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Text formatting eliminated when pasting from Evernote

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Hello All.


I find that Evernote is a fabulous place to take notes and even create outlines.


But when I cut and paste into what will be the finished document, all of the formatting that I created in Evernote is gone.


It makes it almost useless for things that don't reside exclusively in Evernote.


What say you all?




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  • Level 5*

Depends on what you paste it into: if I paste marked-up text into a text editor, it had better strip the markup.. Please be specific as to operating system you are using, and application that you are pasting into. I seem to be able to paste into MS Word and other rich-text environments without much trouble on Windows.

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  • Level 5*

Hmm, dunno -- haven't tried it. Gmail accepts the formatting, as far as I know. When Evernote puts text onto the clipboard, it generally does so in text format (OEM and Unicode), HTML, and Evernote's internal ENML format (HTML-like). The target application can choose whichever they prefer.

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