Do one thing well, not a zillion things poorly. Just make this sh*t work for the love of god.




I'm very displeased with the latest "upgrade" (used loosely) to Evernote, and I'm wondering how I would go about downgrading to 5.6.2?


As somebody in this thread wrote earlier: "If it isn't broken, don't fix it." Evernote was a wonderful application. Now, besides the very uncomfortable interface, my notes lag terribly on my one-week-old iMac.


I did send a note into Support, and I did get a canned response stating that they've received the message. Something tells me I won't get much more than that.


So, please...if there's a way I can go back to the earlier version of Evernote, I would appreciate instructions on how to do so. 


Thanks much.


HI, sorry to get back so late. Please install AppCleaner. It's free and brilliant. Drop evernote in there. It will remove most everything. Download the old version. Do a search for downloading old EN versions for the mac. Install it and sign in. It will sync and you're done. 

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HI There:


Is anyone else experiencing this?  Notes in Evernote 6.0.3 Mac are not displaying right away when I click on them in list view.  Then, when the note comes up after about 2-3 minutes, the note is no longer editable.



MacBook Air 2012 Yosemtie 10.10.1

I'm also seeing this in Evernote 6.0.3.  Mac Mini, Yosemite 10.10.1

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  • Level 5*

If you are willing to try a BETA release, Evernote has stated that they have addressed may issues and bugs, including performance issues, in EN Mac 6.0.4 Beta 2.


As with ALL BETAs, I highly recommend that you do a FULL BACKUP before updating to the Beta.

I would update to this Beta ONLY if I were having severe problems with my current Evernote installation.

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Evernote for Mac 6.x.x is very slow compared to version 5.x.x: the editor of note is not able to reproduce keyboard input, the characters appears with great delay after keyboard pression.

It is very annoying if not unusable!

I have a good hardware configuration: MacBook Air mid 2013 - Intel i7 1,7 GHz - 8 GB RAM - OS X 10.10.1


Please send me a link to return to version 5.x.x


Thank You very much.



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I upgraded to the latest version of Evernote (6.0.3) for the Mac this morning. It crashes on startup...every time. I can't open it at all. Anyone else having this issue?



I had some stability issues right after the upgrade - not quite as bad as yours though.


I uninstalled Evernote (the app store version) completely and did a fresh install (the version directly from Evernote) and has had no erratic behaviour since. I still don't like the new UI design, but at least the app itself seems stable on my mid 2010 MacBook Pro 8Gb.

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I did notice, quite by accident, that I can know take a picture of a business card on IPhone and Evernote will read it and fill in key contact information.  I don't know if it can also include the reverse side of a business card.   They say it can sync to your Contacts, but it is not clear if this is only Apple's Contqcts or could be Google or other contacts.  I wonder what other features they added without a word of explanation.

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HI There:


Is anyone else experiencing this?  Notes in Evernote 6.0.3 Mac are not displaying right away when I click on them in list view.  Then, when the note comes up after about 2-3 minutes, the note is no longer editable.



MacBook Air 2012 Yosemtie 10.10.1


Yes, sort of.  I was working in Evernote 6.0.3 on Sunday and it just started to take forever to load the note that I selected.  I use this program EVERYDAY for EVERYTHING and when I click on notes down the list, they used to show immediately..now they take several minutes to load content and I don't have that kind of time!  I'm using it on my MAC with OS 10.10.1  It's so frustrating.  I can, however, edit the note once it shows.  Please FIX this.  I'm paying for Premium and this is really trying my patience!

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I have appreciated and used Evernote for years -- have made a major commitment to the platform.


The latest version -- as another user mentioned, "silver folders on a bright white screen," is such a disappointing user interface decision that I registered and joined the forum expressly to convey my frustration. There is no use of color anymore to calm the eyes and organize the thought. It is a glaring and difficult to use interface. I think I'll use Evernote Web until this gets fixed. Please take another hard look at what works in interface design.

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  • Level 5*

It is impossible to scroll up or down your note with TWO FINGERS!!! Every time I try I erase or write above what has been already written....Pretty bad...

That may be a localization issue: in UK, you use two fingers, whereas in the US, it's one finger.1





1this is a joke, referring to common ways to indicate extreme displeasure in the two cultures]

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So a little update on the sluggishness I've been experiencing. I updated to 6.03 without any fixing the snappiness issue. Now I deleted the app, emptied trash, went into ~library to delete app support. Rebooted machine, 


I redownloaded from App store and would you believe my enthusiasm when for the first second or so the app was perfectly smooth and as responsive as Evernote 5.6 was, but then my notes started syncing down and the sluggishness came back. Heartbroken.


It seems something's up with my notes. I just don't know what it could be. I try to keep everything neat, often have around 500 notes, no big attachments, just a few pdfs, but mostly just text. 


I can best describe the issue I am having as "a low framerate" when I scroll the notes in a notebook and when I scroll in the notes themselves. It is still workable but browsing in Evernote used to be as butter smooth as safari, and it's certainly not that for me. 


Mid 2013  13"MBA  Yosemite  10.10.1

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I've been working a lot less on Evernote now and keeping my ears open for a reliable alternative. Other people may get used to the brightness, but I just can't in its current state. Even slightly more differentiation would be ok with me (although an option to change the color scheme would be ideal). Modifying work flows is a P.I.T.A., but when the app you're using gets in the way of work as it does now, the whole experience is miserable.  This stubborn adherence to an appalling color scheme has left me utterly flummoxed.

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Big news: they stopped technical support for all the previous versions except for the latest one. 


Quote: "Unfortunately we are no longer able to provide support for outdated versions of Evernote. I would need you to update your Evernote Application to 6.0.3 in order to provide further support. [...] If you are not running the latest version of Evernote you may not be able to sync with the server at all."



Hypocrisy and cynicism beyond limits. 


I can understand their reluctance to provide tech support for older versions, but it's still not nice of them. There are a LOT of people - myself included - who are still on v5.


However, if they stop older versions from syncing with the servers, that almost amounts to data theft - there should be no reason and no way that they could do that. 


If they were to do that, I can see a few smart lawyer-types starting a class action on behalf of users who are locked out of their own data unless they yield to the "blackmail" and upgrade to v6. That is as bad as ransomware viruses.

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Sorry if this post is in the wrong forum, but has anyone experienced very annoying lag/not snappy scrolling performance with Evernote for Mac? I have a MBPr mid-2014 with an i5 2.8GHz 8GB RAM, so I don't think it's a hardware issue... Even before Evernote 6.0, the scrolling for the Mac client has been draggy and nowhere near as responsive as say, Safari. This makes it very frustrating and really sours the experience when I'm reading and annotating long academic articles on my Evernote client...

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Big news: they stopped technical support for all the previous versions except for the latest one. 


Quote: "Unfortunately we are no longer able to provide support for outdated versions of Evernote. I would need you to update your Evernote Application to 6.0.3 in order to provide further support. [...] If you are not running the latest version of Evernote you may not be able to sync with the server at all."



Hypocrisy and cynicism beyond limits. 

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  • Level 5*

Change In Behavior of Creating a New Note in Ver 6+


@Marcus and @Jack:  Please include changes in behavior like this in your Release Notices and Forum announcements.



There is some new behaviour when creating a new note in 6.*. It works like this:


If the new note should be visible in the current context, then it is displayed in the main window, otherwise it is displayed in its own window.


Some examples:

- If you’re looking at all notes and try to add a new note, the new note should appear in the main window.

- If you’re looking at your default notebook and try to create a new note it should appear in the main window.

- If you’re looking at a notebook other than the default notebook and try to create a new note, it should appear in its own window.

- If you’re looking at the notebooks list and try to create a new note, it should appear its own window.


In the past we would just switch the view out from underneath you, which some people found confusing.

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a) Using 'top view list'

B) and search for notes with tag1, but NOT tag2,


for example tag:apples -tag:bananas.


I get a top list with all the notes that have apples has tag BUT NOT bananas.


Then,  add the tag 'bananas' to one of this notes and press ENTER key twice ===> CRASH.

(It is important to press the enter key twice)
Evernote fail to refresh the top list.

Using OSX 10.8.5, this happen every time with EN version 5.7.2, 6.0.2 and 6.0.3

(BUT do not happen with EN 5.6.x on Snow Leopard)

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  • Level 5*

BUG REPORT:  Search Operator "any:" Ignores "notebook:" Operator


Per Adjusting, this has been a bug since at least Ver 5.6.



Notebook:MyNB any: Tag:MyTag1 Tag:MyTag2

These searches now all return the notes that are in notebook MyNB OR have any of the tags.

Previous/Expected Behavior:  Return all notes in notebook MyNB AND have any of the tags


For details, see this thread:  https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/78653-evernote-6-mac-any-tag-search-in-notebook-not-working/


EDIT:  Here is another user report of same bug:


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I think you all should drop support for 10.7.5. The updates released after 5.5.x have been crashing for me and other users on this forum, for me at least since the betas for 5.6 and continuing to 6.03. Evernote seems disinterested in putting resources toward a resolution of the problems. I've tried updating to each point release hoping that there would be a fix under the umbrella description of bug fixes that accompanies each new release, but the stability problems remain. Support has been polite but unhelpful. 


I know that few users have this version of OS X. But for those like me who do, it would be better to be stranded on an old but stable version of the software than to upgrade to a newer version that is utterly unreliable. You should make the call and cut support when your QA team no longer has the resources to do the work of thoroughly testing for stability on older versions of OS X. 


(Before anyone replies saying why not upgrade to the latest and greatest from Apple, the machine in question is an older Intel Macbook and the latest OS it supports is 10.7.5.)

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Since updating for some reason it translated all of my notes that were in other languages into a really bad google translate-like English... and I have no idea how to change it back to the original. It's done the same on my Mac, iPhone, and web version.  


Those notes are mainly homework related so it's really important that they be kept in their original language. How can I make it stop doing that? 

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Today we shipped Evernote for Mac 6.0.3 today.  It includes:

  • Continued sync improvements.
  • Fixed the Classic Note Link issue where you had to hold option before opening the menu.  Now you can push the Option button after the menu is up.

Updates should work in-app. Otherwise, here's the direct link: http://goo.gl/pBvwku




Not sure about the "sync improvements." I had no problems syncing with 6.0.2, but with 6.0.3 I had one note to sync and that went fine then EN spent 4 minutes syncing something that as far as I know didn't need to be synced.

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Love the improvements!   I can no longer see my notes and the new screen is burning my retinas -- who would have thought that a silver folder on a bright white screen with no folder definition would be a bad idea for clarity?  I also really appreciate the UI color scheme options that I have in case I didn't care for your 'retina burning' default. Great beta testing too!  I love to pay for a premium subscription and not have access to my notes that I depend on due to bugs. Your Soviet-era retro Customer service has been very helpful in not answering my emails too! Good feeling all around. 


Love it :)  Superb use of sarcasm and humour to make the point. Classic :)

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Love the improvements!   I can no longer see my notes and the new screen is burning my retinas -- who would have thought that a silver folder on a bright white screen with no folder definition would be a bad idea for clarity?  I also really appreciate the UI color scheme options that I have in case I didn't care for your 'retina burning' default. Great beta testing too!  I love to pay for a premium subscription and not have access to my notes that I depend on due to bugs. Your Soviet-era retro Customer service has been very helpful in not answering my emails too! Good feeling all around. 



Chrismas coming

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Love the improvements!   I can no longer see my notes and the new screen is burning my retinas -- who would have thought that a silver folder on a bright white screen with no folder definition would be a bad idea for clarity?  I also really appreciate the UI color scheme options that I have in case I didn't care for your 'retina burning' default. Great beta testing too!  I love to pay for a premium subscription and not have access to my notes that I depend on due to bugs. Your Soviet-era retro Customer service has been very helpful in not answering my emails too! Good feeling all around. 

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  • Level 5*

Marcus, thanks for the bug fixes, my favorite part!


If you could list any other fixes included in this release it would be most helpful.

Jack mentioned a fix to the OSStatus Error -9800 Sync bug here.


Today we shipped Evernote for Mac 6.0.3 today.  It includes:

  • Continued sync improvements.
  • Fixed the Classic Note Link issue where you had to hold option before opening the menu.  Now you can push the Option button after the menu is up.



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FYI, since updating, Evernote won't launch.  I did the in place update - it just goes unresponsive in the Force Quit menu and the main Evernote window doesn't come up.  I force quit the app then downloaded from this link and did a manual install with same result.  Going to restart (uugh) and see what happens.  First time an update hasn't come up cleanly for me. Running  OS X 10.9.5 (13F34) on a MacBook Air 

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HI There:


Is anyone else experiencing this?  Notes in Evernote 6.0.3 Mac are not displaying right away when I click on them in list view.  Then, when the note comes up after about 2-3 minutes, the note is no longer editable.



MacBook Air 2012 Yosemtie 10.10.1


Exactly the same issue here. Really frustrating. MBP 2012 10.10.1

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version five was designed for mountain lion, so i kind of doubt evernote has any interest in going back in time to 2011. you probably won't get far pushing for this. as for the features like context or chat, i think evernote is trying to find its place in the world now that it isn't the only notetaking app on every major platform. i'd expect more of the same in the future.

i am guessing evernote is trying to appeal to the professional or aspiring professional who can contribute to their bottom line -- version five isn't going to get them there, and neither is the old anti-sharing external brain model. i am just speculating, of course, but that is how i interpret their move towards business, collaboration, sharing, and integration with products like scansnap or the wall street journal (context). it seems extremely unlikely that they could or would chuck their business model and change directions no matter how much of a stink users make in forums. the responses we've seen to criticisms make more sense in this context. i don't think it is pride, but business acumen, and a desire to survive. i may not like it, but i don't think they are lost either.


Morning Grumpy :)


I take the points you made, but I don't agree with them. First, on the interface - it looked good on Mountain Lion, and v5 STILL looks good. Yup, we bitched about some of the changes to v5 too - but they were minor in the grand scheme of things - nothing like the disaster of v6. There was certainly NOTHING like the hue and cry back then as we're seeing now. All these folks signing up to be first-time posters on here just so they can vent their complaints. And the vast majority are to do with the UI, and thus they overshadow the vital stuff about real bugs in the functioning of the program.


And Evernote's vision for the future is not good business acumen, IMHO. It is NOT just a note-taking app, so it is not competing with other purely note-taking apps. And the fact that so many have posted on here that they are having difficulty in finding something to replace Evernote speaks volumes for the fact that it STILL has a unique market niche. OneNote is getting there, but it ain't there yet.


But if they REALLY want to try and make Evernote something we all live in all day every day (which is what they seem to be trying to do), then they should do that as a separate program. The one thing that rocketed Evernote to fame and fortune is its unique ability to store, search, sync across devices, and do OCR. And I'd venture that a very large proportion of users that got it to where it is now are individuals, not businesses. Many, including myself, use it for both work AND private stuff.  And by cutting off those users at the knees, by making Evernote into something completely different, is a foolish, stupid move, once again IMHO.  They should ADD, not SUBTRACT.  With v6, they are indeed trying to add (context, chat, etc) but they are also SUBTRACTING (removing progress bars, removing configurability - yes I know that happened a couple of versions ago - hiding "Email Note", etc etc).  And they have introduced all sorts of bugs, like the empty notes, the titles that disappear, the notes that many can't edit, etc.


Why not keep the CORE functions of Evernote as they used to be? There's nothing wrong with "going back to 2011" if it actually worked better then? And the UI is a matter of personal taste - some may say it looked "dated" whatever that means. So, if the UI is a matter of personal taste, why not give us the options to make the UI the way we want it, using options and configurability? Why are they going AGAINST Apple's own standards by not having a configurable toolbar, for example.


And if they DID keep the core functions as they were - but continued to polish them so they worked perfectly for everybody all the time - then they could introduce all this new stuff like chat, context, etc into Evernote Business, as a separate program. A bit like Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements - aimed at the different user groups. 


Adobe - much as I hate their pricing models, especially here in Australia - have at least got the basics right.  Photoshop hasn't really changed its UI in all the years (decades) that I've been using it. Subtle bits here and there over a long time, but it has remained the same basically. And in terms of function, I can't really think of ANY function Adobe have actually removed. They have worked on getting it so that it works all the time, every time, for everybody, and THEN added some new functions (like the context-sensitive healing brush, for example) but WITHOUT removing existing functions. The earlier spot healing brush, and the clone tool, are all still there, and many people who have got used to a workflow using those tools still use them every day. It is the perfect example of how to make a program into a standard, a classic, and even such a default program that is has spawned its own verb.


Evernote, by changing direction and trying to be all things to everyone, is (once again IMHO) more likely to put people off. It has built its remarkable success on word of mouth and excellent functionality. They risk losing both.

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(Rant mode on)


I'm puzzled as to what exactly has got into Evernote....


We have the unmitigated disaster of Evernote v6 for the Mac - design changes that the majority of posters hate, functional problems of crashes, notes disappearing, lagging and slowness, editing problems, titles vanishing, functions that a minority may use, like Context and Chat, non-configurable toolbar, etc etc.


And as an ex-Penultimate user, I've just been checking the App store feedback on Penultimate for iPad. Wow - Holy Cow! A huge mass of 1-star reviews slamming the product for - wait for it - design changes that the vast majority of posters hate, functional problems of crashes, notes disappearing, lagging and slowness, editing problems,....  All  sounds a bit familiar, yes?


So what has happened at Evernote? Did Phil Libin get carried away with his own success, and see himself as the messiah of the universe, and decide to try to make Evernote products all things that they are not? Was it somebody else? Who, in their right mind, would take products that have not only established the company, but made them so successful - and then totally balls them up in almost every imaginable way?


And now, of course, they have their pride to consider. They won't listen, they won't go back to the way it was on principle, and they will blunder on regardless of the feedback that they are copping from every direction.


Why don't they just accept that:


- they need to revert to Evernote v5 and Penultimate v5, and completely scrap the version 6 of each and go back to the drawing board.


- they need to fix any and all problems on the fundamentals of each app - get them working perfectly, and make them even better at what they do best - which is what they used to do.


- they need to forget about dreaming up these delusions of grandeur and trying to be Microsoft, Adobe, Skype, Facebook, and Twitter all in one


- they need to give up on dreaming up ideas that most people don't want, such as context, chat, etc (at least, going on the majority of posters who are engaged on these forums)


- they need to give back to the users the ability to configure the theme and appearance of each app, configure the toolbar in Evernote, make as many things as possible options in the Preferences.


If they would only swallow their pride and admit that they have really gone off in the wrong directions with both Evernote for the Mac and Penultimate for the iPad, then they may have a chance of redeeming their user base's trust and confidence.


But at the moment, they're losing that very rapidly, as word spreads of the complete and utter disasters that are the version 6s of both EN Mac and Penultimate. I'm just waiting for one of the more influential magazines to publish a REAL review, rather than just regurgitating the press releases. Once that happens, Evernote will be in big trouble.


(/Rant mode off)

Don't forget Skitch.  It used to be wonderful (I used for just about everything), but after Evernote bought it it became a heap of *****.  I can't even draw lines anymore; you draw a line, it becomes "selectable," and you have to draw somewhere else on the screen to avoid clicking it.  Terrible design.

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  • Level 5*

version five was designed for mountain lion, so i kind of doubt evernote has any interest in going back in time to 2011. you probably won't get far pushing for this. as for the features like context or chat, i think evernote is trying to find its place in the world now that it isn't the only notetaking app on every major platform. i'd expect more of the same in the future.

i am guessing evernote is trying to appeal to the professional or aspiring professional who can contribute to their bottom line -- version five isn't going to get them there, and neither is the old anti-sharing external brain model. i am just speculating, of course, but that is how i interpret their move towards business, collaboration, sharing, and integration with products like scansnap or the wall street journal (context). it seems extremely unlikely that they could or would chuck their business model and change directions no matter how much of a stink users make in forums. the responses we've seen to criticisms make more sense in this context. i don't think it is pride, but business acumen, and a desire to survive. i may not like it, but i don't think they are lost either.

You could be right, but that still doesn't explain the ruined user interface. Professionals sitting in front of a screen for hours are even more dependant on proper optical ergonomics....

proper or not, it is yosemite-ish, and in some ways an improvement on the previous interface. i'd prefer all kinds of changes, but then it wouldn't be what it is, which is clearly where they want to go with it. there was a hue and cry over version five as well, and i think that while criticisms produce some movement, it is never nearly so far as the users pushing for change would like. perhaps that is for the best -- only now are some things from 2011 becoming clear, such as the shape of the new business model and focus of the service. the interface and new features are part of the same package and they have been headed this way for some time (look to ios, windows, or the web for precursors).
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version five was designed for mountain lion, so i kind of doubt evernote has any interest in going back in time to 2011. you probably won't get far pushing for this. as for the features like context or chat, i think evernote is trying to find its place in the world now that it isn't the only notetaking app on every major platform. i'd expect more of the same in the future.

i am guessing evernote is trying to appeal to the professional or aspiring professional who can contribute to their bottom line -- version five isn't going to get them there, and neither is the old anti-sharing external brain model. i am just speculating, of course, but that is how i interpret their move towards business, collaboration, sharing, and integration with products like scansnap or the wall street journal (context). it seems extremely unlikely that they could or would chuck their business model and change directions no matter how much of a stink users make in forums. the responses we've seen to criticisms make more sense in this context. i don't think it is pride, but business acumen, and a desire to survive. i may not like it, but i don't think they are lost either.


You could be right, but that still doesn't explain the ruined user interface. Professionals sitting in front of a screen for hours are even more dependant on proper optical ergonomics.... 

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  • Level 5*

version five was designed for mountain lion, so i kind of doubt evernote has any interest in going back in time to 2011. you probably won't get far pushing for this. as for the features like context or chat, i think evernote is trying to find its place in the world now that it isn't the only notetaking app on every major platform. i'd expect more of the same in the future.

i am guessing evernote is trying to appeal to the professional or aspiring professional who can contribute to their bottom line -- version five isn't going to get them there, and neither is the old anti-sharing external brain model. i am just speculating, of course, but that is how i interpret their move towards business, collaboration, sharing, and integration with products like scansnap or the wall street journal (context). it seems extremely unlikely that they could or would chuck their business model and change directions no matter how much of a stink users make in forums. the responses we've seen to criticisms make more sense in this context. i don't think it is pride, but business acumen, and a desire to survive. i may not like it, but i don't think they are lost either.

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Hopefully the more we post the more they will listen. Because as it stands currently this evernote version is a step in reverse. I know one of Evernotes big advocates "the good life team" in Austin Texas. Maybe I will type an email to them or give them a phone call and get their thoughts and see if they can effect some change on this non sense. 

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(Rant mode on)


I'm puzzled as to what exactly has got into Evernote....


We have the unmitigated disaster of Evernote v6 for the Mac - design changes that the majority of posters hate, functional problems of crashes, notes disappearing, lagging and slowness, editing problems, titles vanishing, functions that a minority may use, like Context and Chat, non-configurable toolbar, etc etc.


And as an ex-Penultimate user, I've just been checking the App store feedback on Penultimate for iPad. Wow - Holy Cow! A huge mass of 1-star reviews slamming the product for - wait for it - design changes that the vast majority of posters hate, functional problems of crashes, notes disappearing, lagging and slowness, editing problems,....  All  sounds a bit familiar, yes?


So what has happened at Evernote? Did Phil Libin get carried away with his own success, and see himself as the messiah of the universe, and decide to try to make Evernote products all things that they are not? Was it somebody else? Who, in their right mind, would take products that have not only established the company, but made them so successful - and then totally balls them up in almost every imaginable way?


And now, of course, they have their pride to consider. They won't listen, they won't go back to the way it was on principle, and they will blunder on regardless of the feedback that they are copping from every direction.


Why don't they just accept that:


- they need to revert to Evernote v5 and Penultimate v5, and completely scrap the version 6 of each and go back to the drawing board.


- they need to fix any and all problems on the fundamentals of each app - get them working perfectly, and make them even better at what they do best - which is what they used to do.


- they need to forget about dreaming up these delusions of grandeur and trying to be Microsoft, Adobe, Skype, Facebook, and Twitter all in one


- they need to give up on dreaming up ideas that most people don't want, such as context, chat, etc (at least, going on the majority of posters who are engaged on these forums)


- they need to give back to the users the ability to configure the theme and appearance of each app, configure the toolbar in Evernote, make as many things as possible options in the Preferences.


If they would only swallow their pride and admit that they have really gone off in the wrong directions with both Evernote for the Mac and Penultimate for the iPad, then they may have a chance of redeeming their user base's trust and confidence.


But at the moment, they're losing that very rapidly, as word spreads of the complete and utter disasters that are the version 6s of both EN Mac and Penultimate. I'm just waiting for one of the more influential magazines to publish a REAL review, rather than just regurgitating the press releases. Once that happens, Evernote will be in big trouble.


(/Rant mode off)

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HI There:


Is anyone else experiencing this?  Notes in Evernote 6.0.3 Mac are not displaying right away when I click on them in list view.  Then, when the note comes up after about 2-3 minutes, the note is no longer editable.



MacBook Air 2012 Yosemtie 10.10.1


i'm also facing the same problme... very very slow to show the content of notes, may be take almost 5 minutes. I'm considering not to keep using Evernote after permium version time limit... 


macbook air 2011 Yosemite10.10.1

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  • Level 5*

"Fame and fortune"


I think if they were making a fortune then there wouldn't be the need to pivot as they seem to be.


So this is all about business acumen, if they are to have an exit at some point  (yawn, 100 year company BS...) then they have to be more profitable and the app as we quite like it will probably never achieve that. Time for a pivot, look for features that they think will make the app more sticky in places where people are likely to pay for things, like businesses. Before you say it, they obviously have some way to go but my guess is that this is the direction they want to head in.

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I believe my update prior to version 6.0 hung during install and the Save PDF to Evernote option in the print dialog box quit working after I upgraded to version 6.0. I just updated to 6.0.3 and Save PDF to Evernote option still is not working with the latest update. Any info on how to fix this functionality is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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I updated to 6.0.2 last night . . . then to 6.0.3. Things went from glitchy, to more glitchy, to broken  :huh:  


1. I can make changes to existing notes, but the changes aren't saved.

2. I have my sync preference set to manual, when I choose to sync, new notes don't appear, and the syncing never ends. I have to close the app to make it stop.


Thankfully the web version allows me to manage my notes. I was using the beta version, but happily switched back, it's much easier on the eyes. I wish the app graphics hadn't changed.




Premium subscriber (for now), MacBook Pro 17 early 2011, Yosemite 10.10.1

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I was sitting through the EN Keynote just now and Presentation Mode came up.. It looked great they way Phil presented and tables looked great in Presentation Mode... Pity in reality Tables do not display well in a shared URL or Presentation Mode.


He actually used the words "perfectly sized" which we know they are not and it has been highlighted on here over and over again.


How did he do it?  Magic?


I have been having the same issues with tables and how they look on mobile compared to desktop.  Here is what I have found out:

  • Adjusting the far right edge of a table changes all the other cell widths change (thats a problem)
  • You can not change the cell heights
  • Formatting/viewing the table on mobile is very bad, esp for wide tables.  Everything is squeezed together and hard read.
  • On mobile stop using "fit to screen" and instead let the user scroll left to right if needed to view the table data.
  • Adjusting cell colors and styles is limited.

If you compare this to Onenote, you will see that Onenote does tables ALOT better for a unified experience across desktop and mobile.


I will say it again and keep saying it, Evernote should stop adding new stuff for a while and spend the next 6-8 months improving and fixing the functions they have now.  If they just spend more time on the CORE issues I know this would be an amazing product!

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I dont know why they had to mess with a good thing. This new version is BLAND.. Practically no colour and if creating a checklist with checkboxes you will have to really take a close look because once the box is checked it does not highlight or anything.. And I'm not even going to get started on work chat... pffff...I want my old sharing options back please and thank you! As a evernote business subscriber I am currently looking at new options for my company as I do not appreciate these so called upgrades that constantly mess with my functionality. If it aint broke dont fix it evernote!

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I was sitting through the EN Keynote just now and Presentation Mode came up.. It looked great they way Phil presented and tables looked great in Presentation Mode... Pity in reality Tables do not display well in a shared URL or Presentation Mode.


He actually used the words "perfectly sized" which we know they are not and it has been highlighted on here over and over again.


How did he do it?  Magic?

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It is amazing how I am now VERY afraid to use Evernote, when before 6.x, I was its biggest supporter.  I am a software developer and it boggles my mind that basic functions like syncing were not tested before the release of 6.0.0 and 6.0.1.  Now I don't blindly update anymore.  I come here to find out what isn't working with the new release so I can decide if it will cause me to lose notes.


I can understand Evernote wanting to only provide support for their latest release, but why would you force a user to update to the latest when it might cause more problems than it solves.  And not being able to sync because you are not on the latest release is ridiculous.  Did management change at Evernote recently?  I do not know why they are OK with releasing versions with sync reliability issues. First and foremost syncing should be right!


I came to Evernote from OneNote because OneNote was not on the iOS/Mac platform.  I got used to the way Evernote worked and decide I would invest in a premium account.  I was loving life!  It was the one application that I couldn't live without.  Now I'm trying to figure out what my alternatives are because, I have lost faith that I can count on Evernote for a reliable product or support.  OneNote is now available on the iOS/Mac platforms.  I am not sure what else is out there.  I certainly would prefer that Evernote just be reliable.

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HI There:


Is anyone else experiencing this?  Notes in Evernote 6.0.3 Mac are not displaying right away when I click on them in list view.  Then, when the note comes up after about 2-3 minutes, the note is no longer editable.



MacBook Air 2012 Yosemtie 10.10.1

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