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Soppress e-mails and sms from notes

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Evernote does not have this capability on its own. Services like Zapier, IFTTT and your email provider (e.g, email forwarding rules) can all do this. 


You'd have to determine what third-party services you are using to send SMS and email to Evernote.

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Check your gmail rules to make sure you haven't set up a system to forward emails to Evernote. 


I have no idea how a person automatically forwards SMS to evernote. I'd take a look at your google chat/talk/hangouts (whatever they are called these days) or your gmail rules to see if you have something set up to forward these to Evernote. 


I'd also make sure you aren't using another service like IFTTT.com to automatically forward your google chat (SMS) and gmail stuff to Evernote. 


One thing to check is, for the SMS and Email in your Evernote account, see what the "author" field is filled with in the note info for one of these notes. Sometimes this field can contain information about the origin of a note if it is created by a third party service you have set up. Also check to see if any tags have been applied. I know IFTTT by default will add an IFTTT tag to notes created by it in Evernote. 


You'll have to try and remember what you did to set this up, because these are things that cannot be done by Evernote alone. To make these things happen they required action from you, and likely either gmail's email forwarding rules, or another third-party service. Unfortunately since I was not there with you when you set these things up you'll have to put the time into figuring out what it was you did to make these things happen. 

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