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Mystery Untitled Clipped Notes

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I have been experiencing mysterious Evernote notes all sharing the title "Untitled Clipped Note." These notes have no content. 


I use Evernote on iPad, iPhone, MacBook Air (Yosemite), and a ScanSnap ix500. I keep Evernote and Safari open on my MacBook Air.


I'd like to quit deleting these phantom notes.



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  • Level 5*

Do you own a cat?  :D


Difficult to guess where these things are coming from if there's no information at all in the note.  Best you can do is check what apps you have given Evernote access permissions to - have a browse around the My Account page on Evernote.com - and see if you can marry up any times or dates...

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It turns out that a linked internet account was denying access to some program (most likely) or someone trying to hack in. For some reason every access attempt generated the Untitled Clipped Note. I changed the p/w on the linked account and the problem has ended.

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