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No Tag Drop Down on New Notes

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On my android phone when composing a new note it is easy to select an existing tag by tapping the tag icon and getting a drop down of all existing tags.  On my PC running vista, neither the installed version of Evernote or web browser version on Chrome gives me this drop down.  I just get an empty box and can type in a new tag but if I am trying to use existing tag I do not see the existing tags.  


Am I missing something?

  • Level 5*

This is the fresh, clean web beta? I see that it will respond to what you're typing and suggest tags that match. It won't offer an suggestions until you type something; ditto the Windows client.


You are correct it will suggest tags with same beginning letter(s) after typing, for web and installed versions on PC. (I just downloaded beta web). But unless you recall first letter of tag you are looking for, you are lost vs picking from drop down total list in android.  How do I suggest change to developers?

  • Level 5*

Just posting here is fine for feature requests, as they do read every post. You can also open a support request (link is in my signature, also see https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/51807-best-practices-submitting-a-support-ticket/). Oh, and in Windows, Ctrl+Alt+T will bring up an "Assign Tags" dialog, that might be if use, though it doesn't expose any tag nesting.


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