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Feature requests, give us freedom to make the templates


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this note is my blog's template, as you see I have used element Text Area of evernote.contact.1 for build this template.

My request is, why not give to the power users the possibilities to create own template with some predefined elements.


I think that is not needed many elements, the en-todo, a system to create the dropdown menù and few others.


Evernote XML have many potentiality, please free it.

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  • Level 5*

If you just want a blank copy of the template, just use right click on the note you included the link for above and Copy to Notebook when needed.  Or, if Windows, export the above note to the desktop in ENEX format and double click it when you need a copy, which will appear in your default notebook.  There are other topics on the forum that discuss this in more detail.

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If you just want a blank copy of the template, just use right click on the note you included the link for above and Copy to Notebook when needed.  Or, if Windows, export the above note to the desktop in ENEX format and double click it when you need a copy, which will appear in your default notebook.  There are other topics on the forum that discuss this in more detail.


Please, before to answer read what I have wrote and look the note as example.
(I know that my english is not so good, so is diffìcult understand me sometime)
The note is not only exported, I have open the enex in notepad++, I have edit it introducing the tag
for blocking the structure and some tags 
<div style="x-evernote:note-body;-evernote-editable:textarea;">
<div style="x-evernote:note-body;-evernote-editable:field;"></div>
for create editable line and area. 
I know how to create a base template, my request is  more advanced. My request is have the possibilities to block the structure of a note and have some basic element (area, line, dorpdown menù and few others) for build a "true" template as many users want.
My posted note is example to prove that it is possible.
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  • Level 5*

You are correct, my response was for a simple template, one without dropdowns and the like.  I don't know if it is even possible editing the HTML of the base note.  Others may have an idea.  I can't help you here, sorry.

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  • Level 5*

Just to be complete, with respect to editing Evernote note markup:


On Windows you can always get a copy of a note's content/markup:  right click on a note in the note list, a "Export Note...", and then "Export as a file in ENEX format (.enex)". You can edit this to your heart's content, and then re-import it using File / Import Evernote Export Files... (it will make a new note)


Second, you should be able to edit a note's content/markup directly using the ENMLEdit site: http://enml-editor.ping13.net/


With respect to editing, you should note that Evernote's version of XHTML is somewhat limited. See the documentation: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php. XML (nor HTML, either) by itself has no special power -- the power is obtained by the system that interprets those formats. In this case, Evernote most likely will not support what you are trying to do at this time (drop lists, etc.).

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I know that is not possible, otherwise I don't pray for it.
My question is not about  what i is or not is possible that, sorry, I know.
My question is: why and will be possible, please, in future implement it?
Another simple example, with  ENMLEdit or wiht notepad++ is possible create a TOC, the code is simple, with this you create a link:
<a href="file:///#cap1">Capitolo1</a><div>
and with this the target:
<h1 id="cap1">Capitolo1</h1>
This works perfectly in Evernote if you not edit the note. The engine of Evernote, after the edit, remove id="xx" and the target don't work anymore.
My request is please don't delete it. 
P.S. If you want make it that works use as target this <h1 ><a name="cap1">Capitolo1</a></h1>
I know wht Evernote support or not, but with <content-class>evernote.contact.1</content-class> Evernote has introduced a smart system for mix not editable elements and editable elements so improve it giving to users a mode to use it.
In this moment a simple "Area" and "Field" is enough and the prove is the first note that I have posted, I don't think that add a "en-todo" is a big effort.
So in summary, 
add a new class for example: <content-class>user.basic.1</content-class>
make it compatible with the existing "Area" and "Field" or create new ones and finally add a editable "en-todo". 
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