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Could not Synchronize and could not email notes from Windows


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I could not Synchronize with my Windows PC's (one with Windows 7 and the other with Windows 8.1. Both computers have different access to internet. I could synchronize with my Iphone.  Here is a copy of the first lines of my activity log. 


Evernote for Windows (272632) Public

OS: Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1


Memory: 157MB

Created: 2014/11/06 06:26:42


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<bootstrap_info><profile name="Evernote"><settings account_email_domain="m.evernote.com" cardscanUrl="https://cscan.evernote.com/cardagain" enable_facebook_sharing="1" enable_gift_subscriptions="1" enable_linkedin_sharing="1" enable_shared_notebooks="1" enable_single_notesharing="1" enable_sponsored_accounts="1" enable_support_tickets="1" enable_twitter_sharing="1" marketing_url="http://evernote.com" service_host="www.evernote.com" support_url="https://evernote.com/contact/support/"/></profile></bootstrap_info>


06:25:56 [1660] 50% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT

06:25:56 [1804] 50% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT

06:25:56 [1804] 100% Emailed 0 notes, 1 note failed

06:25:57 [8452] 100% Can't send HTTP request, error: INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECT

06:25:57 [6152] Client synchronization finished, status: failed

06:25:57 [6152] * error: Could not connect to Evernote service

06:25:57 [6152] * elapsed time: 1s

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