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(Archived) Timeless Evernote ?

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Evernote is perfect for stuff you like to archive for eternity and probably never need to refer to. ;-)

And it is great for stuff to archive and refer to on a specific occasion.

But its suboptimal for stuff to archive, which you have to refer to within a given time period!

Aside from created and last modified, you should add another date/time field, that is user editable, not altered automatically by the client and be searchable with at, before, since, within etc. Shouldn't be a big thing to implement.

And there should be a popup in the GUI to populate this field with some common values, like today, tomorrow, next week, month, year etc.

I've read something about a SubjetDate field, but I couldn't find it in the Mac or web client, so it is probably not "official".

An autoreminder would be a nice addition, but frankly I could live comfortably with just running a saved search on this field every morning.


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I've read something about a SubjetDate field, but I couldn't find it in the Mac or web client, so it is probably not "official".

Subject date is there and editable in the Windows client (3.1), but it sounds like you're looking more for a to do/reminder type application like Remember The Milk rather than information storage?

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I've read something about a SubjetDate field, but I couldn't find it in the Mac or web client, so it is probably not "official".

Subject date is there and editable in the Windows client (3.1), but it sounds like you're looking more for a to do/reminder type application like Remember The Milk rather than information storage?

Pete248, Subject Date does exist in version win 3.1 but not win 3.5, at least so far. I was using it for exactly what you mention (specifically a tickler file with GTD).

Speedie -- If I was just picking up milk RTM would be fine, but I want to have notes put into my inbox on certain dates in the future, and the subject date is perfect for that.

I know 3.5 is beta but it is a little strange to just completely pull support for a data field without saying anything one way or the other. I'm hoping it was an oversight or they haven't gotten around to adding it yet, otherwise I'm stranded at 3.1.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late reply. I likely got lost with all the threads I've posted to. ;-)

Subject Date is not implemented in the Mac client - although you can access with via AppleScript. It is as well not implemented in the iPhone client.

I think user editable database fields should be accessible on all clients and not just on a few ones.

Probably Evernote can shed some light, whether this field had just be overlooked ;-), while developing the newer clients, or whether it is planned to abandon it in the future.


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I know 3.5 is beta but it is a little strange to just completely pull support for a data field without saying anything one way or the other. I'm hoping it was an oversight or they haven't gotten around to adding it yet

I'm hoping that, too. I archive emails into EN from Outlook & in 3.1, the subject date would be set to the date the email was sent. AFAIK, that is the only place the send date is stored.

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