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emailing a notebook

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correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a serious limitation compared to the previous version. If receivers of emailed/shared stuff has to open an account I'm off this app for good..!

It has been this way forever. 

There has never been a way to privately share an entire notebook with a non-evernote user, such within an email message. 

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correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a serious limitation compared to the previous version. If receivers of emailed/shared stuff has to open an account I'm off this app for good..!

It has been this way forever. 

There has never been a way to privately share an entire notebook with a non-evernote user, such within an email message. 



I have always been able to get a public link to a notebook and share with a non-EN user until now with this "chat" update. This is an extreme downgrade and very much limits how I can use Evernote. 

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correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a serious limitation compared to the previous version. If receivers of emailed/shared stuff has to open an account I'm off this app for good..!

It has been this way forever. 

There has never been a way to privately share an entire notebook with a non-evernote user, such within an email message. 


Was thinking of a note, not a whole notebook. But it is so trendy to share everything nowadays that the developers/executives have decided to jump that horse to. I do not recent the possibility, but don't make my life more difficult because of a trend... ;)


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Ok, so there are a few distinctions that need to be made:

1) There is the private sharing of a notebook

2) There is the "public" sharing of a notebook.


With respect to 1, there has never been a way to privately share a notebook with a non-evernote user. The only way to share a notebook with a non-evernote user is to go with option 2, which is to generate a "public" link. I put public in quotes because it is only public in the sense that you could post that link in a public place and everyone could access it. If you never posted that link, it'd be a stroke of luck that somebody stumbled upon it. 


When you privately share a notebook as in 1, you can grant view and edit privileges. This requires (and always has required that the recipient be an Evernote user)


When you publicly share a notebook, as in 2, you can only grant view privileges. This does not require, and never has required, a recipient (or visitor?) to be an Evernote user.



There have been no changes to either option 1 or option 2. 

First, for option 2, you can still invite any existing Evernote user to your notebook and grant them view, or view and edit privileges. The main change here is that the default mechanism is to send this invitation via work chat instead of by email alone. This isn't such a big deal since your recipient will always also be an Evernote user with Work Chat. 


Second, for option 1, you can still generate public links that allow non-evernote users to view your notebook. This is done by right-clicking on the notebook and selecting "publish notebook". 


So, as of version 6.0.1, you can do all the same sharing that you could in 5.X.X.

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Thanks for the explanation, Scott. Intuitively, I was selecting "share notebook," and that was only taking me to the chat function.


When I right-click the notebook I want to share, there is no "publish notebook" option. I figured out that I need to select "properties" and then select "sharing & collaboration options" before I can publish the notebook and get the public URL.


So....thankfully, I can still share a public link to a notebook, although there seems to be more steps in doing so. 


Thanks again for reply.

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