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Wishlist Item: Form Templates

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It would be great if there were a way to create a form that could be used in a notebook. As simple as a standard checklist to more robust forms with combo boxes and text entry.


Ideally, forms would accept data entry, selection, etc. until closed at which time they would convert to the appropriate text/symbols. As a technology professional, using evernote to collect installation data (serial number, model number, type, location, assigned to, etc) is handy. However, it would be faster and easier if I had a template to use each time so data was entered in a consistent format. To be honest, I originally came up with the idea because I use Evernote to document the things I find while metal detecting, but the concept has many, many applications.


Because of the additional data Evernote collects such as GPS location, time of note creation, etc. as well as the great sharing capabilities, I could see many business applications - Home inspections, recipes, membership forms, vacation requests, meeting agendas, support requests...


There are several "drag and drop" form builders out there for applications like wordpress so it should be something relatively easy to incorporate into Evernote...


Just a thought...

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  • Level 5*

I occasionally hear about some user doing some limited data collection via HTML in Evernote notes, but I never quite understand or believe it. You can easily create template notes via any number of means; but you're mainly limited to text entry, with no magical conversions.

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Just checked out KustomNote - it showed promise, but without the "extras" like photo integration and GPS logging that Evernote provides, its just a near-miss. Oh well... Maybe when they get done pushing out silly features like "Work Chat" they can work on this... :)

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