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TAG feature it must improve for a SIMPLE USABILITY

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why don't let click on any tags (already stored up the note you're viewing and down the note list), for example 'music' as i showed you on the screenshot, to make easier the retrieving process of every note related to that tag ?


I give u an example:


1. i need to find a note that already gotta a tag

2. i look for that searching it by clicking on tag tree on the left or using the search bar

3. i found the note. 

4. but if i wanna click on the stored tag's note to get a view only where notes gotta the same tag 'music' for example it's not possible.


So, i think if u improve that the user experience it will be more good and less stressful seeing that the evernote search bar it's really bad. 





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  • Level 5*

In the Windows client: if you Shift+Click on a tag in a note header, it will be added to the current search filter. In other words, Shift+Click on the "music" tag that you have circled.

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yep it works only for two clicks.

For example if i have a note with 4 tags: music, lyric, biography, project

and i'm clicking at first on music, than on lyric, then on biography when i wanna click on biography doesn't work.


Do u knwo chrome or any other browsers?

What i wanna have is something similar like that: when you point at a link, just press CTRL to get a new tab keeping the original page opening.


For note it's like: when you point at one tag on the header bar gimme back the all notes related on that tag (filter tag).


Do u understand me?

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  • Level 5*

Works for more than two clicks for me. You may not be able to see the extra tags if your note list is narrow (e.g. you're using snippet or card view, or vertical list view). Use the Search Explanation panel to verify (View / Show Search Explanation).


There is no tab view to show multiple notes, however, if you want to open a note up in a new window, you can double-click on it in the note list, and select Open In New WIndow. 

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  • Level 5*

Actually, your video shows pretty clearly that Evernote does exactly what I said it would: when you Shift+Click on the tag, it's added to the current filter. When you Shift+clicked on the "youtube" tag, it filtered the current note list from 4 notes down 1 note.


If you want to replace the current filter with that tag, you'll need to clear the search first. 

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Hey man, I think u lost the goal of this post :)


<<when you Shift+Click on the tag, it's added to the current filter. When you Shift+clicked on the "youtube" tag, it filtered the current note list from 4 notes down 1 note.>>


according to my post title "TAG feature it must improve for a SIMPLE USABILITY",

it should show me all notes related on tag "youtube" when i click on.

It's like tag clicked change in kinda hypertext link.


What I mean, i think it's pretty useful. I'll give u another example by a usercase:


I got 3 notes with  3 different "tag" and 1 "tag" is the same


Note with "cinema" "david lynch"

Note with  "music" "david lynch"

Note with "painting" "david lynch"


Now if i wanna have all notes relatad only on "david lynch" by pointing/clicking on the tag "david lynch" on the header bar this is not possible.


In general if I wrote down a lot of notes gotta the same few tag related in multicontext (cinema, music, painting etc..) evernote doesn't have a easy solution to show me in very fast way all notes on the tag I wanna clicking on.

The only solution is type for that tag.

In the solution that I suggest you, you get a browsing among ur notes like they were a website of notes!!! 

And you can have ur mind printed among ur note as a website!

Every thoughts is a little fragments in a note untied from the context.

I mean i dont wanna have a "add filter" i wanna have "show a/all note/s on filter tag name i clicked on"


Do u understand ?

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Instead when I try to add tag by tag on the search bar, evernote delete me the first tag I had typed.

On the search bar I wanna have something like tag1 tag2 but this is not possible.



For example,

I type the tag "science" and all notes about that tag, they are showed up.

Now when, on the same reaserch, I'll try to add the tag "neuroscienze" the tag "science" it's deleted!!!

Here is it the problem


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  • Level 5*

I'm just telling you how it works. There's no way to do exactly what you're asking for, so you will need to use a workaround.


If you want to show all notes that have a particular tag, you can:

* With the current note, Press F6, which clears the current note filter, but leaves the current note displaying. Now you can Shift+Click on the tag that you want

* With the current note, you can always remove tags from the search control by clicking on the 'x' in the corner when you hover over the tag. Remove tags until you get the one that you want

* Press F6, which clears the current seach, and start typing the tag name that you want: it will appear in the dropdown selector, where you can pick it

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the workaround it's only a way to bypass the problem, it's a bad solution in my opinion.


It's not for everyone. The usability teach: getting more done with less effort. I mean a usable product needs less effort and time for user's tasks that are more important than product's features, focusing on providing an all-round user experience in a very easy way.


You have to do all the steps u wrote down.

And u imagine if I have disabled or already busy the key from F1 to F12 this is not helpful or possible with ur solution. What r u gonna do?


It's a pity there's no way to do exactly what I'm asking for and there's anyone from evernote's team gets this as suggest like an input to improve this from a user that I highlighted this lack on the sw.

Don't u think?

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  • Level 5*

Feature requests are fine, or course. But feature requests aren't always implemented, as I would think you'd understand by now, and you're still left with what you're trying to accomplish. Fighting against a perfectly valid workaround that is actually pretty easy to do, and is available today, seems a bit silly. So in reality, you can either turn up your nose at the workaround, or just get on with things and use what's there.

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